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Everything posted by SchattengestaIt

  1. @Jack T. Chance Exactly, the case you mentioned was hand-made from Jordi. I already gave it away to another forum user. I do think however that it's not too hard to make and Jordi might gives advice in case you need help.
  2. Something that might be interesting: I also had the issue with blurred images at far distances. Fascinatingly, after updating the device from LOS 16 to 18 (Android 9 to 11), the camera works fine again. I don't know the exact version I was running at but if you're encountering the same problem maybe a software update can help... Obviously, Android 11 brings new problems since apps aren't adapted to it yet.
  3. I'll have to open my phone at one point. You make it look relatively easy (opening it a couple times) so I'll probably do it sooner. That being said, I don't need the fingerprint sensor at all - I never use it. So if you won't get the sensor from FxTec, I'll send you mine. With the idea of adding a secondary USB-port (don't know yet if that's possible with USB C) I wouldn't need a defective replacement to cover the hole. However, it's entirely possible that I'll not open the phone until christmas so that's not a quick solution. Regarding the buttons: I don't think the but
  4. The numbers are edited into the pictures on the bottom right. The order is: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 Eske didn't message me so I guess @brunoais has reserved the first one. The other two are still available then.
  5. Hey there. After buying a used phone, I got three additional cases/pouches made from @Jordi but as a hardcore writer I sadly have no use for it. I'll give them away for free (you just pay the office fees) since they would just be laying around here. There are three cases which I'll attach pictures below. On the bottom right you'll see which number we're talking about. 1: magnetic flip case (an incredible piece of engineering!) 2: 'purse' pouch (landscape) 3: regular pouch (portrait) If you're interested, please write what case you want and message me then. I'm located in Ge
  6. I had the same behaviour while mostly having focus problems in low-light scenarios. I guess, that part of the issue is software-based, although I'm not sure if it's caused by LineageOS or the camera driver itself. I used LOS as well. However, having the option to manually focus makes it usable at least.
  7. Did this fix your problem or isn't the phone reassembled yet?
  8. I had similar issues that autofocus didn't work but they weren't as severe. My fix: install Open Camera, activate Camera API 2 and activate manual focus. Especially in dark conditions this really helps a lot.
  9. Make a landscape boot animation, rotate it with your favourite video editor and load it into your phone? That way it would be looking like landscape all the time...
  10. I've made the experience that shorter cables work better since the signal strength is better. Even the best cable won't work if it's 2m long.
  11. I've had the same issue, at times excessively. Ghost input was an issue as well. For me it was solved temporarily by updating the system OS (in my case LineageOS). Im think updating to Android 11 (?) solved it mostly, I only had these issues rarely again. It seems to be related to software load: the system is under load (i.e. some background process) and the keyboard recognition is stopped temporarily. When it starts again it checks for the time passed and believes that you pressed the key twice or longer. I was interested to prioritize the keyboard process above everything el
  12. My Pro1 had this as well. I didn't even consider this being some issue and I never noticed it in action. If it were a QWERTZ edition I'd buy it immediately.
  13. I used the idea of @EskeRahn (without a case) and it worked mostly. The usb port was so wrecked that even the adapter was wobbling a bit but I could get a connection mostly. After some days of adapting it wasn't that bad either so I'll use this idea for my next phone for sure. Why am I speaking of the future? Well, my phone was stolen two weeks ago so it won't matter anymore (I'll probably get back my money though). I've checked the shipping situation and it seems to be as bad as a year ago, used phones seem to be rare as well. So if I ever get a new Pro1, I'll use this method to keep the
  14. Thanks for your advice. I know magnetic chargers and I've used them for a year now for my devices at work (tablet, phone, handheld scanner). But for a device I use many hours of the day, I don't like the idea of something sticking out. Especially since the charging port is really badly placed if you use your phone horizontally (I do that 99.9% of the time, even when checking the weather or browsing pictures) so it's always in the way. I'd love to have two ports or one next to the power button.Your advice is still good though. As much as I hate it, I know that I will brake the port in the next
  15. Does FxTec sell separate usb ports or are they soldered to the main board? Mine seems to be dying due to frequent use (I work in field service, my phone is used as the navigation device and therefore connected 50% of the day). Would be great if I could buy 2-3 replacement ports since I always tend to break them very fast.
