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PRO1, LineageOS 16.0 Official Builds: Discussion

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17 hours ago, Slion said:

I'm assuming it still does not have proper dark theme support and built-in gesture navigations which to me are major motivations for switching to LOS

Sorry, I do not know anything about that. I am no Android power-user, I just want the OS to run the few apps I need to make it through the day. LOS 16 fulfils that requirement.

I compile the upstream LOS 16 sources following the instructions in the LineageOS wiki. The only modification I do locally is to enable AGPS.

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I am pleased to announce that the Pro1 has received official support in LineageOS 16.0.   You can find the builds and installation instructions on the official LineageOS Downloads page.

Lineage recovery will offer to install from sdcard if, and only if, a physical sdcard is present and it is able to be read without any decryption (eg. it is not used as adoptable storage).  

In my opinion LineageOS 16 was a very important OS for the Pro1 that brought the best out of the device at a moment when stock couldn't (yet) . Although not a developer, I can well imagine it also bro

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On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

For the case anyone else still has interest in LineageOS 16.0, I've made them available here:


Build 20210922 is available. It includes the September 5 AOSP security fixes.

As of this release, the build includes a backported patch, originally made by @Slion for LOS 18.1, which allows one to use "Fn-Tab" and "Alt-Tab" equivalently for switching Apps (see this thread). I find that feature really useful when holding the Pro1 by the keyboard.

I have used that modified keyboard driver for weeks without issues. Still, be warned that this code has not been merged into any official LOS branch yet, and should thus be considered experimental. 


I think I should clarify: the driver included here corresponds to @Slion's "patchset 7" in 315155, i.e. the version before "modifier passthrough" was introduced. I follow the discussions around improving the keyboard driver in LOS 18.1, but will probably backport to 16.0 only what seems useful to me personally ...

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7 hours ago, claude0001 said:

Build 20210922 is available. It includes the September 5 AOSP security fixes.

As of this release, the build includes a backported patch, originally made by @Slion for LOS 18.1, which allows one to use "Fn-Tab" and "Alt-Tab" equivalently for switching Apps (see this thread). I find that feature really useful when holding the Pro1 by the keyboard.

I have used that modified keyboard driver for weeks without issues. Still, be warned that this code has not been merged into any official LOS branch yet, and should thus be considered experimental. 


I think I should clarify: the driver included here corresponds to @Slion's "patchset 7" in 315155, i.e. the version before "modifier passthrough" was introduced. I follow the discussions around improving the keyboard driver in LOS 18.1, but will probably backport to 16.0 only what seems useful to me personally ...

Maybe you can try this... I just uploaded it and will merge to 18.1 in a few days after I clean it up a bit.



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1 hour ago, daniel.schaaaf said:

Will changes to 18.1 automatically integrate into the 17.1 code?

No, don't think so. Also the device-specific code has distinct branches for 16.0, 17.1, and 18.1.

That patch of @tdm is proposed against 18.1. So if it is accepted, it will be only in there.

Currently the driver in 18.1 is still (almost?) the same as in 16.0 and 17.1 so backporting the patch to your local 17.1 tree should be trivial. That may change in the future, as there are several proposals for improving the keyboard driver in 18.1.

I am loosely following that development, but almost certainly will not backport everything to 16.0, as I am in fact quite happy with the current low-level behaviour of my keyboard, even in complex use-cases (RDP) ...

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

For the case anyone else still has interest in LineageOS 16.0, I've made them available here:


Uploaded my LOS 16.0 build dated 20211017. AOSP patchlevel of October 2021. Contains a version of @Slion's experimental "Fn-Tab-as-Alt-Tab" mod as discussed above.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

For the case anyone else still has interest in LineageOS 16.0, I've made them available here:


My LOS 16.0 build 20211111 is available for download. It contains the "5th November" AOSP security fixes.

Meanwhile, my version has diverged somewhat from the official code. As of today, my tree contains the following local patches:

Have fun.

