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Everything posted by jakfish

  1. @lycancatt I'm sorry to hear of your screen travails and hope your repair person can fix things. On a brighter note, it would appear that you're successfully making/receiving phone calls in the US. Would that be correct, do you have proper connectivity?
  2. @Hook And thank you too for weighing in. The "fastboot oem enable-charger-screen" apparently is default in the Pro1x since I did not use that command and was still able to conjure the charging screen with its filling battery icon and percentage.
  3. @Name_not_avail What an incredibly helpful post. I can't thank you enough for the time you took to put it together. I already had adb set up on a Linux machine, so I was able to skip the Windows-specific steps, but your subsequent commands indeed allow the Pro1x to charge off-line. Upon a USB-C connection, the red light now comes on briefly, the machine does not boot, instead producing only a filling battery icon and percentage. I would hope to see your answer stickied someplace as it is clear and thorough. Again, many, many thanks. Fingers crossed that LOS will soon produce the
  4. @Name_not_avail --okay, I respect the urgency. If the stock is set to "fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0" then what is the counter command? And is this done through adb? I have not yet examined the phone through adb commands so any pointers would be helpful. Thanks.
  5. Wait, which issue are we talking about now? (So many to choose from). Are we talking about fingerprinter refreshing a given screen? Or are we talking about over-sensitive inadvertent touches minimizing windows or starting other apps? My "Odd..." comment was in reference to the latter, though I think you're referring to the former, and FWIW, I can replicate dialog bubbles on both TC and TM.
  6. With Pro1 remaining off? Good news, I guess.
  7. Moreover, I can replicate the fingerprint issue with Pro1x/Stock/Chrome. Am I understanding the bug correctly: in Chrome, if you touch the fingerprint sensor, the screen refreshes? The one good thing, it doesn't seem to return you to the top of the page--there's a refresh but my spot is still marked. I hadn't noticed this since I always browse with open kb. My bone to pick is screen touches, no matter how careful, often reduce Chrome and other programs, or even start apps whose icons are on the home screen.
  8. Though I don't run LOS, I do follow all things fxtec, and I can replicate the offline charging issue with current Stock: Pro1x off, pc/usb connect (for slow charge, to preserve battery), connection boots phone. Phone still connected, shutdown, immediate reboot. Weird, but I have to admit, of all the issues facing the Pro1x...
  9. @HookOther than the obvious difference b/w Android 11 and 13, do you notice a difference in hardware responses? For instance, when I'm scrolling in Pro1x/Stock, just the slightest inadvertent touch sends the window to minimize or even opens another app. I know it's my touches that do this, since the Pro1x scrolls fine with the kb, but I don't find this problem with my Pixel 4a and was wondering if you've found a similar issue/remedy in current Lineage. In stock Android, EdgeNull does nothing, if it is indeed an issue of inadvertent presses at the screen's edge.
  10. I agree. Over at Discord, I sent up a couple of flares to Casey, hoping he would post at least a direction for the testing. But the last thing I've heard is their folks can't replicate the problem, so what would be the point of beta-testing if the issue is only ours?
  11. Nah, my 4a is 4G only. But it is on TMo. Now you've got me wondering if I should try a non-TMo sim 🙂
  12. Trying to replicate @Hook 's nearby success, yesterday, I stuck my Pixel 4a sim card into the 1x, seemed to stick to Band 4 (which I had not done before), and I still couldn't reliably make/receive calls. Oh, boy...
  13. I agree, it would be initially expensive. OTH, it could have been ultimately cost-effective, given the lack of testing has made US market rather off-limits for the Pro1x. I think Planet Computer made the same decision about the Gemini/Cosmo, and the phones ended up having a lot of trouble with Verizon. (TMo pretty much worked.) I've had to abandon my own efforts to make the 1x a daily in the US East Coast. Within the same hour, I couldn't make a wifi call and I couldn't receive an incoming call despite my GSM setting. @Hook seems to be the last US caller standing. He can make p
  14. @Hook and I, both residents in East Coast, mid-Atlantic states, have spent time extensively testing the calling issues with the Pro1x in the United States. Our testing number is: 408-647-4636 The test center allows you to record/play messages and will also test your connection by immediately playing back your voice. It appears the news is not good. The only successful US network for Pro1x calling is GSM. Any other choice (eg: LTE, VoLTE) will result in call failure—no connection, dropped call, or inability to hear caller. This failure is persistent. In T-Mobile’s Preferred Netwo
  15. I agree: it's not ideal. I don't think the developers have abandoned the project, the rub is that fxtec have very little resources in the US, so they don't seem to be able to reproduce the problem. I don't know why, I've read posts from Europe complaining about the same thing. And why fxtec didn't fly one employee to the US with a handful of SIM cards and a rental car to drive and test across the country is beyond me, considering the size of the market here. Do try the GSM only setting in Preferred Networks--with wifi calling disabled--just to see if that improves call reception.
  16. @Hook has found that if you receive a call, and the caller cannot hear you, put the phone on speaker, and that may fix it. From there, there's a chance you can take off speaker and the caller can hear you normally. But this does not always work and I am struggling with dropped calls and dead spaces of phone calls that do stay connected. For me, the Pro1x does well with T-Mobile wifi calling in the US. But such a workaround can bind you to your home router--or a portable router, as another user here employs. There are many possible reasons for these problems and all of them are myste
  17. Using Pro1x and Tmobile, about 90 minutes away @Hook , I'm having more trouble than he is with dropped calls on LTE. Wifi calling works well, both calling and receiving, but LTE is problematic--phone rings, I pick up, the call can drop to the point of disconnection, or there's a blank period when caller cannot hear me or vice versa. OTH, the gps is hanging in there. If the data is dropping packets, Waze has already downloaded enough to keep me on-route, and police/traffic warnings seem to be in real time.
  18. @Hook has walked me through a weird workaround, so far effective in Maryland, USA/TMobile. As follows: Caller couldn't hear me. Put caller on speaker. Caller could hear me. Took caller off speaker. Caller could hear me. Called caller back, not on speaker. Caller could hear me. Hook also advised, in Preferred Network settings, to use: LTE/TDSCDMA/CDMA/EvDo/GSM/WCDMA This success is all LTE; wifi calling has been disabled. Data, anecdotally, seems fine. Haven't tried gps. But I'm going to try Pro1x as daily driver for next few days to see what I can see.
  19. Must be nice to make successful phone calls.
  20. Planet Computer jacks up to similar prices for batt replacement in the Gemini and Cosmo. AND you have to send the phones to London; they won't mail just the battery. My Gem and Cos molder in a drawer.
  21. @sequestris I hadn't known that the original Pro also has call issues. After a minute of experimenting, I stopped using the Pro1x as a phone, but I knew the problems before buying. I admire you for hanging in there; it sounds as if it's still your daily. Would that be right?
  22. No. And for test purposes, I just installed Google Pay (which I don't normally use) w/o complaint. My Store error for netflix is "This app won't work on your device" If so, I don't know why Prime installs w/o problem.
  23. I found the same issue: stock, unrooted Android; default unlocked boot; and the one app unavailable on PlayStore was netflix
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