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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Well doktor.oswaldo the "US-International" is fine for those that primarily write in English, and needs to occasionally write foreign name or titles in many languages, But if you use e.g. one of the Scandinavian languages the national characters are almost as commonly used as E in English, so to have them at odd places with double strokes would really be an acquired taste.... But SURE the US-international could be a good thing to print on an international version (The accent key of the international could go to the vacant one left of the Z). And be the default software layout. And then off
  2. From my keyboard case for an Iphone6- with backlight, the tiny battery on that lasted for a MONTH, and that's with Bluetooth! So I expect the extra power needed for the cabled keyboard to be negligible. As always with smartphones, I expect the display to be the real culprit in power consumption. And if you try to use it for extensive gaming and video the CPU too of course. A LOT has to do with usage patterns. The BlackBerry Priv got so much beating for the power consumption, I had stamina of over a week from it with light usage. (In the above and the links in it there are a bunch of hi
  3. The PS from yesterdays newsmail said: ps. if you were a Moto Mod's backer, we will be sending a message out in the coming weeks about how to use your funds towards this new device or to get a refund.
  4. On 4) I do not know if there will be some official ones, but I think it MIGHT be possible to cut a protector for the S8+ or S9+ as these are slightly longer, but looks to have a fairly similar edge-design, and they are 73.4 resp. 73.8mm versus the 73.6mm of the Pro¹ That will be one of the very first things I will try to do when I get my hands on one. (I already ordered some tempered glass protectors for the two models and a glass cutter....)
  5. As I understand it, it is to weigh about 230g. Or about 40g more than a Samsung S9+ of roughly similar area That is about the same weight per area unit as say the last one widely available, the SonyEricsson Xperia (Neo) Pro.
  6. tehtavienhallinta well I agree that it is important that we can type the national letters. And preferably with national print. But would it be a deal breaker for you if a few keys gave what you expected by the standard national layout, and not what is printed on the key tops? In my suggestion we are talking 5-6 keys.
  7. I also hope we will be able to map the keys after our personal preferences, and hopefully in a way so the nerds amongst us can share the layouts for the benefit of the less tech savvy users.
  8. Well rowos it is also a matter of how 'deep' in the hand it is resting. Try to take a large phablet or pocket calculator and place it in landscape resting on the outer two/three joints of two/three fingers, and support it with ringfinger/pinky you will see that you can keep a secure grip and have a huge range with the thumbs. We would naturally place a smaller device with the corners in the palms, but it is not a must for a secure grib
  9. Thanks for the report dt.white, took the liberty to edit your comment so it looks as I assume you intended, and reported the bug to the developers. (Got no answers for your questions though, will try and ask someone)
  10. zimeon Many keyboards with common Scandinavian layout crack the problems with three colours. Swedes, Danes and Norwegians can (at the least) all agree on the Å should go next to the P. and in Swedish ÖÄ goes left of the L. But unfortunately Danes and Norwegians disagree on ÆØ or ØÆ left on L.... (for readers outside Scandinavia: Ä=Æ and Ö=Ø) The Norwegian approach of placing them as the Swedes makes much more sense than the Danish swap. I would certainly prefer the keytops with scandinavian print too, But I would MUCH rather have an international 'blanked' layout, where I had to memoris
  11. Oh I certainly hope they will NOT make the right-shift of A-Z on the Scandinavian layout, and thus have æøå/äöå on native keys next to P and L The right-shift could by fine for the US layout, but not for international ones with national letters. Personally I would prefer a US layout without the right shift, so letters and digits are aligned as standard, but that is of course a matter of taste whether the centring is more or less important than standard relative positions of letters&digits. I would start with something like this mock up for a general international keyboard. It coul
  12. There are a few more sources... But from how I read what it says on twitter, we will know more in a few days before MWC is over.
  13. I can supplement with a few more sources From Twitter, and the old Moto Mod campaign, both Updates and Comments. And finally an additional image that allegedly shows the device behind a couple of old Nokias on NokiaMob. I tried to extract the info from the various sources here But from how I read what it says on twitter, we will know more in a few days before MWC is over.
  14. You were right with you assumption slion, on the device heading for the MWC, Just got a newsletter saying so :-D
  15. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test.
  16. Well shani I think that Likes can be pretty useful in forum, rather than a lot of people writing 'me too' in a bunch of different ways. A simple Like can help others see that several share the view-point. (I assume that is what is meant by the suggested "ratings")
  17. Spotted this on twitter, that shows a bit more of the keyboard https://twitter.com/thefxtec/status/1097878591797428231
  18. I hope for 'hard' key surface too. The Priv does it in a 9.4mm 'thick' slider body, so far from unobtainable. Also look at the click-on keyboards for the Samsung Galaxy devices adding only 3mm. I'm not a big fan of 'rubber' surface keys like many pocket calculators, so hope that it will not be like that. But i'm not so optimistic hoping that they can squeeze in pc-keyboard style individual key-mechanism giving the same click all over each key. I guess that the activation and 'click' will be by clicking a 'dome', like its is used for (almost) all compact keyboards. And often under each pc
  19. Here is what we currently know on alternative operating systems. Tech savvy users will also be pleased to know that we’ll support other independent, community-driven OSes beyond Android. We’ll offer loaner devices and driver support (under NDA) to core developers. We’ve already approached to some Lineage OS developers as a first step and plan to work with Sailfish OS developers & other communities. Our hope is to build a handset that runs your favourite OS. from the January 16 newsletter https://www.fxtec.com/the-keyboard-smartphone-youve-been-waiting-for-software/ (I have merge
  20. Well Craig we DO have some bits and pieces on the size in the newsletters and the updates from the Moto Mod that can be pieced together. I have ESTIMATED it to be ROUGHLY 151 x 74 x 13mm here. But please don't take these as accurate, it is from what we can deduce of what has been said and shown on some prototypes. ..So it is fairly sure that is going to be easier to pocket than the Moto Z series. And certainly easier than a Moto Z with the QWERTY MOD. ;) ADD: The real size was not far off : 154 x 73.6 x 13.98 mm. (so slightly less wide, and slightly thicker than my estimates)
  21. Good news osamagirl69 If you look at the images in the newsletters https://www.fxtec.com/otherhardwarespecs/ https://www.fxtec.com/the-smartphone-you-thought-you-couldnt-have-keyboard/ You can clearly see TWO Ctrl buttons on the five rows keyboard. :-) (And the @ on the 2 key the 'standard' way)
  22. I too prefer a lesser size. But I look at it from a very practical angle: 1) A rather small portion of users still want QWERTY hardware keyboards 2) Only a portion of these want sliders 3) Only a portion of these want landscape sliders 4) A rather small portion of users still want phone sized devices. So aiming at all in the same device would most likely be for a such limited user segment that it would become very expensive to cover the development, and that would reduce the potential user group further... So I would MUCH rather have a phablet sized QWERTY-slider that can be realis
  23. I'm not sure if I get your idea completely Phoenix. Do you want it limited to the fractions represented by one character (that can be hard to get to) like "¾" or as a sequence of strokes like "5/16" ? To my knowledge the only predefined fractions in unicode are these seven+two ⅛ ¼ ⅜ ½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞ and ⅓ ⅔
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