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On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

For the case anyone else still has interest in LineageOS 16.0, I've made them available here:


Build 20211219, with the December AOSP security fixes, is available at the above link.

Full list of local mods with respect to upstream Lineage-16.0 tree:

Have fun.

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On 12/19/2021 at 11:03 PM, claude0001 said:

Build 20211219, with the December AOSP security fixes, is available at the above link.

Full list of local mods with respect to upstream Lineage-16.0 tree:

Have fun.

Hello, claude0001Big thanks for your work, I like Lineage 16 and used your builds. 

I have a small request to  you...

On Lineage 16, from the very beginning (the official builds) I faced a problem with slow animation interface. On your builds, this problem is also there. If in the developer settings turn on the function "off hardware overlays" and "gpu rendering" then the problem disappears until you reboot the device. After rebooting, the "disable hardware overlay" feature has to be re-enabled.

1. Do you have a problem with slow animation?
2. Can you make the "disable hardware overlays" feature enabled by default when building the firmware?

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1 hour ago, LordV said:

If in the developer settings turn on the function "off hardware overlays" and "gpu rendering" then the problem disappears until you reboot the device.

I have never played with those options and am certainly no expert in tuning the Android graphics stack to its max.

However, there seems to be consensus that those options are not enabled by default for a reason. That's especially true for the "Disable HW Overlays" flag, which seems to worsen battery life (as more CPU load is generated). I'd rather not mess with those defaults in my ROM.

I can confirm that also for me "Disable HW Overlays" is not persistent across reboots (while "Force GPU" is), which is kind of strange -- although it could also be an indication that this is really a debugging feature only that should not be enabled all the time on a production system. I could look into how to make that setting persistent for you, but it's going to take a while, probably.

If you are rooted, there seem to be ways to enable "Disable HW Overlays" on boot automagically. Would that be an option for you?

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18 minutes ago, claude0001 said:

I have never played with those options and am certainly no expert in tuning the Android graphics stack to its max.

However, there seems to be consensus that those options are not enabled by default for a reason. That's especially true for the "Disable HW Overlays" flag, which seems to worsen battery life (as more CPU load is generated). I'd rather not mess with those defaults in my ROM.

I can confirm that also for me "Disable HW Overlays" is not persistent across reboots (while "Force GPU" is), which is kind of strange -- although it could also be an indication that this is really a debugging feature only that should not be enabled all the time on a production system. I could look into how to make that setting persistent for you, but it's going to take a while, probably.

If you are rooted, there seem to be ways to enable "Disable HW Overlays" on boot automagically. Would that be an option for you?

Yes, I have a root. I was looking for a way to automatically turn it on, but everything I tried had no result. Do I understand correctly that you have no problems with the animation? I have a very visible slowdown when scrolling through lists in all places without activating this feature. 


From your link I found a script for magisk. I'm going to try it out

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13 minutes ago, LordV said:

Do I understand correctly that you have no problems with the animation? I have a very visible slowdown when scrolling through lists in all places without activating this feature.

It's always difficult to discuss topics that are somewhat subjective ...

It would probably be good if you could provide a specific and (hopefully) reproducible example of an app that does not scroll smoothly for you.

I can scroll smoothly (as far as my expectations go) when browsing through a thread in QKSMS, when scrolling down a web page in Firefox, when displaying a thumbnail gallery in the default Lineage picture app, when displaying folder contents in MaterialFiles, and when browsing through a lengthy program in Acode.

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2 minutes ago, claude0001 said:

It's always difficult to discuss topics that are somewhat subjective ...

It would probably be good if you could provide a specific and (hopefully) reproducible example of an app that does not scroll smoothly for you.

I can scroll smoothly (as far as my expectations go) when browsing through a thread in QKSMS, when scrolling down a web page in Firefox, when displaying a thumbnail gallery in the default Lineage pictue app, when displaying folder contents in MaterialFiles, and when browsing through a lengthy program in Acode.

