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Everything posted by jakfish

  1. That makes sense. I hadn't thought that they could've had a number of phones in tow. A kb slab easier to produce than a new design of clamshell or slider, for sure. But Planet does seem to have committed some unforced errors, starting with the sky-high price. I realize it's niche but costing over a USD grand, given the beta bugs of any new device...
  2. Absolutely agree. And all of the Unihertz phones are so reasonably priced. How do they do it? Just poked my head over at Planet's home page--even though they don't have them, they're still selling the Astro for $1043. Eeesh.
  3. EskeRahn: single-handedly keeping the world's economy intact 🙂 Though I bought the Gemini and Cosmo, I too passed on the Astro, both out of price and problems with the previous hardware. I don't regret it, as many Astro backers don't have their phones and may never will 😞
  4. Ah, I had not known you owned the Pocket as well. As for your investigative approach--while I had the SIM inserted in the Pocket, I had disabled its data for app updating, so I don't believe Google update could've updated through it. I did check the "mobile data usage" and saw that Play Store had only been accessed by wifi.
  5. @EskeRahn Wow. This is the first I've heard of this issue, and here you are, with it 😞 Upon investigation, I just found 11 updates on stock Android and went through a wifi-only update and all went well, every one. Nor have I seen any issues browsing on wifi. Granted, my experience was not based on 90+ waiting updates... I'm in the US, state of Maryland, using Verizon FiOS. I wonder if the Pocket uses slightly different internal hardware, though I can't imagine such a case.
  6. I've been using the Unihertz Titan Pocket since last Thursday, and I do believe I'm sold. The 3.1" screen takes getting used to, but Unihertz has thrown in a bunch of customizations, from display resizing to key remapping. It's perhaps too thick and heavy for its size, but I knew that going in, and the kb itself is very manageable. Fast enough CPU for my needs, long battery life, and good support over at Discord, whose members have found prompt response and delivery of replacement parts from Unihertz. Most gratifying is when you pay for the phone, it's actually delivered. I had not been f
  7. Many, many thanks, and congrats on the strong battery, despite its drawer banishment 🙂 In the meantime, in a Unihertz custom ROM discord forum, the moderator's comments convinced me to pull the trigger on the cheaper, smaller Titan Pocket. I was skeptical at first, but he was kind enough to install TextMaker and post a screenie (I'm a TM fan) and it looked good in the square screen. He owns both the Pocket and the Slim and said for doc editing, the Pocket was the way to go. Media display, given the P's screen size, obviously tougher, but I use a phone for phone and writing, and mostl
  8. My apologies for necro-bumping, but I'm giving the Titan Slim some serious thought, and I was hoping to check back with folks who have now owned it for a while. My scouring of on-line reviews tells me you get what you pay for: modest price = mediocre camera, antiquated cpu and Android version (though I've found Lineage for Titan), and a plastic body. I'm no power user so I can live with such drawbacks. My main question is "how to map a TAB key?" Is that possible? The Slim's shortcuts seem more app-oriented than actual remapped keys. @EskeRahn's post seems to tell me no true remapping
  9. Over in fxtec pro1x discord forum, a post-er says a beta tester just uploaded results that might entail a software workaround for these hardware difficulties. Best to remain skeptical, but I do want to see where this goes.
  10. I've been brooding about this since angst is telling me that given PC and fx woes, this may be the end of any new physical kb phone production. I was startled to read that PC only had 3000 Astros to produce. PC's buggy hardware, poor Linux development, and spotty customer service made me shy away from backing the Astro, but I was stupidly certain that others would not be so wary. I'm no entrepreneur, but 3000 strikes me as a why-bother number. And I don't know the ultimate production figures of the pro1x, but it appears to be on the edge of well-we-tried. Production outside of China, whil
  11. Certainly for the Planet Gemini and Cosmo, both of which I purchased, PC always discussed in their updates about their China trips and stays. I didn't back the Astro so I'm not certain they kept up their traveling. It's so hard to tell what is just bad luck--Covid--and simple self-made folly.
