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Everything posted by michael.bosscha

  1. There's some issues with the used font as well. The way the u and i are now smaller really, REALLY bugs me. It's almost as if your eyes go up and down while reading a sentence. Same goes for the v, x and y. Here, have a look at this: aeiovgx
  2. I was under the impression that self-servicability was a big focus for the device. Not that I complain (I probably wouldn't want to be doing it myself anyway) but it is kind of a big departure from the original standpoint IMHO. On a side note: thanks for the heads up on the account number. Device is paid, anxiously waiting for it! Also: yay, new forum. Let's see if I can finally put a face to that avatar xD
  3. I completely missed that for one reason or another. Really hoping that forum upgrade happens soon...
  4. Such a nice reminder mail about the phone reaching production status. But no PayPal means no money from me to them I'm afraid...
  5. There's been some concern about a new hack doing the rounds which affects Qualcomm based devices. Will the phone ship with these vulnerabilities patched or will we get an OTA push? For reference: here's the article.
  6. Hey FX team, when will the Paypal option return? I'm really itching to throw my money at you guys but right now I can't...
  7. ... So, my post didn't get through the moderator queue or something? Something something Paypal's gone something something...
  8. Hmmm... The Paypal option was there this morning, but now that I'm ready to pay it's gone :-(
  9. It would appear that the scheduled maintenance wasn't to migrate to new forum software; everything is still the same. When we migrate, I'm quite sure you'll notice it...
  10. A 650 pricetag for a phone isn't so weird nowadays...
  11. Official numbers couldn't be given. But they confirmed that as soon as mass production starts, it's very likely that quite some people will be getting their orders sooner, rather than later.
  12. I got word back that, indeed, the invitation was sent primarily to German subscribers. I still think that was a mistake, seeing as a lot of Dutch and Belgium people can reach Düsseldorf easily, but alas, we have a community that's really helpful in this matter :-) Hope to see you guys there the 23rd!
  13. Overall, the Pro1's camera looks a bit lighter. I can't say I dislike it...
  14. Thanks @TeZtdevice for the link, if I had known it was a non-personalized link I would've asked for it way sooner!
  15. I have. As said, I got the beta form, and a while back the invite for the get together in London, so mail is being directed correctly...
  16. I just checked everything in my gmail, nothing. I booked a train so I'll be there, the only tiny problem is that I'm not able to sign up because of a lack of mail. @EskeRahn, do you know anything about this? The 18:00 - 21:00 slot is not ok for me because my train departs at 20:00 from Düsseldorf Hbf...
  17. ... were it not for the fact that we're two days later (so my question was a valid one), and the tiny problem that I only just got a beta form, but nothing about the time and location. So thanks for the heads up!
  18. Hey FX crew, mum's the word and I really need to start booking my tickets and I probably won't be the only one. Get us an official location and time already :-(
  19. I am so down with Düsseldorf! Tickets are really affordable if booked in advance, around €60,- for a return trip from Amsterdam Central Station. If possible, I do need a heads-up at least a few weeks in advance, especially if a weekday is being considered...
  20. That sounds like you're able to use it like the old Nokia tablets. That being said: how is call quality through stuff like WhatsApp? Have you tried that already?
  21. As far as suggestions go, I like them being around even though I hardly use them. They're more of a check in case I'm typing a word wrong.
  22. I'm for a German location. Being from the Netherlands, that's easily reachable and there's a ton of airports for the rest of you guys to easily get there.
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