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Direct Emails from fxtec that I have been authorized to share.

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There is a conflict between that email and what
is stating. Leaving the factory in 1-2 weeks, on the way to the fulfillment centers, is not necessarily the same as being ready to ship to customers in 1-2 weeks. The gap here is how long it takes to get from the factory to the fulfillment centers (both in transit time and customs hold time). If, for instance, it takes the slow boat from China to the USA, then that could be the middle of November before it hits the USA. If customs holds it for a few days and the fulfillment center takes a few days to package it for delivery, then it could be closer to the end of November before it reaches customers. If the phones are sent overnight from China to the USA (and other countries), then it could be a much different timeline.


As far as I know, the stock would be transported to our warehouses with an express courier service such as DHL, therefore the shipment would only take around 3 days to reach the US and the EU from the manufacturing facility in China. The only thing that could delay transportation would be customs clearance, but that doesn’t usually take more than 3 days even if it’s delayed.


So if we put together the email plus this added information about courier time and customs, we have, as a theoretical
worst case
, for early pre-orders:


– Leaving the Chinese factory on 10/15


– 3 days transport time to the USA and EU = 10/18


– 3 days in customs = 10/21


– 1 day transport from customs to fulfillment center = 10/22 (added this as a guess)


– 3 days packaging at the fulfillment center = 10/25 (added this as a guess)


– 3 days transport time from the fulfillment center to the customer if in the same country (USA to USA, EU to EU) = 10/28 in customer’s hands


If we look at best case:


– Leaving the Chinese factory on 10/8


– 3 days transport time to the USA and EU = 10/11


– 0 days in customs = 10/11


– 1 day transport from customs to fulfillment center = 10/12


– 1 day packaging at the fulfillment center = 10/13


– 1 day transport time from the fulfillment center to the customer if in the same country and either close to the fulfillment center or they send it overnight = 10/14


If all that is correct, we’re looking at another 11 to 25 days from today (10/3/2019).

You have a lot of time on your hands lol.


Regardless it’s sad that we have to piece this info together ourselves from different sources, not to mention it all means nothing and is subject to change. Until we have tracking numbers, nothing is certain


NOTE: Somehow my reply got put as a quote to the wrong source message. I'll try this again. I can see my original message in this editing window, so I don't see how it will get mixed up again.



Well, throw all that out the window.




“We will start shipping to you from the 29th of October.”


Whether that means shipping from fulfillment centers to customers or factory to fulfillment center isn’t clear. Since he says “to you,” if we take it literally, then it should be from fulfillment centers to customers.

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This new shipping date leaves some questions regarding the batches which were previously mentioned. Assuming the first batch is really done and it only needs the license approvals, have you decided to merge the batches in terms of delivery or may some devices ship earlier than the given date? It's safe to assume that around the end of October there will be more than the first batch ready after all.

But especially since these devices only lack the software licensing, what makes you so confident to give us such an exact estimate? I'm assuming the time frame needed for the license approvals is pretty much up in the air and could take longer or in the worst case, be rejected. It's an external factor.

On the other hand, if these approvals come in early, will there be any earlier shipments or are you dead-set on October 29th now?


The communication has improved and I applaud that. But I'm unsure where the confidence for this date comes from if you consider what's one of the hold-ups.

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No matter if we get the phones in middle october or early november, please at least change the text for new buyers on the shop site:

"Order your Pro1 today. Shipping globally is estimated to be early October 2019."


Also, some communication per mail (didn't receive any since the purchase) or the account window would be great. With communication, people will understand.

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We prioritise based on the 2 factors below:


1. Indiegogo Moto Mod backers

2. Order in which the payment was complete



as EU customer, I kindly ask, that you prioritize EU customers as long as

1. the hard brexit is still possible and

2. you ship in October.

I hope you make sure to ship to EU in October, even if we need an immediate software update.


I am a backer and have paid 11 hours after receiving the e-mail, so I should be quite early anyway, but I am concerned, that after brexit German customs need a lot of time to process all UK Products and charge me an additional 19% VAT.

IANAL, but perhaps you could just bring the phones across the channel in October and ship it from there.



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perhaps you could just bring the phones across the channel in October and ship it from there.


We do not know where this "EU fulfilment warehouse" is located. But let us hope it is in say Ireland. Perhaps to the north...

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perhaps you could just bring the phones across the channel in October and ship it from there.

We do not know where this “EU fulfilment warehouse” is located. But let us hope it is in say Ireland. Perhaps to the north…


I dont't think Brexit will happen anytime soon, but not UK would make sense at the moment.

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Shipment in case of a hard brexit would mean a 24% addition of VAT and add an additional 155€ to the price of the phone. Hope it doesn't come to that, but it would really suck.Well we have less than a month now to find out how things go.

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Shipment in case of a hard brexit would mean a 24% addition of VAT and add an additional 155€ to the price of the phone. Hope it doesn’t come to that, but it would really suck.Well we have less than a month now to find out how things go.


You only pay the tax applicable when you purchase an item not when it ships. (except customs import duty ofc)

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Shipment in case of a hard brexit would mean a 24% addition of VAT and add an additional 155€ to the price of the phone. Hope it doesn’t come to that, but it would really suck.Well we have less than a month now to find out how things go.

You only pay the tax applicable when you purchase an item not when it ships. (except customs import duty ofc)


Example 1. The client does not have a Finnish business ID and indirect representation is used. In this case, the indirect representative is also responsible for the VAT on importation and any subsequent taxation.


Importing from outside EU would mean any imported products need to have VAT paid. Mobile phones are except of customs fees when importing from outside of EU to Finland. I think you can request tax excemption from the UK but as the product is already paid not sure how it would go. Guess this would be least of our problems if Brexit happens :)


https://tulli.fi/tullilaskuri?current=region&goods-id=74&region-id=3&currency-id=1 (In Finnish tho)


Btw, missed Eriks response earlier, thnx @EskeRahn. But if there's a hard brexit, then things get interesting.

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