  12. Anecdotally, it would appear that non-Chinese entrepreneurs are much more likely to be SOL than folks from Hong Kong or mainland China. I've purchased kit from GPD and OneNetbook and have 100% shipping/receiving success, and well within the timeframe of a crowd-funded project. Being off-site, as in residing in another country, appears not be a great idea for entrepreneurship, and the fact that Planet Computer--already with two projects funded and shipped--couldn't overcome the difficulties does not bode for future projects anywhere but in HK/China.
  13. As an addendum: even if the holes were cut correctly, I doubt any adhesive tape could safely hold anything as heavy as a Pro1x.
  14. @Hook @Tim6263 -- yeah, that's the same one I have. I wrote it up here in another thread, which I can't find. Long story short: the camera hole is cut on the wrong side; if you fastened it down according to the instructions, you would have to use the kb with the open cover in front of the kb, rather than at the back of the phone (and out of the way). That said, I use it with the phone unfastened to the case, simply for protection when traveling, and I'm glad I bought it. Sleek and minimal.
  15. Ah, you're a brave soul to put tech in your back pocket. My tech would just fall to the sidewalk.
  16. Yup, that about looks like mine. Apparently, we both attended the same School of Xacto and we must've left early🙂 As for my auxiliary black case, I just use that for protection when I throw it in the car, etc. The phone isn't fastened to it. I don't have room in my pants pockets for wallet, daily driver, and the Pro1x.
  17. @Hook I have same case and my xacto hacking of it is equally primitive. But it stays on and I never take it off. I couple it with this case: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08N3ZHT3R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Which I don't use for anything other than quick-release transportation.
  18. @rlpowell Hi, where are you located? I have similar troubles in Maryland, USA, TMo.
  19. Yes, I have sufficient bars--at times, more than @Hook so that doesn't seem to be the issue. There has been discussion that an inconsistent band lock (bands jumping from 4 to 12 or whatever) may be the culprit, but I don't believe anything is definitive. And I also don't believe that the OS choice has anything to do with telephony. Further complicating a found solution is that GSM is still available for TMo users (though next April, it's discontinued), so successful calls may hinge on a GSM default. Hook and I played with many scenarios, and other than his continued calling success, and m
  20. Depends on asking me or @Hook :) He's close by me in the US/Tmo, and makes successful calls. I can not on TMo. Unfortunately, I think my results are the majority's results.
  21. @doubleddav Many thanks for your thorough, if not bleak, overview of the beta progress. I don't know how that Discord user is generating these better results. The user is in US/Massachusetts, using TMo. Could you post your country/carrier, and would you say that the beta produces no change in your own 1x calling/.data issues?
  22. A user over on Discord says things are much improved with beta image 2.1.6/TMobile connection: "it's crazy having phone calls work" Can anybody else verify this positive news? Edit: incorrect version number.
  23. @claude0001 I think we all agree that the Pro1x--as a working phone--is a colossal disappointment, at least in the US. @Hook is the one of the few that can make actual calls (and I believe there's a California user on Discord who can still call on AT&T, despite AT&T's threat to cut her off). @brunoais re: data drops. I get them all the time in the US state of Maryland. I just sit tight and it soon comes back. It's God's way of telling me I'm spending too much time on-line.
  24. @Hook @brunoais I absolutely agree with your approach, but feel guilty doing so--I bought from expansys.hk, received the phone after only modest hassle. and already knew it wouldn't work as a phone. So I was spared the heartache of a original backer. Aside from my angst, the Pro1x can truly be a stand-alone HPC. Before, I traveled with a GPD MPC, an admirable device, but the Pro1x is even more portable, especially with its--albeit buggy--mobile data. In light of its sales on expansys.hk, a Planet Computer Astro backer (phone unreceived as of yet) informed me that PC sold a multitude
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