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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I was looking at capabilities of the F(x)tec Pro1's video camera. Here are my thoughts: At first I thought there was no way to record video in any framerate but 29.97 (which TVs use all the time), since Open Camera couldn't get me genuine 60fps. And installing another app to look at a default camera's video's info shown me an oddball 29.46fps I later discovered a setting in Snapdragon camera that allows you to record in 120fps, and either keep it that way natively or slow it down to quarter speed. But why, if we can record 30fps and 120fps, can't we record 60fps?
  2. Hello everyone, Messing around with my pro1 since yesterday, having fun so far. i was browsing the settings for the snapdragon camera app and i found the toggle "Space shoot" i can't find anything about it on google, anyone know it's function? Also when i first used the app it showed a preview of previously made photo's in the lower left corner (in portraitmode) but now i don't see it anymore. To check if i made a decent picture i have to go to google photo's manually, is there a setting i missed/changed or do i have to link a gallery app to the camera app somehow.
  3. Has anyone experienced the rear camera (and flashlight) just quitting? I did drop it the other day but the camera was still working afterwards. Then without any notice it just stopped working; the flashlight tile in the quick settings is also greyed out :(. If anyone has any thoughts on how to figure out whether this is a hardware or a software issue I'll be much obliged. I've already tried re-flashing lineage os test build 11 (in case it was a bug of some sort), but to no avail. (I was just getting around to making this my daily driver :() Next stop I will probably go back to stoc
  4. My Snapdragon camera has more issues than the early settlers of Australia. I got 3 great photo's out of the camera now it just shows black with icons. Also shuts down with errors, not responding. I have cleared the cache but not data. I cannot find Snapdragon Camera on google play. If I delete it I am not sure where to re-install it from. Other camera app 'A Better Camera' is not giving good photo's
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