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Everything posted by michael.bosscha

  1. So... I just got an Order Complete mail, but haven't received a tracking number. Sad face is sad. I'm guessing it'll show up soon, it's just driving me nuts that I see all these fellow countrymen having their tracking and I don't 😅
  2. Lucky you. I haven't received anything remotely looking like a tracking yet. Same country though...
  3. After pickup, it's a Fedex thing, not FXtec. Seems to me that They're working on something.
  4. Maybe. Perhaps it's because I've been in contact with FX because they couldn't get Paypal to work; if that would have worked, I'd've paid weeks before...
  5. Stock assigned, paid August 20th by banktransfer. No IGG, QWERTY, Netherlands!
  6. For the record, I paid August 20th by bank transfer for a QWERTY device.
  7. Hot damn you're right, it indeed says stock assigned!
  8. I did get an Update mail, but not a stock assigned one 😞
  9. It's starting to look s lot like Christmas for sure!
  10. I'm in the same boat as you are man, I can only hope...
  11. It was to be expected that not everything would be sent out, but this is good news nonetheless. #TheClackening is happening!
  12. Ermahgerrrd... Is it really happening!? The world will clack in joy! #TheClackening
  13. Hmm... When in Consumer Mode (that is, just scrolling through stuff) I usually operate my phone with just my right hand; I rarely hold with one and operate with the other. When I want to type something I almost always grab my phone with both hands, be it portrait or landscape.
  14. ... I think you've started mixing up your QWERTYs: the Titan is a BB Passport. My guess is that you're thinking about the Cosmo Communicator?
  15. I don't find it amusing at all. The Titan is a "simple" form factor. The Pro1 involves more construction than that slab, so I'm not surprised the Titan is in the wild faster than the Pro1...
  16. So, realistically, I should have my phone delivered to me to my Dutch doorstep around half of February?
  17. Ah. I was not aware of the Clove offering. I think I should have phrased it "which *were* available through retailers"...
  18. I find it interesting that all handsets which are available through retailers are QWERTZ sets. Why no QWERTY's?
  19. So, almost 2020... I am very, VERY anxiously awaiting my prophesied phone. Have a good one during New Year's Eve everyone, just get me my phone 😉
  20. Merry christmas everyone. Let's hope the new year brings some qwerty goodness at last...
  21. Not really. There's been ordernumbers circulating with 5 digits.
  22. Thanks for the heads-up yet again @Erik! I hope you're not forgetting yourselves with Christmas!
  23. You might want to delete a few numbers from your tracking number. You never know what someone can do with it... This situation kind of sucks. I was really hoping for a Christmas dlelivery. Looks like it'll be 2020...
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