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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2022 in Posts

  1. There is another way to use a script to flash all OTA images in fastbootd mode, but this needs more fine tuning. Same method stated above also works with GMS build, but still need testing too. I'm working with beta-testers to ensure everything works before I publish here.
    5 points
  2. As I mentioned somewhere, they already conceded that, in China, the delivery order has become mixed up, unfortunately, which also is why I already have my Oct 2020 IGG order while still waiting for my Sept 2019 (sic!) website order. Probably hasn't been the only problem with the shipping company, seeing that their dealings with them seem to have come to a complete halt.
    3 points
  3. I think it is harder to obtain that part but it worth a try to ask if F(x)tec has spare items. Otherwise, I would pull the ribbon cable of the sensor - that way the phone itself would remain usable without excessive battery drain. However, it needs opening the bottom part of the phone - the worst part of assembling/disassembling of the phone is the ribbon cable of fingerprint sensor anyway as that is the cable what users can easily break in case the lack of attention.
    2 points
  4. Assuming it is not some software interfering with the functionality, my guess would be the connection to the antenna. So first guess would be a factory reset, and if the bug is still there, you need to download mod apk.
    2 points
  5. Do realise you are really late to the party. I don't see how you would get your phone before December 2023. Unless they somehow unfairly prioritize website orders over IGGs.
    1 point
  6. Did that already over the weekend and it worked (not with super glue, but another strong glue)! So far no problems! The tiny glue stain that I previously noticed was slightly to the upper-right from the tiny circle, which may explain why the key fell off in the first place. Thanks for confirming that I did the right thing, @Casey. By the way, do you happen to have answers to any of my questions about the keyboard software that I asked at the top of this thread? Or feedback on the speaker issues that I raised in the same post?
    1 point
  7. Yes, you can superglue the "Z" key back on the keyboard. But please be careful when you do so, you must not glue the sides of the key as you won't be able to press it... Please check the image I've attached, drip a small drop of superglue on the tiny circle on the keyboard (marked red), and place the key back on. Good luck 😄
    1 point
  8. If I understand the question correctly, it is just the small hard part on top of the rubber mat that has been peeled off the Z, and I'm sure it can be glued back on with full functionality. Personally I would go for someting a little more plain than superglue, so it can be remove as first attempts. But it is likely that a tiny drop of super glue placed where you can see it has been glued earlier will work.
    1 point
  9. I think so, but none of us know. I would contact FxTec and ask them.
    1 point
  10. same here. Had it been offered as a plain pre-order only and not an igg, perk, I would have pre-ordered it.
    1 point
  11. I'm a backer too, and as backers we have invevested, hoping in getting the device cheap. A lot of things has happened since, and I'm amazed that they fight on, and have not just folded. So there is a good chance that our investment are not completely lost. If people want consumer rights they must do a order/preorder, and not invest in a crowdfunded project, where we take the risks.
    1 point
  12. I did order via fxtec's website at April 2021 year, so I'm happy that at least quick receive my refund after 18 months waiting of pro1x phone.
    1 point
  13. I got my money back today 🙂 - so far so good, and I'm starting to look for a new phone with a qwerty keyboard or a foldable phone.
    1 point
  14. Now your point is correct, but what about 1-2 years later? Pro1x was good phone if was received in 2021 year with the original chipset - that was my reason to order 8G/256Gb version. But in 2023 year is not worth it I think. If my phone is good enough I can use it for longer time - even 5 and more years. Receiving of so outdated phone in 2023 will limit time for using it. For example my Nokia E7 (great phone, similar to Pro1x keyboard) was used below 2 years because of stop of Symbian support. Similar can happen with Pro1x - no support, no updates, problem with spare parts (display, batte
    1 point
  15. Hah, that's what you are suppose to do.. Sorry if I didn't make that clear before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I can confirm this works, I tested it out. You will need to have your bootloader/OEM unlocked before you commence this process. Glad everything worked out in the end 😄
    1 point
  16. Despite calibrating in Google maps my GPS signal is terrible. Location is 77 minutes or off date despite being in a field with good phone signal. I keep getting "GPS signal lost". When using Android Auto. It is now placing me a few miles away on the wrong side of the Thames! High accuracy is enabled in settings. Any other tips or is this combined with poor phone signal a sign I have a dud phone?
    0 points
  17. I think it is harder to obtain that part but it worth a try to ask if F(x)tec has spare items. Unfortunately I can report that they didn't have any when I asked, which was just recently. Those sensors indeed seem to be difficult to source, all the more so since the Pro1X now uses a different one.
    0 points
  18. It's in the title, but a week ago my little cousin somehow managed to pop the [Z] key off the keyboard. From the look of it, the keys are just held on with a little bit of glue. Can I just super glue the key back on or is that approach unadvisable for some reason?
    0 points
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