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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2021 in all areas

  1. So @tdm Just curious, not trying to bug you. Is this project dead? Any possibility of AICP picking it up officially so it can get regular updates? I obviously would like it to be resurrected, but "no" or "hell, no" are fine. I just would like to know. 🙂 Whatever the answer is, thanks for all you did!
    4 points
  2. I had exactly the same, even was looking at the phone while it turned black. Still trying to repair it, but I will have to send it in I think. BUT I MISS THAT DAMN THING EVERYTIME I PICK UP MY PHONE 😪 So please send the thing in for repair and then sell it to someone who is as desperate as me!
    2 points
  3. I totally agree that the Pro1/Pro1X is not a device for everyone. For those entering a modest amount of texts, a real keyboard might not outweigh the various issues (size, weight, curved display and many others) but for us that uses a keyboard a lot, there are few alternatives. And in my book comparing those ends as an easy win for the Pro1. BUT that is my personal weighing, other might end up prefering one of the few alternatives, or even decide to let do with a fake (=touch) keyboard, to get a device sold in millions or billions, and thus (most likely) a more smooth experience..
    2 points
  4. How can it be out of warranty? All Pro1s are still under 2 years since they were shipped. They could decide the initial drop was at fault and say it isn't a covered by the warranty, but the warranty should still be in effect.
    1 point
  5. So I replaced my screen. All in all it took me about an hour I think, spread over three days. First I removed the screen with the help of my trusty hairdryer. I bought this hairdryer a couple of years ago specific for these kind of 'operations' (came with a nozzle). I heated up one (long) side and put my nail in between the gap (screen and frame). I repeated this on the other side. After I removed the glue residue from the frame I transferred the black and silver stickers from the old screen to the new screen. No idea why, but I just did, assuming there moust be a reason FxTec places those sti
    1 point
  6. FM Radio is included for sure. FM also makes 3.5mm headphone jack more useful. (Headphone as FM antenna.)
    1 point
  7. I lost the original screen to a fall late last year but got it up and running again with a replacement from aliexpress and all was going well. Unfortunately after about a year and a half of use my Pro1 just mysteriously... stopped working. All I know is that it was working fine when I woke up and it was placed on my desk while I was working, until at some point I picked it up to check for messages and found it was powered off and not turning back on. Plugging it in made no difference, and the light to indicate charging doesn't even illuminate in the first place, even after trying several diffe
    0 points
  8. I am getting similar problems with blurriness. Attached is a picture I (literally) just took. I am focusing on the right-half of the keyboard and it's very obvious that the camera isn't responding correctly. Based on what I've seen here, this seems like a hardware problem with the lenses? Is there a way I can fix this myself (somewhat handy)?
    0 points
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