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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2022 in all areas

  1. However, personally I would be completely okay with that... moving to another OS on Pro1 is not hard at all, I hope it will be similar on Pro1X. So if it would make Pro1X shipment faster (an otherwise perfect device), I would even say ship it with any OS for me. 🙂 Maybe it worth a question for the actual user, but I would be also hapy without an OS with an option to install it later... 🙂
    3 points
  2. How did you fix it? By soldering or with by other means? It could be good to have here on the forum a section for different fixes with pictures. Then it could become a habit that when people fix something they could report and show what they fixed and how. I am still waiting to get my first Fxtec device and have to say I am a bit alert what I have got to know on this forum about the problems with Oses or hardware. The lack of support from team is expected but maybe hard to accept. For me it is just awesome Chen had the courage to make this even possible.
    2 points
  3. In sharp contrast to when the original Pro1 was still in pre-production, whe have (to my knowledge at least) seen no enthusiastic demo videos of Pro1X's running an alternative OS so far. All there was, was a screenshot from the UbuntuTouch settings panel in the November update, along with the comment that porting of alternative OSes to the 662-Pro1 has "started". I thus expect LineageOS and UbuntuTouch development to be lagging behind at this point, which would explain why you were not offered the choice of the OS. I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually shipped all devices with A
    1 point
  4. The ribbon cable that is exposed by the Pro1's mechanism connects just the screen unit to the mainboard. The mainboard is inside the bottom half of the phone which also holds the keyboard. So the connection you are interested in is not visible from outside.
    1 point
  5. Good idea! I will suggest that someone make (and maintain) a FAQ post with relevant links in the "How to" section. I could then 'pin' it to the main-list, and it should contain links to the three currently 'pinned' on how to open up the display, how to setup qwertZ and how to flash. (and these three post could then be unpinned)
    1 point
  6. For LOS 16.0, the usual string shown there was "Builtin Keyboard". I'd say, either the keyboard is indeed physically disconnected, or the system has been re-configured to default to some other hw keyboard. Did you ever use an external USB or Bluetooth keyboard in the past? If yes, what happens if you re-connect that? However, as your problem appeared kind of gradually, I rather fear that the keyboard is indeed not properly connected to the system board anymore. Maybe the ribbon cable connecting it to the board has loosened with time. There is a quite complete official disassembling g
    1 point
  7. For me it shows "Fxtech Pro1" as Physical Keyboard
    1 point
  8. Thank you @Benni and @claude0001. No, I had never plugged in a USB keyboard before. I know the disassembly guide. I've already looked at that. I've been thinking about checking the connection. I've wiggled the ribbon cable between the screen and the keyboard before, but that hasn't helped so far.
    0 points
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