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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2023 in Posts

  1. Hi All, writing from Italy here, i just recieved my Pro1X. I was able to setup my Google account and other app. Checking some stuff around i noticed that the SOC is snapdragon 665 and the camera is 12MP. Am I completely wrong or should I have expected a 48MP camera and Snapdragon 662 with the Pro1X? It doesn't really matter as I don't need a new phone anymore, but i am just curious to understand if this configuraiton is not only for me. Happy to have finally received it 🙂
    2 points
  2. Thanks everybody, now everything looks more clear to me: Interesting thread, I have understood a little better (or at least I hope) how digital photography works. Megapixels aside, which are not really important, the photos i took in my room don't looks bad compared to my Galaxy A52s. I will try to take some shots around this weekend. I used CPU-Z but "he" is probably guessing wrong, i also have "BENGAL" as model. Furthermore, "Aida" is reporting the exact same information mentioned above so i believe my device is just fine😊😊
    1 point
  3. As can be seen even on the hash of the last four, the boot.img is not identical, and I know from AICP, that a flash can be quite picky on the bootloader selected matching the zip. So at the least when changing major version, I think you should flash the boot-loader first. For LOS I always flash the matching bootloader before booting into the recovery and sideloading the main zip. It might be a superfluous step in general. but I believe @tdm did the same thing in the guide he originally provided for v16, so I just followed that since...
    1 point
  4. Inware says "BENGAL" for my Pro1X, which is the codename for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SM6115.
    1 point
  5. Both 3C All-in-One Toolbox or Inware will do that. They use the part number (eg MSM8998 for the Pro 1's SD835) rather than the more familiar model number or whatever they call it. Inware is good if you mostly just want information. 3C has endless tools and is a little overwheming sometimes. 😉 Both are on Google Play.
    1 point
  6. Basically it seems to be a problem with ribbon cable of the screen itself. I suspect if the screen is not glued well or glue releases and the bottom part of the screen can move in relation to its frame, then ribbon cable worns out (looses continuity) causing ghost touches or other screen issues. That is a wide ribbon cable which is part of the display module.
    1 point
  7. Yes, normal users need to fastboot-flash the boot.img only once, and can then sideload-away for years to come. But I believe @EskeRahn specifically wants to backup previous Lineage versions, to be able to jump back to them in case regressions were to be introduced in the OTAs. In such a scenario, he would indeed have to first flash the boot.img matching the timestamp of the *.zip. This is because, to my knowledge, Lineage recovery does not allow downgrading itself via sideload (at least in 16.0 it didn't). So my only point was that it is not necessary for him to figure out a scheme
    1 point
  8. But I think the point for us "civilians" is we don't have to extract those files because those files are provided. 😄 If you are flashing for the first time, you need to fastboot flash those files in order to be able to boot into Lineage recovery so you can sideload the zip (which, yes, also contains those files). Used to get it as one image file which also was labeled with the date. But you only have to flash those files once so you have access to recovery for ADB sideload. After that, you only do ADB sideload or use OTA (when official).
    1 point
  9. Well, it is really easy for those who have a lineage build environment up and running anyway. Extracting some previous payload.bin is a required step in making your own ROM. For those who are not running on Linux (and thus have no preinstalled Python), people have made stand-alone extractor programs (like this one or that one). Please note that I haven't tested those, and think twice before running your phone's boot partition through some random tool from the internet.
    1 point
  10. FYI, some Linux distributions (like Debian Bullseye) name the prerequisite package "python3-protobuf", and you may need to set "PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python" to get the script to work.
    1 point
  11. I can top that. September 2019 here 😉 Of course I can be more relaxed about it than others as I've been happily using a pre-owned Pro1 since February 2021, replaced half a year ago with the Pro1X that I had ordered via Indiegogo in October 2020 (and lately with an Expansys-bought QWERTY Pro1X to replace my QWERTZ phone...). Good news is, they still exist, they are delivering, and chances are that we do get our phones eventually...
    1 point
  12. I was assuming they would already have been shipped , sorry to hear that you are still waiting I have a higher contribution ID so im also still waiting This is good news , since you are around this forum allot and a active user Its a way to verify the information that we are getting is truthful or false If you get the device as promised then we , all , most , uuuuh some of us can also look forward to receiving a device I also like this update because it shows they are still working on the problem of shipping devices to their contributors
    1 point
  13. Actually, I believe this is incorrect. According to the Feb 2021 update, they did indeed purchase the SD835 SOCs and then then their source failed to deliver. They gave no details of what happened to that money, which was from our contributions, but I don't think they were given a quick refund and it probably set off legal challenges.
    1 point
  14. Nope. The Pro1-X was initially intended to be a trivial variant of the Pro1, using the same SoC (Qualcomm Snapdragon 835). It was only after the start of the campaign that they realised they could no longer purchase the SD835 and hence had to redesign the entire phone. This was not initially planned and explains the very long resulting delays.
    1 point
  15. Absolutely wrong. Funding was basically needed for further manufacturing of Pro1... ...slight modification is one thing, but that was only included some change in BOM list and nothing else, so nothing what needs PCB design, certification, external testings, SoC-related developments, anything. SoC change became a problem long after Pro1-X campaign was started. So Pro1-X was intended to earn some money of the project but financially became a close-to null-profit or even a loss project... so it is a really sad story. Maybe if software could be improved, they may continue manufa
    1 point
  16. I had the ghost touches problem one year ago and replaced the screen with one from Aliexpress. One year later and now that replacement screen has started showing the same symptoms. I think I'm done with this phone
    0 points
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