  16. Yes, I had indeed many problems with LOS 16 and focusing problems, especially in low light scenarios. I installed Open Camera, went to the advanced settings (I don't remember where you set it up) and used the manual focus for low light scenarios. I thought the fault was the hardware. Autofocus is still slow in low light, but definitely improved. But in very low light when it can't focus I'll still use the manual focus.
  17. I just want to inform you guys, that over two months later I actually updated my OS to LOS 17.1 with Android 10. I was fearing the update since last time I failed miserably and lost all my data. But the fear was unfounded, I didn't have to get confused with A/B slots and it was fast and easy. Now it's my first six hours with the new OS but I haven't had ANY issues so far. It really seems to be fixed now and the system is way more responsive as well (it's actually fascinating how fast it is). Time will tell if it will get slower over time but what I can definitely tell is that this is no h
  18. That's the thing. We aren't talking about bitcoin mining or that kind of power hungry processes, but of an open browser, Whatsapp or a 2D game I often play. Maybe it's a RAM issue instead. When I kill every other app (app drawer), the keyboard usually works fine. I noticed it quite clearly when I start the 2D game and switch apps while it's loading. It seems to save the current (loading) state in the background and this takes more resources (CPU or RAM) than the finalized loaded game. I've also observed it with copying 1GB of files from one part of the phone to the next one, but whenever
  19. @Slion There is no simple way to reproduce it. I've seen those problems happen in huge loads but that's not guaranteed either. What I do very often is to stop any process ii the back which helps a lot. That leads me to the thought that we are talking about a software problem. But you have to stop those processes manually or you have to restart them every time (when switching apps) if you disable background processfhgses (<--processes) in the developer menu. @jamescarruthers That really gives me hope... I'll definitely try updating it over the weekend. AOSP is the software that 'he
  20. How long did it take for them to replace it? As much as I understand many people haven't even received their phone yet so I don't expect them to hurry for replacement phones. I'd feel much more comfortable just opening it myself and maybe change some parts. Also it's strange that it mostly happens when the phone is under load, shouldn't it be a software issue then?
  21. Not yet (I'm on the latest LOS 16.x). But I could imagine that it's because of a fresh install? I'll see if I find the time to try it on the weekend. Is there a way to disable AOSP for the keyboard in order to remove any software activities while typing? (this way I'd hope to lower the frequency of the issues)
  22. Hello there, I've been using my Pro1 now for approximately four months and the input issues (ghost input) seems to get worse and worse. For some time I've been documenting the ghost input and it definitely shows a pattern (list below). It feels like somebody smashed my keyboard every now and then and it occurs very frequently that I have to write a word three times since ghost writing occurs repeatedly. Apart from ghost writing I have tab/alt keys pressed (tab+space is often enter/send since you get tabbed to the next button), key menu popup (í instead of i), missing keys or double s
  23. If you have access to the battery I'd check the voltage of it. But I don't expect him to dismantle his phone while being in warranty.
  24. Well they can't be connected, otherwise you'd have an entire plate passing through the device (which would waste quite a lot of space)...
  25. Thank you for the video. The hinge seems extremely fragile and the sliders seem to tilt very easily (since they can't be forced to stay parallel). Looks quite painful to watch, honestly... I wouldn't expect a manufacturer to sell a device with such a mechanism so that's why I expect a lot more delays before they actually produce it. On the other hand we had bending and exploding phones before, so why not one that breaks in half? (seriously, I imagine this being open while falling asleep (happens a lot with my Pro1) and accidentally laying on top of it. I couldn't imagine that the hinge woul
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