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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2020 in Posts

  1. Another quick update... My day job has been keeping me pretty busy, but I've made some progress. The archiver now builds and runs on Android, both in stand-alone and client/server mode. I have some more work to do before it is ready, but it's definitely progressing. Also, I still have to write a basic app for creating and managing backups and restores. I'd like to say this will be done in the next couple weeks, but I can't make any promises. Additionally, I was reminded that neither stock nor Lineage support exfat. So I will add that into the kernel for my AICP bui
    5 points
  2. @MickH silly question since you are on Linux ... have you ensured that nothing else is interfering with the USB port? ModemManager is a common culprit.
    2 points
  3. This. That USB connectivity on the loader level is so picky about the partner device is a huge pita - it is however no problem that seems to be limited to the Pro1. For the records: I found that the only device I can use to reliably flash my Pro1 is my Raspberry Pi3. Both of my oh-so-sophisticated Thinkpads (one with USB2, one with USB3) either do not detect the Pro1 at all or run into random errors during data transfer. Considering how cheap the Pi3's are, I am thinking about getting a spare one just for the purpose of interfacing with the Pro1. 😄 Edit: @MickH : Good luck with
    2 points
  4. LXC is such a good combination with the Pro¹ that it might be worth a video on the official forum, even though I'm not very active here: - LBRY for good connections (big file): https://open.lbry.com/@Kab:7/LXC_sailfishos_Pro1:b?r=BZ8k2XPpJvbZhRttC15UQs34pYd2SS97 - Youtube for slower connections: https://youtu.be/-dgD5jci8Dk DESCRIPTION Sorry for the annoying accent. This is an overview of full desktop Linux distributions running as LXC containers in SailfishOS, on a F(x)tec Pro1 qwerty slider phone. If not interested in Sailfish itself, jump to 06'23" f
    1 point
  5. Sometimes a specific USB port has another device(s) attached and that may cause problems, so a communication like this is not really likes interrupts of other devices attached. In my current machine, when I want to use my Saleae logic analyzer, I have to choose the "correct" USB port if I want to use its maximum sample speed. As far as I remember well, using two out of four USB ports, it has problems keeping the sample rate but it works well using other connectors. The same cause may also be a problem of flashing a Pro1. So again - in the computer, there are different USB HUBs a
    1 point
  6. Yes. The Pro1X is simply a Pro1 with (if chosen) more memory and a different colored case. They have done no redesign of any sort here. Of course, I am just basing this on converging evidence (I'm not from FxTec), but I have very high confidence that what I say is true.
    1 point
  7. I noticed that we can select the color of the frame on the indiegogo page, so there is an option "black" as well. Before I proceed with the order, I wanted to get confirmation that this frame fits the pro1 as well. Does it?
    1 point
  8. @claude0001 I can believe you about the USB. I always had issues connecting phones to Windows based PCs
    1 point
  9. It's the same one offered a bit cheaper on Aliexpress. Both are coming from China, so who knows which is faster. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32883429991.html
    1 point
  10. Thanks for sharing your setup too, it looks very interesting and, being running in Android, it undoubtedly can be used by many more people than any Sailfish solution! I'm very happy to hear about users using their device as a desktop UMPC. 1. You two know much more than I do about hardware acceleration and how it works under the hood, to me this is just like trying to understand those green symbols falling down in the matrix, so I won't try to reply accurately to that question. All I can say is the developer of sailfish-containers told me that, theoretically, HW acceleration in LXC could
    1 point
  11. Keep my fingers crossed. As some are saying that the loader thing is very picky on the ports and cables, I would not be at all surprised if too old/slow could also posse a problem, as USB2.0 is newer than 1997, so most likely it is USB1.X
    1 point
  12. Heretic! You will be flogged!
    1 point
  13. However, I wrote that on a PC. 🙂
    1 point
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