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Doktor Oswaldo

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Doktor Oswaldo last won the day on February 20

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About Doktor Oswaldo

  • Rank
    Pro1 Owner / Pro1x Owner

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  1. Sorry it wasn't my intention to attack the joke. I did indeed understand it. I am just an middle aged white guy who gets angry about stupid stuff a lot...
  2. sorry but that is a stupid thing. It is inspired by the N97 but has no keyboard but a Gamepad and another OS, and is no phone? So what exactly is inspired from the N97? The fact it has a screen?
  3. Back to PC it seems. For me personally it means that I again carry around my notebook all the time. It was nice to restart servers from my phone. I know this is still possible, but the touchscreen-hassle makes it impossible to do it properly.
  4. be honest, you are just trying to get the excel 97 flight simulator to work πŸ˜„
  5. highly unlikely. Remember the pro1x WAS the second phone. It should have fixed a few issues, but it turned out to be worse then the pro1 (at least on average because of the connectivity issues). I bet they won't touch phones again for at least some years to come.
  6. That is what I mean. If I remember correctly this happened in connection to the global shortage of chips during the pandemic. However, I do mean these problems, not the pandemic in general
  7. This. I can't use my pro1x because the reception is to bad (my pro1 was a fine daily driver). But I am still glad I undertook that adventure. It was a Crowdfunding campaign, so getting a phone at all is a win. It is remarkably how close to pulling it off they got. If corona didn't happened it may have been possible.
  8. Oh yeah unfortunately. My pro1-x has nearly no black corners, I gladly switch it for one that has a stable connectivity...
  9. Oh I will check mine on Friday, but I am from Switzerland, so more shipping. Feel free to get in contact with @itchy355. Since mine has new Battery and Screenunit, I may have a bit of a high price tag on it for the fact that he just needs a mainboard. I have no bad feelings at all if you can sell it to him for less.
  10. I have one laying around. I can't remember what was wrong with it, but I am fairly certain it was not the mainboard. I can have a look if you want. Where are you living?
  11. Well I do agree on personal level, I love the keyboard format, and used it all the time. I do not think the Time of keyboard phones is over, I do think the time of customer choice is over. The game changing change apple showed with the first iPhone was not a technical aspect of the phone, it was the marketing. Apple showed, that it is more efficient, to advert the same phone to all the people, than to build the right phone for different people. A development we all know from supermarkets and cars. The illusion of choice. They give you different products, but they are mostly the s
  12. I completely agree. The communication thought .... What I mean is, it feels strange, that they just founded the next keyboard phone company (the apple thing). I do know, that this has reasons, but the feeling is bad. An open explanation would help. However, I don't hold any grudge with everything regarding the pro1x. It was an IGG... money spent on IGG is paid for a dream, it is pure luck if it comes true.
  13. Are there Pro1X with the shifted keyboard? I thought all the Xs are shift (Expect the X-mas units, which where blue Pro1s).
  14. it is weird. It took a while for me to get used to it. Still weird and not the best solution. The one thing you don't want to do in the dark is karate chopping your phone into the woods... But it is better than using that useless quickmenu which is becoming worse and worse. HTC had a solution where drawing an O on the locked screen activated the light, that was great.
  15. It is not only a matter of not enforcing it, it highly doubt they could enforce it. Just because a company writes something in their TOS doesn't makes it law. I mean the only thing IGG could do is to delete their campaign, which would help no one expect maybe IGG. So the TOS line is worthless. If you want your money back, you would have to follow the laws of the sellers jurisdiction, because that is where the contract is valid. I have no idea what the right steps for the UX are. But you probably have to set them a deadline, then report them to some sort of local authority. Then all the comp
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