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Scandinavian qwerty please

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@eskerahn: Can you contact them to let them know about the problem? They’ve told us that we can pre-order and hold that pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order. I’m only buying QWERTY phones, but I would like to place a pre-order for a second phone at the pre-order price so that I have the option of completing the order after I’ve had a chance to use the first phone I ordered.



Yup, already escalated it. :)

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You know my story. Cancelled my preorder when they Said no Scandi. Now scandi will be available later on. Should I preproder again or wait since I can’t select scandi. Would be so much rasket if we had a scandi option.


I have also sent a mail indirectly about this. Let's see what they reply today.




@eskerahn: Can you contact them to let them know about the problem? They’ve told us that we can pre-order and hold that pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order. I’m only buying QWERTY phones, but I would like to place a pre-order for a second phone at the pre-order price so that I have the option of completing the order after I’ve had a chance to use the first phone I ordered.


lol, sounds like the Support Team is getting a lot of similar questions from both you and me at the moment. But I also don't feel sorry for them, because they could just come in here and tell us straight out on their own forum.

Yup, already escalated it. :)



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You know my story. Cancelled my preorder when they Said no Scandi. Now scandi will be available later on. Should I preproder again or wait since I can’t select scandi. Would be so much rasket if we had a scandi option.

I have also sent a mail indirectly about this. Let’s see what they reply today.




I wonder if they actually told us this:

@eskerahn: Can you contact them to let them know about the problem? They’ve told us that we can pre-order and hold that pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order. I’m only buying QWERTY phones, but I would like to place a pre-order for a second phone at the pre-order price so that I have the option of completing the order after I’ve had a chance to use the first phone I ordered.

or it is just our own assumptions/deductions/hopes? I have tried to browse ttrough the comments and haven't found this.


What they HAVE told us is that we can hold already existing pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order.


But if we can not make new pre-orders it means that those already paid can not go back and wait for a possible Scandinavian layout if they would like to, but would have to just cancel and buy for the new price IF a Scandinavian layout will become available.

I hope we can have an official comment on this.

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I have also sent a mail indirectly about this. Let’s see what they reply today.


lol, sounds like the Support Team is getting a lot of similar questions from both you and me at the moment. But I also don’t feel sorry for them, because they could just come in here and tell us straight out on their own forum.


My latest conversation:


[attachment file=32734]


[attachment file=32735]



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I wonder if they actually told us this:


@eskerahn: Can you contact them to let them know about the problem? They’ve told us that we can pre-order and hold that pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order. I’m only buying QWERTY phones, but I would like to place a pre-order for a second phone at the pre-order price so that I have the option of completing the order after I’ve had a chance to use the first phone I ordered.

or it is just our own assumptions/deductions/hopes? I have tried to browse ttrough the comments and haven’t found this.


What they HAVE told us is that we can hold already existing pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order.


But if we can not make new pre-orders it means that those already paid can not go back and wait for a possible Scandinavian layout if they would like to, but would have to just cancel and buy for the new price IF a Scandinavian layout will become available.


I hope we can have an official comment on this.


I was referring to this email exchange: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/scandinavian-qwerty-please/page/3/#post-32480



The price for your already placed pre-order will not change, even if it's unpaid. This will only affect new orders placed after 1 week. You can pay your existing pre-order anytime you are able to -- there's no time limit on that."



So how do we translate that reply?


1) Existing pre-orders will not have their price changed, even if it is unpaid.

2) The price change will only affect orders placed after 1 week from when that email was sent.

3) There is also no time limit on when you can pay for an existing pre-order.


So I guess the question is whether (2) means that "orders" placed before the 1 week price increase will be at the original price, or if "pre-orders" *and* "orders" placed before the 1 week price increase will be at the original price. I took it as the latter, but I can see how it could be taken as the former too. I was *assuming* that we are still in the pre-order state. Why? Because if you try to go through the process on the website "Shop", it is called a "Pre-Order", multiple times.


1) F(x)tec PRO¹ Pre-order

2) $693.65 This item will be released at a future date.

3) Be one of the first to pre-order your Pro1 today.

4) "Pre-Order Now" button


After added to cart:


5) Product listed as "F(x)tec PRO¹ Pre-order - QWERTY KEYBOARD, Black" and "Available: at a future date"

6) TOTAL $704.34 charged at a future date (includes $45.34 MN State Tax)


After "Proceed to checkout" button is clicked:


7) Number (5) duplicated.

8) Number (6) duplicated

9) "Place Pre-Order Now" button.



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I was referring to this email exchange: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/scandinavian-qwerty-please/page/3/#post-32480


The price for your already placed pre-order will not change, even if it’s unpaid. This will only affect new orders placed after 1 week. You can pay your existing pre-order anytime you are able to — there’s no time limit on that.”


So how do we translate that reply?


1) Existing pre-orders will not have their price changed, even if it is unpaid.

2) The price change will only affect orders placed after 1 week from when that email was sent.

3) There is also no time limit on when you can pay for an existing pre-order.


So I guess the question is whether (2) means that “orders” placed before the 1 week price increase will be at the original price, or if “pre-orders” *and* “orders” placed before the 1 week price increase will be at the original price. I took it as the latter, but I can see how it could be taken as the former too. I was *assuming* that we are still in the pre-order state. Why? Because if you try to go through the process on the website “Shop”, it is called a “Pre-Order”, multiple times.


1) F(x)tec PRO¹ Pre-order

2) $693.65 This item will be released at a future date.

