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Pro1X: Is the fingerprint sensor driving anyone else crazy?

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Just got mine a little while ago, still getting used to it.  Installed SwiftKey to fix the lack of auto-complete with the keyboard, which was my first major complaint.

Now my biggest problem, by far, is the fingerprint sensor, because it keeps "detecting" any part of my hand coming anywhere near it, and ... I'm honestly not sure exactly what's happening at the software level, but unless I keep my *entire hand* *very* far away from it, anything involving input is basically unusable.  This is with the physical keyboard closed, just using it in portrait mode like a normal phone.  The soft keyboard will disappear every time it registers me touching the sensor, no matter what app I'm in. If I'm in Chrome, it will *reload the page* every time I brush the sensor even a tiny bit.  Stuff like that.  It's like it's responding to a brush on the sensor in a similar way to me sleeping and re-awakening the phone.

I actually *want* to use the fingerprint sensor, even though I really don't like the location (years of BB KeyOne/Key2), but if I can't *grip my phone* and still use it because of this thing, I'm going to have to put tape over it or something.

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Notorious problem in stock 2.1.2, then fixed in GMS-less 2.1.5, and for some reason LOS developers are not using that updated vendor blob for the current versions of LOS.

Does anyone have a way to communicate this issue to the LOS devs?

Seems like it should be a relatively easy fix, to just use the 2.1.5 stuff for LOS.


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3 hours ago, rlpowell said:

I'm on Android, though; shouldn't I have the firmware update?

It's not official yet. I'm still on on the original Android, too. I don´t use one of the browsers which are affected from the bug, though, so that aspect doesn't bother me personally. 

Now I never found the original Pro1's fingerprint reader too reliable, but the one in the Pro1X indeed is even worse. The Pro1 had a tendency to fail with moist fingers, the Pro1X has a tendency to fail with dry fingers, which affects me more. Also, somehow it behaves as if the stored fingerprint data would somehow deteriorate, and the success rate of fingerprint recognition becomes lower and lower, until I re-train it.

Also, some security-centered apps like for banking are unusable with the fingerprint reader because they either refuse the fingerprint method completely or, after a few usages, report a change in the fingerprint data (that never happened, at least not actively through me) and switch off fingerprint authentication. 

I'm still using the fingerprint reader, but I'm thinking about disabling fingerprints.

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8 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

The Pro1 had a tendency to fail with moist fingers, the Pro1X has a tendency to fail with dry fingers, which affects me more. Also, somehow it behaves as if the stored fingerprint data would somehow deteriorate, and the success rate of fingerprint recognition becomes lower and lower, until I re-train it.

These are interesting observations. I have never seen this with neither the Pro1 nor the Pro1X. But at 60 I guess that my fingers are quite 'fixed' as-is. I have not 'retrained' the Pro1 since experiments in 2019.

(I have the bug that the fingerprint reader sort of stops working on the Pro1, and needs a restart to work - it could be anywhere between a month and the same day, and I struggle to see any pattern in triggering it. MAYBE it is picking it up and attempting unlocking while it still is vibrating with incoming sms. And initially I tried retraining and al kinds of tricks, but for years I just accepted it)

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Inotice no difference in behaviour. Wet fingers or really dried ot fingers indeed do not register correctly. Mine stopped working once, reboot fixed that. Banking apps hangs sometimes and disables fingerprint reader. Apart from those 'common' (to a Pro1 user) no other issues. I do have a bumper around the phone and that helps a lot with preventing unnecessary registration. Any skin is detected as a registraion, so I do understand your frustration. I'm having less issues because of the bumper around the edges. Running latest LoS btw.

Edited by DieBruine
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  • 2 weeks later...


After few reaserch on internet i ve found somes things but i'm not good at linux or android.

I have lineageOS and root enabled 

Connect the phone to a PC with ADB and android USB driver installed

in a linux terminal or windows Shell use "adb shell" and "getevent" and next, press the fingerprint sensor

for me it's look like that :

> adb shell
QX1050:/ $ getevent
add device 1: /dev/input/event6
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Button Jack"
add device 2: /dev/input/event5
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Headset Jack"
add device 3: /dev/input/event1
  name:     "goodix-ts"
add device 4: /dev/input/event0
  name:     "qpnp_pon"
add device 5: /dev/input/event4
  name:     "madev"
add device 6: /dev/input/event3
  name:     "Builtin Keyboard"
add device 7: /dev/input/event2
  name:     "gpio-keys"
/dev/input/event4: 0001 01d6 00000001
/dev/input/event4: 0000 0000 00000000

the last two lines is the result when pressing the fingerprint sensor

so if i understand, device 5, ,named madev is the fingerprint sensor.

I' m right ?

But what to do exactly with this ? 

i havent found anything in system/usr/\keylayout/ that can help




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I decided to post my fingerprint sensor related issues / findings (Pro1x with standard Android, not rooted):

  1. At the beginning, I observed the same behaviour as described above for Pro1 - the fingerprint sensor stopped working after some time and only phone restart helped.
  2. After some time it happened to me that restarting didn't help any longer. To my surprise, I found out that my previously registered fingerprints disappeared from the system settings as if I'd never initialized them. After teaching my Pro1x to recognize them again, it continued to work more or less the same way as previously (i.e. with necessity to restart the phone after certain amount of time in order to get the fingerprint sensor working again.
  3. After some more months, the restarting workaround ceased to work again. I wanted to check whether the fingerprints weren't forgotten again, but to my surprise, I cannot find / enable fingerprints for unlocking the phone any longer - the setting is simply not there (I can allow unlocking using a PIN or a password, but not using the fingerprint sensor any longer at all). :-(((

