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Everything posted by Slion

  1. I really like it too, though the closing strap on the front panel does take some getting used to. It has both pros and cons. I should get used to it after a couple of weeks I reckon. Still I could not prevent myself from making plans in my head on how to modify that case so that the strap is attached to the back panel 😁 However it will be a while before I attempt something like that again, if ever. That was a lot of stitching...
  2. Done with stitching. I love the leather quality, really soft, one of the best I've seen. I need to finish the cutouts on the bumper case and glue it to the leather. Will hopefully get around it tomorrow. The case is 75g that's 25g lighter than the one I've been using so far. Moreover I reckon its lower profile will be more confortable to use, notably when the keyboard is open. The closing latch is on the front panel which is a rarely seen design. As a result when closed it won't lay flat on it's back which should make the phone easier to pick up, not that this was ever a problem considering th
  3. Just linking to that other thread where I highlight just few of the flaws of the Pro1X AZERTY layout as published by FxTec in their last update: The fact is that classic AZERTY is a really poor layout to start with but it's even more crippled when you can't print three characters per key. New AZERTY layout is vastly superior.
  4. I'm fine with that. I don't think that's a show stopper. The current colour coding is already broken anyway as you need to shift to access most yellow characters. My New AZERTY proposal obviously does not take into account all manufacturing constraint. Please feel free to print in different colour or just don't print secondary character if there is not enough space. Most full size keyboards do display main, shift and altgr characters in the same colour.
  5. I just sent the following email to FxTec:
  6. Currently working on a new low profile bookcase, I reckon I still have like 12 hours of stitching to go through. I had to remove the stitches to be able to incorporate the smartcase magnet, move the closure magnet to accommodate for the Pro1 thickness and customize the back panel to enable kickstand feature.
  7. You are right, feel free to move it to the other thread.
  8. This is a rant about F(x)tec choosing to use the age old classic AZERTY that's actually well known for being horrible to type proper French. The French government sponsored researchers to come up with something better and after years of dedicated work they came up with the new AZERTY. Admittedly adoption of the new standard has been poor because most people can't be bothered to learn something new and manufacturers get cold feet when it comes to innovate. However I was hoping F(x)tec would dare to be bold, cause that's what defines them. The new AZERTY layout makes a lot of sense for Pro1
  9. Maybe start a topic and try to involve some LOS folks. It could be the drivers and/or hardware are just bad, or it could be something else is amiss. It would be awesome if the community could somehow investigate audio recording issues on one hand and call quality on the other.
  10. @ToniCipriani If you want someone to take your Pro1 off your hands I might be interested 🤪
  11. There are guides explaining how to get pretty much any Play Store app to work on Lineage OS. I too was not optimistic about that but for now it works fine, though as already mentioned multiple times above you will need time and patience to get it working. I too use my Pro1 for work and the dual authentication app Duo works fine as does Microsoft Teams.
  12. I understand your decision, I do. Especially if you were running stock Android 9. Though I find Android in landscape works well in most apps. Even the apps that do not support it still mostly work for me when using FxService force landscape mode. Then again, maybe you use a different set of apps than I do. For instance I hardly do any social media, and mostly use the keyboard in a browser that has been optimized by myself for use with landscape keyboard, namely Fulguris. However phone call quality is indeed terrible, radio interference in speaker being the worst issue for me. Though
  13. There were people waiting for Pro1 general availability... they are still waiting. I think pre-ordrer is all we will get. But who knows maybe F(x)tec is making plans to pump out larger volumes.
  14. If you order now I guess you could hope to get it in a year at best, more likely winter 2022. They still need to show finished prototypes and start production. Then they need to ship to customers who ordered the Pro1, some years ago, and never got it. Then they need to ship to all the Pro1X buyers, then you. Though in terms of volume they don't need to produce that much really. Looks like they sold about 1500 units on IGG. So I guess with 3000 units they could easily complete all their orders. Much depends on how fast they can produce them really. I doubt they will be able to produce more than
  15. I do not know how to just change the screen brightness range rather than use Night Light to do that. Looking in our configuration we are already using quite a low minimum brightness – it is set to one, could it be zero? Should not make much of a difference anyway. – so I'm guessing this is more of a Kernel driver issue and I'm not sure where to look for it. <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum">1</integer>
  16. I'll be testing the following parameters: <!-- That's the one actually used on Pro1 vres = vat2 + vbt + vy-int --> <string-array name="config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureCoefficientsNative"> <!-- R a-coefficient --> <item>-0.0000000189359041</item> <!-- R b-coefficient --> <item>0.000302412211</item> <!-- R y-intercept --> <item>-0.198650895</item> <!-- G a-coefficient --> <item>-0.0000000189359041</item> <!-- G b-coefficient --> <item
  17. To configure Night Light you need to edit that config.xml resource overlay: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_fxtec_pro1/blob/lineage-18.1/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml It is in fact overriding values from the platform config.xml in which you can find all defaults: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/blob/lineage-18.1/core/res/res/values/config.xml From the two quadratic equations defined in our config, Pro1 uses the native one, at least in the configuration I tested: config_nightDisplayColorTemperatureCoefficientsNative Red co
  18. I think so. It does fire as a keyboard key, but even as an accessibility service you don't get it because the screen is locked. Same issue on Lineage yes until we implement a proper sensor for it. See post and link above. I may get around doing some clean-up at some point yes.
  19. US Int. layout works fine on LOS 18.1 yes. Though the default one provided by Android is far from complete, many AltGr character mods missing. The French accent dead keys are working though.
  20. On my proposal the left AltGr should really be labelled Sym and then everyone can map it to whatever they want, Del for instance. The right AltGr is really needed, not least for Alt+Tab.
  21. Me, I'm just happy it boots... However you have a point, if your phone does not boot I guess it's really secure 🥴 😁🤪
  22. I think you mean register the intent in app manifest. That's the first thing I checked, and the calculator does register the proper intent. Maybe I missed something though.
  23. Thanks for the tip 🤣 just want to illustrate what it looks like when an app publishes its own shortcuts.
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