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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2023 in all areas

  1. I don't think the problem is necessarily whether they have possession of the devices. I think the main problem is that they haven't been able to solve getting them shipped. So what are the possible holdups there. Again, this is just speculation, I have no facts. However I suspect that, as Expansys was dying (they are gone from the web), they demanded ridiculous amounts of money more to do the shipping they were already contracted to do. FxTec has said they did get the stock moved back to the factory. Lets assume that's true (might not be but that long ago last update used past tense
    4 points
  2. The problem here is with the lacking info we are left to guessing. Even if your theory is correct, I highly doubt they are financing any new device themselves, so they can not just take the money someone invested in another product/project and use for us. At the most they can use of their part of the revenue for us, or from any money someone might invest in (or donate to) FxTec as a company.
    3 points
  3. I have received the device I ordered and payed for in 2020 through IGG. I have not yet received the device I ordered and payed for in 2019 through the website (a Pro1 that was later changed to Pro1X). With their latest statement from June being that their devices are back in the factory, there's still some hope that our devices still exist and may find their way to us at some point. It is also clear that Fxtec has been out of funds for a long time now when it comes to the Pro1X business, and that they have to cross-fund all that still is to happen there from other business lines. To
    2 points
  4. What the... I didn't even notice that yet, thanks for the report! That sheds a completely different light on the earlier shipping issues. If Expansys was in a similarly bad state of funds as Fxtec, which will have been the case, we must consider all the more that the delays and the outflow of devices via Expansys might not have been, and in any case not solely, Fxtec's fault.
    1 point
  5. When I ordered via web page in May 2020, they promised shipping within 3 months. They did not ship till today. They wrote a lot including lies. Prompts to send back my money have not been answered. It seems to be a big fraud. Or is it criminal behave? We all should focus the reality: Some have got a phone, others not. Who has not got it, will not get it. The money is lost. This was my last posting here. More than three years of waiting are enough. Fxxx you, Fxtec!
    1 point
  6. Communication could be better for sure, this seems to be a common theme in crowdfunding, but I thought the final hurdle to the PrawnX was the logistics company holding our phones to ransom in their warehouse while they try to extort some more money from Fx for shipping, and I'm not surprised Fx are trying to maintain a positive spin on the company while they try to attract more investors to diversify their portfolio and create some new revenue streams.
    1 point
  7. Have you tried the normal fastboot flashing method? In most cases you don't need to use such an advanced and "low-level" mode like EDL. In most cases.
    1 point
  8. I doubt that "forgot" is the right word here, but certainly very annoying that they do not post an update on IGG on what has been going on since their June-update 2½ months ago....
    1 point
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