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Bruce Wayne

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Everything posted by Bruce Wayne

  1. I got my print today, i just printed the bottom cover only. A lot of thanks @LIMA for sharing .stl files. It fits perfect i ordered PLA with 100% filling. Looks grate..thanks agin to lima.
  2. This one looks grate, thanks a lot. I try to print let see how it works.
  3. i receive phone from Fedex on 1.08.20 but today i received on message from Fedex stating like this You have a GST invoice of SGD $41.12 for Invoice 886119616.Please click https://www.fedex.com/payment for payment.For inquiries,email [email protected] To unsub-Reply UN to 85427068
  4. Hi, you have done awesome work.. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000419201477.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.410b4541N2cH0U&algo_pvid=a95b10b0-9d22-4dc9-b47c-5de5dab0f10d&algo_expid=a95b10b0-9d22-4dc9-b47c-5de5dab0f10d-27&btsid=0ab6d69515979734164406840e6c58&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ Try something frame less like this..so it will solve the hole and notch problem for side at least.. Thanks
  5. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000419201477.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.410b4541N2cH0U&algo_pvid=a95b10b0-9d22-4dc9-b47c-5de5dab0f10d&algo_expid=a95b10b0-9d22-4dc9-b47c-5de5dab0f10d-27&btsid=0ab6d69515979734164406840e6c58&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ Try This Frame less case .. at least it will reduce your work to cutout notches for Side. you only have to work for Top and bottom notch.. although it looks cool...
  6. That small black i also have...but touch and other things are working fine...till. OTG also not working...
  7. I feel very sorry for you @Lament after so long waiting...your facing this...I also faced some issues like touch not working but after software update and rebooting it working fine..but let see..
  8. I just now received from FedEx.. finally It is worth waiting. Products quality is very good. I am waiting for headphones. Thanks @Erik and Team Fx..πŸ‘
  9. Yess...just now fedex message received...thanks a lot..πŸ‘
  10. Hi guys any update on tracking details..?
  11. I just dont care...how much patience and understanding have to keep, i have doing this from last year..every time they have new excuse for delay. They must keep track of their contact...it is not customer responsibility..are they going to give anything extra. Or any discount to pre-orders for their support..nothing right.
  12. Yah what is point when they make statement we have allocated stock for your order..on.. July 6 and on july 24 they send mail stating that it will take next week to leave factory...it really feels like they think we are fools...or they are slapping themself by continued doing flase statement. Delay in delivery is different matter but this fx tec false communication is making this waiting more worse.
  13. But my question is why fx tech is unclear regarding to production and dispatch of devices. Is it really hard to find the status of manufacturing...these days...i mean in 20th century.....! Means a communication company takes weeks to track shipments status which is shipped by its own factory....just Because of panadamic...can anyone digest this reason...Fx tech is not just failed to deliver the device...but they are unable to send the shipping details too.
  14. Hope your every word come true....β˜ΊοΈπŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ‘
  15. Thanks bro, your right. But all excitement is actually over now.... anyways lets wait some more days..(hope this time days not convert in months....☺️☺️☺️)
  16. I have received mail on 6th July 2020 stating that "we have now allocated stock to your order, which is due to be shipped on Thursday/Friday this week" but still date no update...even after whole one year..still Fx Tec is not confident about the delivery.....i can understand they face many technical issues like bugs, screen leaks etc, after that production issues but they cant even do.. proper management of orders delivery. Should be done in systematic manner...so what is the point of pre-order.
  17. My order no is 1812X made payment in August 2019, now order no. 36XXX and 38XXX are getting deliverd can you explain what happened to my order...or ..may be Fx tech started delivery from last order first...may be this the reason all retailers and other orders getting deliverd first..
  18. Now I think probably everyone understands true reasons of delay.. It more disappointing because it feels Fx Tec considered pre-order taken for granted... Because for retailers they don't have excuses like, shipping problems, production issues and many more..
  19. Yes because Fx Tec are so professional.. they never mention proper date anywhere.. their all conversation like...Next week...mid of the month...end of the month ...or the new one... Thursday or Friday....but no one still know which Friday...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  20. Unexpected conditions like delivering devices to retailers..rather than pre-orders..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  21. I'm Sorry for your job. Hope situation get well soon. I accept pandemic is there, But I'm real angry on Fx Tec.. because Even people order after pre-order are getting deliveries, retailers also have the device but the pre order are still waiting...one year after making payment.
  22. Even After one year still they have so many excuses..
  23. I don't think Fx tech is fair from day one..with pre-orders.
  24. My order No. Is 1812X June 21, 2019..but still no delivery update..bro..
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