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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2020 in all areas

  1. When using f-droid I don't have to manually update anything, the updates are just fetched along all the other app updates. I don't even have to click these silly confirmations because I'm running the privileged extension.
    1 point
  2. Hmm. So they pushed out a batch of Qwertz after Corona. That batch was probably (my assumption), made with parts that were already available at the factory. But could not be assembled due to Corona. I know, they were waiting for a shipment. But also those parts must have been laying around in another factory. That was what, three weeks ago more or less? Personally I would have waited a little bit longer, at least July. Factories take time to start-up. And don't think for a second that the small batches ordered by FxTec get on top of their to-do-list. Nonetheless, I sorta understa
    1 point
  3. I've basically solved the Landscape versus Portrait problems with Nova-- I am these days using my Pro1 about 95% in Landscape. I pull it from my pocket and just pop it open, whatever I want to do. Nice grip, don't have to worry about curved edges and, at this point, with much practice, easy to do. So I design my Home screen landscape and don't much care what happens in portrait. I was using Launchtime, which had all apps sorted into category tabs, but it ended up having a few quirks I didn't like. But I loved the scheme-- essentially it was Palm Launcher from Palm OS days. So I designe
    1 point
  4. Only two solutions to that dilemma: 1. Patience 2. Start building your own keyboard phone, too
    1 point
  5. Beside, thanks to corona, things having become even slower than they've already been last year, I don't see any signs to back such pessimism. Actually the signs there are point to the contrary, as at least a few of those who hadn't received their product until a few days ago now got theirs. This is clearly a sign that there is a factory and phones are coming out of it.
    1 point
  6. Alright, so I just had my first random reboot. For me, this has never been an issue until today, when I connected to GF's new wireless router. I remarked that I found the signal strength a bit lacking for a device that's not even 10 meters away, but she said she had good connection since starting it up. OK, let's try it out! I connected, entered an URL in an open window and... bam, random reboot. Whut. OK, reboot, reopen Chrome, browse to the FX forum, search for this thr... bam, another reboot. OK, so definitely sure now this is due to the wifi acting up. Reboot, switch off wifi and back to c
    1 point
  7. You said "those settings" when quoting a screenshot of the swiftkey phyiscal keyboard settings. But yeah Swiftkey doesn't support longpress accents at all, can't turn it on (as far as I know). edit: ok my bad, they do work.... and updated my table. Not sure how I missed that, thought I tested before.
    1 point
  8. All I want is that annoying accented character long press feature to die a slow death. Doesn't do it in stock, but I want root so no dice there 😢
    1 point
  9. No problem at all, goodman_j. I've attached an stl file that I worked with. I haven't finish it yet, but hope that others can work on it as well. Pro1.11 keyboard with all.holes. correct side 2.25.stl
    1 point
  10. Thanks to your comment I've finally decided to publish my teardown guide I've been working on for some time 🙂 https://gelraen.github.io/fxtec-pro1-teardown/ (forum topic)
    1 point
  11. My phone is not as critical these days, so I'll give it another month before I request for a refund. My carrier is dying to give me credits to give me another phone. A year ago, spec for price the Pro 1 was still OK to justify (mind you I paid less than half for the same spec in an Essential PH1 almost 2 years ago), but I'm not sure if I can justify the same thing now just for the keyboard, especially for one that's not actually in the orientation that I want it to slide in.
    0 points
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