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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2021 in Posts

  1. Sorry I haven't hung out here much but when you have a phone that purrs like a kitten all the time... Had a great birthday on Saturday, My hubby made me this cake from scratch. (fabulous pics from the Pro1) Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
    7 points
  2. On a related note, I asked support for technical specs on the screws that hold the Pro1 together, so I can try to source those somewhere. Does anyone know what size they are and have a source for getting them?
    2 points
  3. Support emailed me today. They will be sending me a replacement USB port.
    2 points
  4. Same here. VERY annoying, especially when you find out it isn't working when someone calls you and you answer. At least when you place a call, if you can't hear it ringing, then you know it is messed up. For me, it works best for me to open the screen and then pinch along the earpiece side of the screen in several places. My comment isn't directed only at Fxtec, but phone makers need to remember that they are selling a "phone." It should work well as a phone first and as a computer second. In the case of the Pro1, the following issues really detract from using it as a phone:
    2 points
  5. We do not know a real answer here, but I would not be surprised if still pending orders are not honored before the IGG perks that are not expected before March.
    1 point
  6. In case you are still interested: I've got a local backup of the last official Lineage 16 build (20201026), including the recovery image. Just send me a pm if I should make it available for download.
    1 point
  7. Unfortunately burn-ins are not uncommon for modern displays. Especially AMOLED and especially if used with a high brightness.
    1 point
  8. While it is true, that they should have changed the advertised delivery date, I would also oppose your thought, that negative posts get deleted here. I've seen many posts on here that were quite harsh or even calling the company fraudulent and all of them were answered by forum members in a reasonable tone and none got deleted. Just look at this enormous thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2596-on-the-pre-production-status Contains a lot of complaints from everytime the phone was delayed :D
    1 point
  9. Unless people post spam or outright lies, i'm not aware of things being deleted (nor edited in substance). There are loads of inflammatory posts in here. Especially on the delays and sub-optimal communication. It is not usually up to a forum-moderator to change the content of web-pages, if that is what you imply by the last line. Remember this is a user-to-user forum, and I'm just a volunteer. And as such I haven't got the details of their business. So even if I could change the pages, I would not have the knowledge of what to change it for....
    1 point
  10. This looks ideal to me, hopefully the num keys arent too hard to reach. l had a friend print this for me and is shipping it. Will report back with how it is 🙂
    1 point
  11. I Had the little green bar pop up on mine after installing the Lineage OS 18 update. I thought it may have been a battery life indicator but i could be wrong. It went away when i flashed another rom onto it.
    1 point
  12. Hello EskeRahn, thank you for the merge. I read the thread and I found that the problem is the lost tension of the upper screws of the display (I tried to add pressure and make a call and I can hear audio), as some other people posted. Many thanks to all for the knowledge share!
    1 point
  13. Mine does have a burned in area of the screen at the bottom (when in landscape). That's because I use WhatsApp a lot and it has a solid bar of green at the bottom where you type your messages. It has been like that for months. So even though the poster seems to be talking about something that changes on the location of the screen when the phone is rotated, the Pro1 (at least mine) does have a risk for burn in.
    0 points
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