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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2021 in Posts

  1. Short answer: Why not? 🙂 Long answer: I have set up a quite complex system with LOS 16 and a GNU/Linux (Devuan) running in a chroot, with multiple partitions, automatically starting servers, and shared data folders. To realise that, I use all kinds of tricks to work around Android restrictions. I fear that at least some of these hacks would not work on more recent releases because of changes in the Android security mechanisms. So I would probably have to learn new ways, which is bad because I'm lazy ... 🙂 LOS 16 has a nicely-integrated and low-profile root-management solution
    3 points
  2. My latest build (20210815) of LineageOS 16.0, including the 5th August 2021 AOSP patches, is now up.
    3 points
  3. The location has changed, the teardown guide is now here: https://github.com/imax9000/fxtec-pro1-teardown
    2 points
  4. Managed to find some time to re-glue the screen with B-7000, which works nicely. Left the phone under a stack of books overnight and just rubbed the overflowed glue residue off with my fingers. Also, I forgot who had the idea of adding a diffuser to the notification LED window, but thank you. I added a bit of magic tape to it and it's a much better look now.
    2 points
  5. Here is the long story of how I got expelled from the AT&T network: My old phone, before the Pro1, was a Galaxy Note 3. It was 3G-only. When I got my Pro1, I swapped the Note's sim card into the Pro1 and carried on as normal. This worked great. I did notice that some features, such as HD Voice, did not work. Probably because this was a very old (2014) SIM card that wasn't provisioned for those features? Anyway, it didn't affect my enjoyment of the Pro1. In 2021, I started getting texts from AT&T saying that my "Note3" was 3G only and would soon be unsupported. They
    2 points
  6. I have also forgot it when I have replaced my screen the first time although I was thinking on it the very beginning I tested my new phone... However, I really put a diffuse tape the next time when I had a screen replacement - so, I would say... maybe next time. 😛
    1 point
  7. Good question... Any new information on that, perhaps? [Edit] Earlier, someone reported success with black screws (black in order to make the stickers superfluous) from a Nokia E7 repair kit, which I gather must be the smallest of the few sizes Nokia had used in that phone, which would be M1.0x1.9 ? [Edit: No, it isn't. See followups...]
    1 point
  8. Err - it also seems to be better on my phone anyways. 🙂
    1 point
  9. Related to the other (LOS 18.1) thread, @EskeRahn mentioned: I have my 20210815 LOS 16.0 build running on my Pro1 since yesterday. Just checked: Charging works as expected both "fast" (from the wall plug) and "slow" (from my PCs USB port). It was not below 50% before I did the test, though.
    1 point
  10. As I (normally) only charge the LOS Pro1 weekly, it sometimes get quite low, I have been down well below 20%. Anything below that seems to be unpredictable. It can jump from 15% to 0%. Not that uncommon percentages are just estimates.
    1 point
  11. One other possibility-- I've seen people here talking about charging from being fairly low battery. I never drop below 40% and am usually above 50% (what can I say-- I'm retired and I don't go anywhere 😄 ). It could be the struggle is recovering from very low battery.
    1 point
  12. I am updating weekly and not seeing this problem. I just updated to the 16 August nightly, although there isn't much in this latest update.
    1 point
  13. "Mainline" refers to using the upstream Linux kernel with open-source drivers. That's what I think Mobian does. To this date (and to my knowledge), there is no OS for the Pro1 that uses upstream Linux. All available systems use the vendor-supplied Linux kernel of Android 9 ("4.4.153-perf+") with the proprietary (and closed-source) device drivers. That includes UbuntuTouch and SailfishOS! The latter actually run a slimmed-down version of Android 9 in a container and access the hardware via Android compatibility layers (libhybris). I suspect the situation will be quite similar for the Pro1
    1 point
  14. Can say that the same thing happened to me twice in the past week. Only happened after I used a USB-C PD charger, hasn't happened again when using "dumb" chargers in the past 3 days. Kind of tempted to say it's a software issue. 🤷‍♂️ Will keep an eye on it.
    1 point
  15. How very odd. Is this contract AT&T or Pay as you go? I used AT&T pay as you go (under various names going back to Cingular Wireless) and they never cared what phone you wanted to use. I had mt Pro1 on it for a year with no problems, but I finally switched to T-Mobile because they have a very good low price Pay As You Go plan. Here's a thread here about Verizon. The recommended instructions worked fine for me once Lineage fixed a few things. The trouble is you need a "mule" phone that you can activate woth Volte before you can insert the SIM in the Pro1. You can't u
    1 point
  16. Have uploaded my latest build (20210718), including the 5th July 2021 AOSP security patches, after flashing it to my own Pro1 without issues.
    1 point
  17. Unwilling to let go my LineageOS 16.0 setup, I started to compile my own builds some time ago. For the case anyone else still has interest in LineageOS 16.0, I've made them available here: http://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 As of writing this, the latest image contains the 2021-06-05 AOSP security fixes. I will probably continue to make new builds every month, as long as the sources keep getting patched by the good people at lineageos.org. Although based on the official sources, these builds are "unofficial" in that they are signed with the so-ca
    1 point
  18. So, just one last update on that slightly off-topic discussion from few weeks ago: Following @Sean McCreary's suggestions, I was indeed able to build an up-to-date (unofficial) LOS 16.0. It is really not that difficult - my very first build went through smoothly and relatively quickly (~ 12 h overall), even though the ressources I had assigned to my virtual building machine were not even remotely close to the recommended values (i3-U, 3 cores, 6 GB RAM, 300 GB hdd). I'm now on Android patchlevel 05-05-2021, which does feel better, indeed. Thanks to @Sean McCreary's hint about ke
    1 point
  19. Well, it seems to be official now. ATT is scanning its network and disabling SIMs when the IMEI currently in use doesn't match the IMEI registered to the SIM. They did it to me again about 22:30 eastern last night... just after their offices closed for the night... This AM I called them and after a long run around, and proving to them that my phone DID work in VoLTE, HD Voice and that it worked with UTMS/3G disabled they... didn't care. They re-enabled my SIM BUT... Teir II support told me that my SIM would be AUTOMATICALLY disabled again, (and again) because their system ca
    0 points
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