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  1. I guess there is a risk of that, yes. While it is not completely excluded that Expansys indeed legitimately bought a large stock from F(x)tec for re-selling, their very low price tag and the deafening silence from F(x)tec on the matter rather suggest the batch in question is being grey-marketed. I do not think this is the result of plain theft, as Expansys is a very large business and I see no reason for them engaging in what would qualify as all-out petty crime by their standards. Rather, I think the situation has resulted from F(x)tec somehow (unknowingly?) failing to meet supply a
    3 points
  2. I fear that is exactly what is going on. BUT if Expansys have erhm appropriated the devices that was allocated to us, I doubt very much that we or FxTec would get them back from them no matter what. But yes there certainly is a risk that we are buying erhm appropriated goods here.... So I would love to hear an official statement from FxTec on how they see things.
    2 points
  3. Okay... so I'm on my third screen right now and it's still behaving after a few months. I'm starting to suspect the culprit that damaged the first two screens may have been a phone case I've attached to the keyboard half of the device. When closing the phone with a rubber sleeve or a 3d printed hard shell attached to the bottom part (I had both) the screen might not fully close and allow a bit of flex to the screen half when carrying it in a pocket. I've been running the phone naked since installing the third screen and like already mentioned I don't have any problems so far. Ju
    2 points
  4. I'm sorry to hear you refer to your own comments as garbage - but the thought is not far away.
    2 points
  5. Just in addition to what @EskeRahn and @claude0001 already said—I have similar suspicions, but of course we cannot really know. Back when the first batches of the original Pro1 were about to appear, there also were a handful of retailers who had been promised a number of devices and they got them even before some of the earliest of individual orderers (also causing a bit of anger among some of these...). The chances may be limited, but maybe it's just a coincidence that this retailer is also Fxtec's shipping company? Anyway, and more importantly, as much as I'd like to, there's nothing w
    1 point
  6. (I did the same: initially made and paid an order selecting the wrong shipping option, and shortly after cancelled it and made the correct one, and within say a quarter got a surcharge request, a few hours later a refund for the first order, and I then cancelled their surcharge request on PayPal) Right, that's how it went for me, too. (Also, my latest order was supposed to be the last item in stock and now there are 10+ again 😄 — they must have excellent workers who continuously fill up stock...)
    1 point
  7. Right, but in my original order they hadn't added anything for shipping... And they seem to be correcting even the shipping fees by supply and demand; while @EskeRahn paid HK$450, for me it's now 550? (I now went through the whole process again, placed a new order with HK$450 shipping and requested to cancel the one that's on hold...)
    1 point
  8. *Sold* I am selling an unused Pro1 QWERTY unit. I have just once powered it on to check that everything is OK. I got it as a warranty replacement but already bought used unit during waiting. It will be delivered in the original box with usb-cable, charger, charger adapters and protective bag. I am located in Finland but I can also sent the phone. I have never actually shipped anything outside Finland but at least inside EU it should be possible. I am asking 700 EUR (+shipping).
    1 point
  9. Current status, sound fishy, as they claimed plenty in stock when I ordered, and also claims in stock currently (and when clicking the link)...
    1 point
  10. Too bad. Then the Unihertz series is no option for me it seems. Ages ago, the N900 also suffered from its small keyboard and too few (coding-relevant) symbols pre-printed on the keys. However its creators -- programmers themselves -- knew this and included facilities for extensive key-remapping into the OS. The good old times ... One point for the Pro1 here, I guess.
    1 point
  11. So you are a troll and a liar and I'm a crook?
    1 point
  12. Most likely Expansys mislabeled. FedEx did the same when delivering my Pro1 to me after it was repaired at F(x)tec. Which leads to the annoying situation, that despite being the importer, you can not influence the customs process. Basically, FedEx was holding my package hostage and threatening to send it back, if I don't agree to them taking care of the customs process and paying them for it.
    0 points
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