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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2020 in all areas

  1. I am finding Android to be pretty horrible to use. I would switch to Sailfish to try it but in order to not to have to dual-carry another phone for work I have to have WhatsApp for my work SIM. I know Android apps aren't officially supported but is there some sort of unofficial way of getting the Android app ability to work?
    1 point
  2. True, but it may also add some complications like either the phones can not be assembled then tested in one step but have to also handle specific amounts then do a fully assembled test or the specific amounts should be managed separately in appropriate number of items then change these parts to the another (appropriate) one. It may be easier if somebody is there to manage and control these changes but much harder to manage these "variations" from a place far away and COVID still not helps to travel a lot for this purpose.
    1 point
  3. Hello, I hope my post is in the right place here. I am not a professional but love the F (x) tecPro1. I have a problem and hope someone in the forum can help me. My F (X) tecPro1 is paired with my SmartWatch (Garmin Fenix5). I have activated call diversion in my F (X) tecPro1. Every time the status of the F (X) tecPro1 cellular connection changes, I get a notification on the F (X) tecPro1. This is also passed on to my smartwatch. It's very annoying. It cannot be switched off because in "function settings > Apps & notifications > Show all apps > Show system processes > Tel
    1 point
  4. My situation exactly 😂 damn thing decided to do a 20-minute reboot and leave me stranded in an airport last year
    1 point
  5. This is what I have done to solve a couple of key problems I was wrestling with. Verizon connectivity (both Stock and Lineage) and problems with Android Auto (Lineage). Also, the fact that I want to keep Lineage and not return to stock. This is not a solution for everyone. Some may even say it isn't a solution at all. However, it has made me very happy! I first should provide some context for why I have done what I have done and why it works for me. I retired at the end of 2019 and then Covid hit. I am older and thus remain very cautious, even with the world trying to open up. I st
    1 point
  6. While still not preaching, I wanted to come back after a week of using this setup and give a follow up. I mean, it sounded great, but it's possible that when the rubber met the road that it would turn out to be a clumsy way to do things. It has worked out even better than I imagined. The functional dividing line between the two devices is crystal clear. The phone (the Moto G8 Power) is always in my pocket although in fact I rarely pull it out except in the car, It is in my pocket so I won't walk out to the car without it. The Pro1 is always with me in the house and that is the device I
    1 point
  7. Regarding sailfish, the port is certainly still in development and has not stalled. I use it as my daily driver with few issues. The latest releases are available from the continuous integration build server at https://gitlab.com/sailfishos-porters-ci/t5-ci/-/jobs Regular users are advised to install the "testing" releases, as the other releases are from the devel branch. I try my hardest to not break the testing repository, but breakage may happen in the devel repository, and I wont give you sympathy if you are running that version 😉 The current releases of the devel ver
    1 point
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