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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2022 in all areas

  1. Alright, my findings: First of all, I decided to use the model from https://community.fxtec.com/profile/8210-ubuntuscofield/ (and only the bottom part, because I intend to use it in a leather book case) instead of the one referenced in this thread. The person printing it for me used the FLEX filament, that was OK (in fact, he printed another using PLA and yet another using PETg as well, but only the FLEX filament ended up in something usable). However, I had to adapt (enlarge) several of the holes a bit - in particular the two speaker holes (both had to be extended a bit towards the middle), t
    3 points
  2. If I understand the question correctly, it is just the small hard part on top of the rubber mat that has been peeled off the Z, and I'm sure it can be glued back on with full functionality. Personally I would go for someting a little more plain than superglue, so it can be remove as first attempts. But it is likely that a tiny drop of super glue placed where you can see it has been glued earlier will work.
    1 point
  3. Look at these parts: There is a white "foil" near the bottom-left corner. That should be at the phone side and it should be intact. Above it, there is the keyboard itself which you have a missing key as far as I understood well. That (black) keyboard has a double-sided tape at back, so its bottom is sticky (you can remove it using some heat). So I would try to fix the missing key in the black part and not gluing to the white part which should be kept intact. Edit: When I have disassembled my Pro1 the first time, I have also removed springs (it was not a good idea
    1 point
  4. Basically keyboard mat should be one piece (all keys on one plate) which are glued (using doble-side tape) on top of button mebranes covered by a foil. I would not glue it using a super glue as it will stick on top of the foil which covers the membrane so it will not remain in stock condition. If you remove display assembly, keyboard mat can be removed by applying some heat using a heat gun and some mechanical help using a tool. After removing mat, I would try to fix the missing key somehow - maybe using a sticker which has relatively strong adhesive (it should be elastic and that
    1 point
  5. What is visible through the hole? If it's a flexible membrane and you get glue in the wrong place the key wont work, if it's flat and hard you'll be fine (as long as you don't get any glue on the outside and glue it to the bit with the hole in...)
    1 point
  6. While there probably is no possibility to change the application invoked by the special camera button, it _is_ possible to have another camera application invoked after double-clicking of the power button. So as of now, I have the option of either starting the default camera or the alternative (in particular, I chose Open Camera). If I remember correctly, I had to deactivate the default camera application (Snapdragon Camera) temporarily (that caused the dedicated camera button not to do anything), then I could map the power button double-click to Open Camera and after reactivating Snapdragon C
    1 point
  7. Precisely so for me too. Whether in hindsight an error on my part, I'll try to keep on open mind - which might be a little easier now I have got myself a second-hand BB Key 2 on E-Bay to tide me over!!
    1 point
  8. It's in the title, but a week ago my little cousin somehow managed to pop the [Z] key off the keyboard. From the look of it, the keys are just held on with a little bit of glue. Can I just super glue the key back on or is that approach unadvisable for some reason?
    0 points
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