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Everything posted by patrykgrzesiak

  1. I have received my screen from Aliexpress and it is missing the connector board. Are there any specific instructions how to move it from the broken screen without damaging? edit: There were 2 small screws near the camera and some glue in the middle Screen has been replaced successfully. The screen is ok, everything works as intended. I can recommend the full frame Pro1 screen from Aliexpress 🙂
  2. Thank you. I have ordered one from Aliexpress
  3. And I just broke my screen... 😭 Is it still possible to order a replacement from FxTec?
  4. My Pro1 is running happily again with a brand new display I finally got from FxTec, but thanks anyway! 🙂
  5. Thank you for posting. The instructions are in Chinese 🙁
  6. Either this or someone (FxTec maybe) will be selling a working replacement screen 😜
  7. Still, my data will be lost. In such case, I will endure the annoyance of broken screen for now and wait for some less invasive solution to this problem
  8. So there is no solution currently? Either broken screen (which is annoying, but bearable) or flashing to stock? I prefere to be sure before I remove my old screen.
  9. I finally got mine replacement screen from Aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32956500815.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.productList_5428177.pic_4 What exactly is this firmware problem mentioned somewhere above? I am on LineageOS 18.1 - will upgrading to 19.1 help me in any way?
  10. In the end I ordered this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32956500815.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.productList_5428177.pic_4 It will take a month to ship, but probably still faster than IGG. I wonder if there is any difference in battery between Pro1 and Pro1X - the bundle includes spare screen and spare battery, a good thing to have before a new keyboard phone appears.
  11. No chance to order a whole replacement screen assembly from the support? I replaced a broken screen in my old Moto Z once and while I think I could do it I don't like the idea 😉
  12. Unfortunately I broke the display in my Pro1 😞 Is there any easy way to replace it?
  13. I recently encounter a charging problem, has anyone else experienced something similar? Description: phone does not charge, starts charging only after reboot with charger connected. Checked on different chargers and laptop USB ports How to replicate: in my case - discharge the phone to around 15%, connect the charger LineageOS 18.1 with recent updates Edit - please delete my post or better move it to the relevant topic: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3408-pro1-on-lineageos-181-only-charges-if-i-reboot-it-first/
  14. Mobile data disabled, received MMS. There is a pop-up Can't send MMS message Tap to allow MMS messaging on... and it opens mobile network properties in settings - but I see no option to allow MMS other than turning 'mobile data' on
  15. There is a similar pop-up in LineageOS 17.1 but I did not find the option to enable it. So I wonder if I am missing something
  16. It is. There is however an option to enable mobile data temoporarily just to send/receive MMS without user intervention. It worked this way in Motorola stock. Was there something like config_enable_mms_with_mobile_data_off in LineageOS?
  17. I would like to ask about sending/receiving MMS when 'mobile data' is disabled - is it possible in LOS17.1? Am I missing something?
  18. I falshed mine, with no issues. Starting from LOS16.0, MindTheGapps and addonsu. Downloaded LOS17.1 https://download.lineageos.org/pro1 OpenGApps nano, ARM64, Android10.0 https://opengapps.org/ Magisk installer zip https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/tag/v20.4 adb root adb reboot sideload adb sideload lineage-17.1-20201116-nightly-pro1-signed.zip waited a few minutes, then after reboot to bootloader Advanced -> Reboot to Recovery after reboot Apply Update -> Apply from ADB adb sideload open_gapps-arm64-10.0-nano-20201121.zip adb sideload Magisk-v2
  19. I have a question about updating from test19 to test20 - do I have to sideload Lineage zip, Lineage zip+gapps, or Lineage zip+boot img+gapps?
  20. I am waiting impatiently 😉 I hope it will be fully functional for daily use, I would like to finally move from my old Moto Z
  21. Mine was sent in march but for unknown reasons never reached me. Then was the virus and everything was delayed. It was successfully sent for the second time a week ago
  22. I just got my Pro1 today (after a really long period of waiting) :-) I am struggling to root it now
  23. My Pro1 has never reached me 😞 I called FedEx and they informed me that it was returned to Hongkong from Warsaw without even reaching my city.
  24. According to FedEx, mine is stuck somewhere in Warsaw. It took 4 days to get from China to Warsaw and for another 4 days it has been lying there 🙁 The original delivery date was 27.01.2020 It seems that the final kilometers are the most difficult
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