I understand that this is subjective, but not in my case. I observe scrolling lists jerkily in all applications, system and user, browser settings, gallery, etc. Do not think that I am picky. Maybe I'll record a video a later time. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my phone is an engineering sample, one of the first, although I very much doubt it. The processor and gpu are the same as the serial sample (sd835).

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On 1/25/2022 at 9:13 PM, LordV said:

I was looking for a way to automatically turn it on, but everything I tried had no result.

When I place a script named e.g. "99hwoverlays" with the following code

# Set "Disable WH Overlays" developer option at startup
bash -c "service call SurfaceFlinger 1008 i32 1" &

into /data/local/userinit.d/, the "Disable HW Overlay" option gets set automatically after boot.

Remember to make the script executable (chmod +x). Also note that user startup scripts in /data/local/userinit.d/ are no longer executed by default in modern LineageOS, you have to install some helper app like RunUserinit from F-Droid.

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On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

For the case anyone else still has interest in LineageOS 16.0, I've made them available here:


I finally made a new image (20220129-UNOFFICIAL) with the January 2022 security patch level.

Full list of local mods with respect to upstream Lineage-16.0 tree (practically unchanged since December):

  • Modified gps.conf which (for me) enables the Pro1 to get its initial fix much faster.
  • Corrected QoS powerhint signals. Backport from Lineage 18.1.
  • Keyboard driver: Enable high keycodes Backport from Lineage 18.1.
  • Keyboard driver: Fn-Tab acts as Alt-Tab. Cherry-picked from an experimental patch proposed by @Slion against LOS 18.1. Was never merged into any official distribution.
  • Keyboard: Prevent unwanted multiple keystrokes: Backports of LOS 18.1 patches 318274 and 318496.
  • [New:] Some purely cosmetic changes to hardware keyboard settings panel, inspired by LOS 18.1.

The source code changes with respect to upstream are now also available as a patchset at the above link.

Have fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

I uploaded my latest Lineage 16.0 build, dated 20220225.

  • It includes the February 2022 fixes from the 2022-02-05 Android Security Bulletin. These fixes are now backported to Lineage 16.0 by the good people at lineageos.org, as AOSP does not officially support Pie anymore. I bumped the Android security string to reflect this.
  • New local mods since the last release: Backported some CPU and GPU (surfaceflinger) optimizations that, while initially proposed against 16.0, were merged only in 17.1.
  • My full local patchset with respect to the upstream lineage-16.0-branch can be downloaded at the link above. 

Have fun.

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On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

Uploaded my latest build, dated 20220411.

It contains the security patches backported by LOS from the 5 March 2022 ASB. I bumped the security string locally to reflect this.

Otherwise, no changes from the last release. The full list of mods with respect to upstream is available at the link above.

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On 6/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, claude0001 said:

I uploaded my latest LOS 16.0 ROM, dated 20220530.

It contains the 5 April 2022 AOSP fixes. There are no other changes since my last build above. As usual, a tar.gz with all my local mods with respect to the official lineage-16.0 sources is also available.

I had originally intended to skip the April patchlevel, and jump directly to May 2022. Unfortunately, there seem to be problems with the May patches for some other device, hence they have not been merged into the official tree yet ...

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  • EskeRahn changed the title to PRO1, LineageOS 16.0 Official Builds: Discussion
  • 3 weeks later...

A new build of good-old LineageOS 16.0 for our good-old Pro1 (835) is available at


Go for the ROM dated 2022-08-23. It contains backported AOSP security fixes up to patchlevel "1 August 2022". I bumped the Android security string to reflect that.

Seemingly, people are slowly losing interest in Pie. While the AOSP patches since May have been backported and have undergone basic testing (by me and on other devices), they have not been merged into the official LOS 16.0 tree yet, due to pending code review.

While I am not qualified to review the code, I still decided to repopick the respective patches into my build and make a functionally updated LOS 16.0 ROM available. Please be aware of the lack of upstream code review before you install.

