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  1. Just to make this clear, I find that a perfectly valid position, and I'm not trying to persuade anyone into anything.
    2 points
  2. At that raises the question if it is more interesting to know that there are issue, or to hear about possible workarounds? And that is NOT saying that a workaround is a solution. But I will claim that what ever workaround that make things useful for a user, is better than just storing it in a drawer. Waiting for a fix. Our complaining about things not working in a user-to-user forum, are hardly speeding any solution at all. At best it can tell others with similar issues, that it is not a fault specific to their device alone.
    2 points
  3. Please don't mistake the following for an attempt to whitewash this faulty device, that's not my intention. Just if someone didn't catch it, and please excuse if someone might get the impression of a prayer mill by now 😉, but as faulty as my current Pro1X is and as unusable both internet and call connections mostly are (if there even are any), I'm still using it as a daily driver with little complaints, day by day, at home, at work, in my car, waking me in the morning, taking calls, surfing the net, messaging, writing forum posts, shooting pics, unloading my 'real' camera and transferring
    2 points
  4. Just to write that I went from AICP-R 16.1 to Lineage 20. Some apps recognize the newer Android build and offer better interface/functions. Getting better battery life (surprising to me) and just more modern/streamlined feel throughout. However experiencing some minor slowdowns/freezes for a second or two where my touch inputs aren't registering. Also need to dial down the best camera app still.
    2 points
  5. I think this is spot on. But just like we don really know how large a portion that are affected (could be anywhere from almost everyone to almost no-one), similar we do not know who the 'average buyer is', we are just guessing. I have the same guess as you here though. But Hook might be a typical user... I really do not know. On the issues of this thread we know that it is seen it multiple environments, but as said earlier as some do not see them, the big question is if they are just lucky, or the one reporting just unlucky. Since FxTec said previously that they were unable to reproduce
    2 points
  6. I agree that the Pro1-X's keyboard is better than the Pro1's. But, yes, for me the whole point with the Pro1/Pro1-X is to carry around only the one device I need anyway - my phone. A single device that works as a normal Android slab most of the time but can transform into an UMPC if I urgently need to get some stuff done while away from a real workstation. If I were to settle for carrying two pocket-sized devices all the time, I'd probably choose something else than a Pro1/X as the "computer". I think there are far more capable miniature laptops. But, honestly, I think this discussio
    2 points
  7. Thought I would copy @npjohnson's post over here to kick off the new thread. Thanks to the whole Lineage team! I will be an early adopter. Here's where it will pop up. https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/builds Here's the proper instructions (thanks @steff) https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/install Can't wait for Thursday!
    1 point
  8. As I know that perfectly well and do not claim it would, either, your accusation is factually false. What I'm doing is describing a potential workaround, to make, with the help of an external device, this faulty thing function as a mobile phone, something it cannot do by itself, and something I don't claim it could do by itself. Blame the device for not functioning as it should and blame the manufacturer for not seeing to it that it does, but don't blame someone for describing a workaround that actually makes it work, given some necessary preconditions.
    1 point
  9. You may be right, but that would surprise me. I would think if that were the case, messenger phones would be much more available from the big companies. Most of that audience out there look at me like I'm either nuts, eccentric, quaint or Grandad,,, sometime all of the above... whenever I snap out my keyboard (rarely ever use either my Pro1 pr Pro1x without the keyboard). They are somewhat mystified by how good my internet is, but they don't see the cheap moto on Verizon in my other pocket serving a secure WPA2 connection. 😉
    1 point
  10. I understand frustration over the phone not working for many people, but don't quite get these two choices being the only ones. Sure, if you wanted the phone to work, try and sell it and get your money back. But box it and forget about it? All of us invested in a keyboard phone. Presumably, people didn't need a full slide out keyboard to make phone calls. So people, like me, had needs and uses in mind that made a physical keyboard far more ideal than an on-screen keyboard. What we ended up with, in my opinion, is a pocket computer with one of the finest keyboards I have ever used on
    1 point
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