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  1. So after patiently waiting for fxtec to come through and give me my refund for my canceled order placed on 2021.04.21 I called my credit card company and disputed the charges. I gave them all the information (date order placed, order #, number of emails I sent asking for a refund, how I contacted them, and the fact that no credit or confirmation of refund has been provided along with no contact from the "finance team"). I am happy to report that despite it being over 2 years, my credit card company provided me with a FULL refund and said that they will handle the rest of the claim. I did
    3 points
  2. So sad that such steps were needed, but at the least you got your money,
    3 points
  3. This is how it should work, blue shows the position of the chip. The right edge of the portrait image should roughly align with the left edge of the phone (perhaps a bit difficult to judge from the image due to the shooting angle...).
    1 point
  4. They have given their all to this dream. It's been such a journey, but they have shown such character, it's been 4+ years of blood, sweat and tears...but it has been worth it, look how far they have come from the first prototype up until now...here is to another 4 years of successful phone deliveries..hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!
    1 point
  5. I can only say that, as it sounds as though I am pretty much in exactly the same boat as you (I too am over 3,000 in the IGG backers' queue), I feel your pain completely and pretty much agree with the feelings you express here. But I think the subsequent posters are unfortunately almost certainly right: unless we could prove fraud against Fxtec themselves - which personally I very much doubt they are guilty of and certainly am sure could not be proven even if I'm wrong - we have no real recourse as backers and our money is lost, unless and until we get a phone we can use or can sell, to mitig
    1 point
  6. Ok, 1.4 is abysmal...! The German "Ausweisapp2" at least has a 2.9... Good news, by the way, regarding the Pro1X: I actually managed to read the ID card now! I'll post how to hold it in a separate thread.
    1 point
  7. @Acurus Wherever those devices come from, just like the last batch offered on that site, it says "product that has not been used", but "has been opened" and "phones [...] are energized to check their operation". Of course I have not the faintest idea which exact path the phones may have taken, but that statement makes it clear that the sources, whoever they are, cannot and do not guarantee that the devices even work, so they can hardly be coming from Fxtec or on any path authorized by Fxtec. If I had to speculate, @EskeRahn's "somehow appropriated before they reached the intended recipien
    1 point
  8. I agree, but then again, some important applications seem to be affected; I'll try again at some point, but until now I haven't been able to use my NFC-chipped German identity card to authoritatively identify myself on the internet, something which, although not yet as widespread as could be wished, is the most convenient of authoritative identification methods available so far, with cumbersome video chat identification services or physically going to a post office with your identity card or passport being the alternatives... (Such an authoritative identification is, for example, required to b
    1 point
  9. The only issue with the Beta-program is the clause where you say that we void our warranty if we join. Not the best way to entice people to help. That is why I didn't join....
    1 point
  10. "My phone works sometimes, all I have to do is install this app that fixes an inherent flaw in the OS and carry a black box with me everywhere I go."
    1 point
  11. The global supply chains, especially for tech products, have been disrupted for years. How is it today? We have traced the path of a smartphone and show where delays still occur. [...] If the device is already manufactured, as in this case, the retailer can be happy about this. His supplier in the manufacturing metropolis of Shenzhen in southern China has the product in stock and only has to send it to Europe. Both sides have known for a long time: "Only" has been extremely relativized in the past three years. Because a lot has come together. Not only was there the impact of the ini
    1 point
  12. Absolutely; the article just shows that even if everything else, like in manufacturing, goes as planned, and the manufacturer does not suffer from things like liquidity problems due to earlier obstacles, a simple delivery can take 2½ months.
    1 point
  13. Except by the time I get mine it will barely have any value left. As there have been countless threads on here of connecitivity issues, broken promises related to OS development, Expansys having a backdoor deal and people getting phones in only two days from them as opposed to two years for people who actually backed it, perks not being fulfulled in their entirety, and setback after setback with no response from FxTec beyond canned marketing quotes. By the time this phone arrives it will be worthless, its chips were already obsolete when production started. It will be nowhere near the $800+ I
    1 point
  14. It has now been almost a full year since I gave FXT my money through IGG. Delivery date has been pushed back so many times that I've resigned that it's never going to come. Since they're only just now shipping batch 1XXX and mine is 3XXX, at this rate I'll get my phone in about 10 years. My bank has denied my credit card dispute twice now even though FXT has refused to grant a refund twice and are constantly pushing back shipping dates and lying about when it will be ready. Is there any other course of action that can be take to get my money back that isn't "wait to get your phone then resell
    1 point
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