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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2024 in all areas

  1. That is a very mild wording. They got swindled. They paid and the company neither delivered the chips nor their money back. And as this was the company that had most of the blueprints of the Pro1, it meant that FxTec had to start over. They could have just folded after that, and said that our money was lost, but idealists as they are, they tried to recreate a new phone in the same form factor from the money left. Actually they deserve praise for attempting that. For the Pro1, Chen was very often in China to get things going as planned, as "remote" does not work well with China,
    7 points
  2. My Primary use of a phone is SMS, and the secondary email, and the third web-browsing. All of which benefits from a keyboard in the right direction. But I certainly agree that many many app-developers are too sloppy (or too incompetent?) to bother about landscape. And this even goes for the most basic stuff from Google like Settings or their Android Market app. But until my eyes move to be in parallel with my spine, I'll prefer landscape....
    6 points
  3. I completely agree. The communication thought .... What I mean is, it feels strange, that they just founded the next keyboard phone company (the apple thing). I do know, that this has reasons, but the feeling is bad. An open explanation would help. However, I don't hold any grudge with everything regarding the pro1x. It was an IGG... money spent on IGG is paid for a dream, it is pure luck if it comes true.
    4 points
  4. Maybe... it was a special area even when Moto Mod has appeared and still there is demand but very small compared to the phone market. However, there are tablets which may also have lower demand today, but current hype of foldable phones also contain a not always portrait use scenario. In my first few days with the Honor Magic V2 foldable I've got a hint of an impression that this new phone type may have become a new incentive for app developers to care more for non-portrait orientation use of their apps, even if it's just square-ish, which could, best case, also help landscape or
    3 points
  5. Edit: I started this before Eske's post, got interrupted, but will post anyway. :D Strangely, this is not my experience. It may be what I do on my Pro and Pro1x. Mostly I work with text-- writing and editing, I browse the web (research while writing, a lot of forums, and such), do email, notes of various sorts for writing, and calendaring, scheduling. Keeping my display size at the smallest setting (font size one click bigger), which my 71 year old eyes have not trouble with, I find almost no app that doesn't do well in Landscape. I have a third party app to force a fixed rotation.
    3 points
  6. Good point guys, that I hadn't thought of. Of course these foldables are still quite uncommon. But if prices drop at some point ... maybe this is the closest to a pocket computer we will have ...
    2 points
  7. Right, especially if OS manufacturer wants to make it more complicated and wants to earn money on this area. Right, that makes developing an accessory much easier. However, although I hate Android, I will never buy an iPhone to have an even more restricted environment. Maybe... it was a special area even when Moto Mod has appeared and still there is demand but very small compared to the phone market. However, there are tablets which may also have lower demand today, but current hype of foldable phones also contain a not always portrait use scenario.
    2 points
  8. In a sense, they return to their roots by making a keyboard accessory for a phone. In the light of the not-all-that-positive experience they've made as a full phone manufacturer, this must seem like the reasonable move for them to do. One of the things that the Pro1//Pro1X story has shown is that OS development and -- more importantly -- continued maintenance of that OS seems to be nearly impossible for a small-volume company. In that view it makes sense that they now restrict themselves to addon keyboards again. Also, targeting the iPhones makes a lot of sense (even though I am no Apple
    2 points
  9. Regularly check Ebay et al. for a second hand -- even partly damaged -- Pro1, and do not hesitate to buy as soon as one pops up. I've done so recently, to get a spare for my original Pro1 I got from f(x)tec 4 years ago. By picking the best parts from the two, I was able to assemble my very own "Super-Prawn" that looks and works better than my original one did even when brand-new. My Pro1-X cannot compete, even after months of trying to make it a viable successor, and is now shelved again. Probably forever.
    2 points
  10. It has a heavily-scratched back (not affecting functionality) and had a non-working main camera upon arrival (as advertised). The latter was easily fixed by re-seating the camera connector onto the mainboard. However, also the camera module itself seems to have the focussing issue discussed here years ago, so I replaced it with the one from my original Pro1. On the positive side, the device's keyboard and battery are in much better shape than those of my original Pro1 after 4 years. I paid 474 €. Not directly a bargain, but much better-invested money compared to my Pro1-X purchase from Ex
    1 point
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