Now - I can imagine multiple potential reasons of this behaviour, but I don't know whether one of these is the real culprit, nor how to check it (and even better solve it afterwards). 😞 My candidates:

  1. Some software installed by me (or an update thereof) might have resulted in this issue in theory. Please, don't suggest trying to remove all applications one by another to check this hypothesis... 😞
  2. Partly related to the previous - in particular, the so-called Microsoft Intune Portal (mobile device management software used in corporate environment for enforcing certain security policies for devices accessing the corporate infrastructure, e.g. company e-mails) might disable it in theory with some company policy update (and/or update of this application or its default settings from Microsoft 😕 ). Unfortunately, I cannot contact people responsible for administering the security policies easily to check whether there's such a configuration in place (I work for a company employing several tens of thousands people worldwide and this policy setting is certainly global rather than local). 😞
  3. Unfortunately, I can imagine that a hardware problem of the fingerprint sensor might lead to the situation that Android believes that there's no fingerprint sensor available on the device and thus this configuration is not made available. I can image that sorting out this situation (_if_ it is the real reason) would be next to impossible with the current situation regarding phone deliveries, etc.... 😞

Any suggestions, additional ideas, etc.?

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I m' not a specialist on android, perhaps you can :

Activate "devloppoment tools" on the phone

Activate "USB debuging"

install ADB tools on a computer

navigate to the folder where is adb

Open a commande line windows to this folder

Connect the phone to a computer

type "adb shell"

type getevent

press the figerprint sensor

you have to see something like that if the sensor is there:

add device 1: /dev/input/event6
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Button Jack"
add device 2: /dev/input/event5
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Headset Jack"
add device 3: /dev/input/event1
  name:     "goodix-ts"
add device 4: /dev/input/event0
  name:     "qpnp_pon"
add device 5: /dev/input/event4
  name:     "madev"
add device 6: /dev/input/event3
  name:     "Builtin Keyboard"
add device 7: /dev/input/event2
  name:     "gpio-keys"
/dev/input/event4: 0001 01d6 00000001
/dev/input/event4: 0000 0000 00000000

(event4 is the fingerprint sensor on my phone and i get "0001 01d6 00000001" when pressed and 0000 0000 00000000 when released )

Edited by guss
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9 hours ago, guss said:

(event4 is the fingerprint sensor on my phone and i get "0001 01d6 00000001" when pressed and 0000 0000 00000000 when released )

Just out of curiosity, do you see a different code for an 'enrolled finger' and any other rejected finger?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/21/2023 at 10:55 AM, guss said:


I m' not a specialist on android, perhaps you can :

Activate "devloppoment tools" on the phone

Activate "USB debuging"

install ADB tools on a computer

navigate to the folder where is adb

Open a commande line windows to this folder

Connect the phone to a computer

type "adb shell"

type getevent

press the figerprint sensor

you have to see something like that if the sensor is there:

add device 1: /dev/input/event6
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Button Jack"
add device 2: /dev/input/event5
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Headset Jack"
add device 3: /dev/input/event1
  name:     "goodix-ts"
add device 4: /dev/input/event0
  name:     "qpnp_pon"
add device 5: /dev/input/event4
  name:     "madev"
add device 6: /dev/input/event3
  name:     "Builtin Keyboard"
add device 7: /dev/input/event2
  name:     "gpio-keys"
/dev/input/event4: 0001 01d6 00000001
/dev/input/event4: 0000 0000 00000000

(event4 is the fingerprint sensor on my phone and i get "0001 01d6 00000001" when pressed and 0000 0000 00000000 when released )

Unfortunately, I don't get any events generated when touching the sensor. 😞 The list of input devices is more or less the same:

QX1050:/ $ getevent
add device 1: /dev/input/event6
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Button Jack"
add device 2: /dev/input/event5
  name:     "bengal-idp-snd-card Headset Jack"
add device 3: /dev/input/event0
  name:     "qpnp_pon"
add device 4: /dev/input/event1
  name:     "goodix-ts"
add device 5: /dev/input/event4
  name:     "madev"
add device 6: /dev/input/event2
  name:     "gpio-keys"
add device 7: /dev/input/event3
  name:     "Fxtec Pro1"
Edited by xhajt03
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 7/21/2023 at 8:38 PM, EskeRahn said:

Just out of curiosity, do you see a different code for an 'enrolled finger' and any other rejected finger?

I will try.
There is another command to see what are the different possible code, like "move up" "move down" but i never received that code during my tries 

adb shell su -- getevent -lp /dev/input/event4

sources https://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/input/getevent

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On 7/21/2023 at 8:38 PM, EskeRahn said:

Just out of curiosity, do you see a different code for an 'enrolled finger' and any other rejected finger?

No there is nothing related to the finger on my test on stock android

connect the phone (whit debug USB on)  on computer (with adb on it)
run  (on powershell)

 .\adb.exe shell -- getevent -l /dev/input/event4

result should be is like that when touching the sensor (i ve added comment  between <> )

EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            DOWN            < strat double tap>
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            UP
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            DOWN
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F6            DOWN
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F6            UP				
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000			< end double tap>
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            UP				< strat simple tap>
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            DOWN
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000			< end double tap>
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            UP				< start long press>
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            DOWN
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F7            DOWN
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F7            UP
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000
EV_KEY       KEY_FN_F5            UP
EV_SYN       SYN_REPORT           00000000			< end long press>


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