My local mods specific to the Pro1 are unchanged with respect to  the previous release. As usual, check them out here for details.

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  • 2 months later...

Venerable 835-Pro1 just got another updated build of LineageOS 16.0. At


head for the ROM dated 20221026.

This build includes backported patches from the Android Security Bulletins up to patchlevel "5 October 2022". I bumped the security string in the ROM accordingly.

As noted already in the last update, since May 2022, the ASB backports for Pie lack upstream code-review and are no longer merged into the official LOS-16.0 branch. I see no problems with the build on my device, but please be aware of that before you install.

I haven't made any more device-specific mods since the last release. As usual, the full list of code changes with respect to the official lineage-16.0 branch is available at the above link.

Have a lot of fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have updated LineageOS 16.0 to include backported security fixes up to ASB patchlevel "5 November 2022". At 


grab the ROM dated 20221117. Remember that this is for the original SD835 Pro1 only.

The note about lacking upstream code-review from previous months still applies. All I can say is that the build seems to run without issues on my own prawn.

Note that, with this release, I have added a compile-time option that disables most of the kernel messages generated by the keyboard driver. I always disliked how every single keypress was getting reported in dmesg, and those messages never actually helped me debug anything, so ... If you want to use LOS 16 and keyboard driver logging is really important to you, send me a PM, I can then make a customized build for you with the debugging info re-enabled.

As usual, a tarball of all my mods respective to the official lineage-16.0 branch is available at the link above.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another month, another update of good-ol' LineageOS 16.0! Head to


and fetch the ROM dated "20221214". It includes backported ASB fixes up to patchlevel "5 December 2022".

The warning about lack of upstream code-review still applies (see above). All I know is that the ROM seems to work fine on my own device. Also, as I wrote last month, my modded keyboard driver no longer reports every key-press to the kernel log. Send me a PM if you prefer a build with this debugging info enabled.

As usual, a tarball of all mods with respect to the official LOS-16.0 tree can be downloaded at the link above.

Newcomers be reminded that this is for the original (SD835) Pro1 only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

🎄 Christmas Update 🎄: A new build of LineageOS 16.0 (for SD835-Pro1) is available at


Go for the ROM dated "20221222". This build enables kernel support for PlayStation DualShock gamepads, inexplicably missing from the standard defconfig.  😉  There are no other changes since last week. As usual, my collection of mods relative to upstream is available.

Why this is important: Turns out my son enjoys SuperTuxKart as much as I do, and he actually got his own DualShock3 for St. Nicholas Day. So we thought we could use the Pro1 as a mobile game console by connecting our controllers via a USB dock. What a disappointment when they were initially not detected! These are the things that remind you of the benefits of open source:  😎


Merry Christmas!   

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  • 3 weeks later...

LineageOS 16.0 has been updated to include backported ASB fixes up to patchlevel "5 January 2023", celebrating one year of support beyond Android 9 EOL 🙂. At


fetch the ROM dated 20230111. Remember that this is for the original SD835-Pro1 only! The note about lacking upstream code-review still applies (see above): all I know is that the system seems to run fine on my own prawn.

As usual, all mods with respect to the official lineage-16.0 tree are available as a tarball for reference.

Have a lot of fun.

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  • 1 month later...

I've uploaded my latest build of LineageOS 16.0 for (SD835-) Pro1. At


fetch the ROM dated 20230223. It includes backported ASB fixes up to patchlevel "5 February 2023". As noted above, these backports are no longer receiving upstream code-review. All I can report is that the build runs fine on my own device.

This ROM includes a new local patch, disabling the infuriating "double-shift = caps-lock" behaviour of the HW keyboard while preserving the useful "sticky-modifier" and "long-press for special-character" features. Credit goes to @Sean McCreary for figuring this out during porting of LOS 20 to the Pro1-X 👍. As always, you can download my full set of mods respective to the official lineage-16.0 tree as a tarball from my website.

Have fun.

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