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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2020 in Posts

  1. This was indeed fixed with a software update as was stated: The updater is pretty quirky though, it may only take effect after a reboot and also it may tell you are up-to-date and then change it's mind after reboot. To make sure you have the latest tell it to update, reboot, repeat. I am certain the code was changed as I am responsible for that (for the multi-key support in keyboard that is) :P. Any combination of 2 keys should work, the modifier keys like ctrl, alt, shift work completely separately. Combinations of 3 or more keys depend on which keys they are as to whether they w
    4 points
  2. Hey Guys, I didn't get to work on this at all this week. I'm sorry. The good news is that I ordered a batch of PCTPE. This is a flexible rubber like material. I'll see if my design will work with this material and if not I'll have to make a design for it. That being said, I'll have a hard case and a soft case. No guarantees for being able to work on it this week. I have a lot on my plate work wise.
    4 points
  3. I would gladly help by sending you one, but as shipping from Denmark is pretty absurdly priced, I hope someone else closer by can help you out. It is really easy to modify a shell type of case for "Huawei P20 Pro" , so you could have anyone around you do it. It does not require much. For a soft silicon case, I would say 5-10 minutes with a pair of scissors. I have used the small scissors in a Swiss army knife for the dozen or so I've cut If you got a friend that can do it for you, i have explained it in quite a lot of details and pictures in this post: https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620
    2 points
  4. Hello: In Spain I tried with 3 networks companies. -Lowi has Network data, but can't make-recive calls. Works perfect with LTE/GSM/TDSCDMA -Symio as same as lowi. Works perfect with LTE/GSM/TDSCDMA -Pepephone works perfect in Global Someone knows the solution.
    1 point
  5. Just published release v0.2.0 allowing reordering tabs list using drag & drop. Also tabs list swipe to close tabs.
    1 point
  6. I think you've got a few more updates to go. Keep rebooting and updating (until 0306).
    1 point
  7. If you download split apk installer from play store it will install the disney + app, I downloaded the 3 files in zip form from android sage, not sure if I'm allowed to put that name in here, so sorry if I've got it wrong. My phone is as out of the box with one ota update.
    1 point
  8. Hello all, After two months with my Pro1 I've decided that it's not the phone for me. Having used a Sidekick LX in the past I jumped at the opportunity to try out a landscape keyboard on a modern phone but my use cases meant I rarely slid it out. Most of the activities I do on my phone are in portrait mode and my BlackBerry KeyOne is more suitable. That said the Pro1 is an excellent device and during my use I never noticed any lag or slowdowns. It's just that I never ended up using its unique slide-out keyboard as frequently as I thought and would like someone who can benefit from it to b
    1 point
  9. The phone has been sold.
    1 point
  10. Thanks for the replies Peter and Slion, I wish I knew how the heck this got remedied without an update and the power off for 6+ weeks. Could I have forgotten to reboot and try again after the last update?! (I thought that was automatic.) Can't imagine that, but anything's possible. So glad I don't have to write keyboard code myself. Apologies, this Keyboard Mod backer is finally a fan after 2 1/2 years.
    1 point
  11. My Pro1 has been sitting in the box since I got it in January, hoping, praying that the horrible multi-key keyboard issue gets fixed. After about another 6 weeks, I took it out tonight, and there is still no software update that fixes it. I'm a virtuoso musician and lightning-fast typist that simply can't use this device as it is because it doesn't respond correctly if the last key doesn't get released before the next key is pressed, which is an absolutely unacceptable problem. Try this... Hold the letter A and then quickly press every other key and see if it got the next letter correctly. Th
    1 point
  12. You know my problem with these updates is that in the last one we were told that only keyboards were problematic and now suddenly more key components are problematic as well... Anyway, fingers crossed for stock allocation next week.
    1 point
  13. Thank you for the feedback EskeRahn. For the cut-outs they already have a 1 mm fillet to them. So long as we have used them, my wife and I haven't had any snagging issues with them but I am more than happy to make a larger fillet to make it smoother. We also don't utilize the fingerprint reader so we have that section covered on our cases but the version I am making for the general public will have that opened up. I will attach pics when I get some prints in this weekend (or sooner if I can manage to do so.) Your eyes do not deceive you friend. I left out the speaker holes
    1 point
  14. No problem there... ✂️ exist for a reason 😄.
    1 point
  15. Hi guys. Just to respond to the question of whether the design impedes front first row usability, for us it doesn't. This may not be the case for everyone. My wife and I are both asian and we are shorter than the average in our area. We are both roughly around 157 cm tall. This means we have smaller hands with slender fingers so it may be to our advatange in this case. However, since I have decided to share this with people I have been incorporating some design revisions so that functionality is more generalized. No pictures to share as of yet but I will post when I get more test prints
    1 point
  16. There is so much misinformation flying around... and too much attention on this virus, like there are no other diseases to worry about. One of the solutions suggested for battling covid is about holding back immunity system, as it does a lot of damage while aggressively defending against virus. It is not always virus, that is killing organism, but reaction of organism, when it sends all the defenders, and their bodies clog the system and organism dies because of that. Hard Alcohol(not wines, beer or cider) has been part of medicine for centuries. Most probably it creates distraction
    1 point
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