3) Be one of the first to pre-order your Pro1 today.

4) “Pre-Order Now” button


After added to cart:


5) Product listed as “F(x)tec PRO¹ Pre-order – QWERTY KEYBOARD, Black” and “Available: at a future date”

6) TOTAL $704.34 charged at a future date (includes $45.34 MN State Tax)


After “Proceed to checkout” button is clicked:


7) Number (5) duplicated.

8) Number (6) duplicated

9) “Place Pre-Order Now” button.




Yeah, but it does not say that we can make new pre-orders. It only talks about "existing pre-orders" and "new orders".


But confusingly clicking Buy, they still call it "pre-orders", but as you only seem to be allowed to complete those with a pay (thus making it an order). I suspect it is simply a textual slip.


(I have already pointed out this to the staff, and I hope they will either allow for new pre-orders or change the texts)

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"The price for your already placed pre-order will not change, even if it’s unpaid. This will only affect new orders placed after 1 week. You can pay your existing pre-order anytime you are able to — there’s no time limit on that."




Yeah, but it does not say that we can make new <span class="gdbbx-bbcode-underline" style="text-decoration: underline;">pre-</span>orders. It only talks about “existing pre-orders” and “new orders“.


But confusingly clicking Buy, they still call it “pre-orders”, but as you only seem to be allowed to complete those with a pay (thus making it an order). I suspect it is simply a textual slip.


<span class="gdbbx-bbcode-font-color" style="color: #CCCCCC">(I have already pointed out this to the staff, and I hope they will either allow for new pre-orders or change the texts)</span>


For a moment I was hoping I could actually make my second preorder like I was originally planning and pay it bit later when I had the funds. Seems thats not the case, and my second discount coupon has expired anyway.


So much for getting a second/backup pro1.

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Personally, I'd buy a second one with scandi layout if I feel that I'm satisfied with my currently pre-ordered qwertz phone. So let us know if these plans will actually happen, I'm sure you can get some of us to buy a second phone.. :)


I've used key remapping on both Samsung Galaxy Relay 4G and BlackBerry priv before, and that works pretty well as long as the key labels are fairly similar on average. I have a hunch that FinQwerty will be available for this phone as well (but yes, it's just my speculation).


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For a moment I was hoping I could actually make my second preorder like I was originally planning and pay it bit later when I had the funds. Seems thats not the case, and my second discount coupon has expired anyway.


If your discount coupon has expired, you can send an e-mail to F(x)tec Customer Team, they will reactivate your coupon :-)


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I sent an e-mail to support and asked to be put on hold for the Scandic version. I have waited since the Livermorium/Moto Z hassle, what's another 3 months, right?


My only gripe is that I already paid, and with Debit. I just hope I will eventually get the phone and not be left with a 500€ hole in my wallet :/ Lot's of uncertainties, but patience is the key here.

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I’ve used key remapping on both Samsung Galaxy Relay 4G and BlackBerry priv before, and that works pretty well as long as the key labels are fairly similar on average. I have a hunch that FinQwerty will be available for this phone as well (but yes, it’s just my speculation).


I can say that it is beyond speculation :-D

I'm currently in dialogue with Anssi Hannula (The brain behind FinQWERTY), and has already had an early version that make Danish on the shifted US QWERTY much better than the android default available as stock. 8-)


He is even preparing the needed adjustments to use it based on the unshifted QWERTZ as well.

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Hi, author of the FinQwerty app here.


Adding support for Pro1 is indeed the plan, and we checked with Eske that remapping works on the current firmware version.


Here is a page with the current drafts for Scandinavian remaps for the stock US QWERTY and DE QWERTZ layouts:



Feel free to comment :)

At this point I'm most interested on opinions on the "major" remappings, i.e. where to put åäöæø and where to move the characters they replace.

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Hi, author of the FinQwerty app here.


Adding support for Pro1 is indeed the plan, and we checked with Eske that remapping works on the current firmware version.


Here is a page with the current drafts for Scandinavian remaps for the stock US QWERTY and DE QWERTZ layouts:




Feel free to comment :)


At this point I’m most interested on opinions on the “major” remappings, i.e. where to put åäöæø and where to move the characters they replace.


Currently they layouts are made so the two letters immediate to the right of P and L are correct. But the letter two positions right of L (that is Ä in Swedish) is the problem, as this position physically is Enter on the shifted qwerty. So the two most oblivious possibilities are to re-purpose the physical Del key of full height, and move the Del function to the "=" left of Backspace OR to move the Ä to the reduced height "=" even further from it's standard position.


We have also been experimenting with a non-shifted US QWERTY layout for the DE QWERTZ physical layout. I would not be surprised to see that as a popular option...

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Hi, author of the FinQwerty app here.


Adding support for Pro1 is indeed the plan, and we checked with Eske that remapping works on the current firmware version.


Here is a page with the current drafts for Scandinavian remaps for the stock US QWERTY and DE QWERTZ layouts:




Feel free to comment :)


At this point I’m most interested on opinions on the “major” remappings, i.e. where to put åäöæø and where to move the characters they replace.


This is absolutely amazing! But for now I will wait and see if they will move on with their plans for SCANDI-qwerty or not.

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Looks good! I can't find a single thing I want to change with the QWERTZ version of Swedish. But it sure does look as scandi users really want the QWERTZ version, from a layout perspective. Let's see how comfy it is to type with QAZ so far to the left though. :)

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