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Posts posted by tdm

  1. Quick update...


    Got lineage to boot in enforcing mode today. Still need to tweak a few rules to get the fingerprint reader and lights hal to work. I'll probably have that done in a couple days. Then I'll start preparing for official lineage support. And of course, after that it's on to Q. Which should be pretty fast and easy.


    I'll be trying to get VoLTE working next week.  @Hook has sent me a Verizon SIM to use for testing. Thanks!

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  2. 1 hour ago, VaZso said:

    Thank you.
    Unfortunately, it was written in C#, so there is no much chance to be compiled to run under Linux.
    However, maybe also MTP/PTP handling would be also different otherwise.

    ...but it should be a useful program for Windows.


    If you are on Linux, I recommend mounting with jmtpfs and then you can backup and restore however you like.  Anything from tar to rsync to a GUI backup utility.


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  3. 19 hours ago, VaZso said:

    Does it mean by adb backup, I can backup my applications and their settings?


    Yes, adb backup will backup your applications.  It is not guaranteed to backup all applications, as there is an opt-out for apps.  But typically this is only used by sensitive apps (eg. my 2fa app for work opts out).


    19 hours ago, VaZso said:

    The other one is the storage I also see in a file manager I think.


    Yes, your internal storage is accessed via MTP/PTP.  You should be able to see all your files when you connect to a PC.  Things like all your camera photos, music files, and such.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Craig said:


    Is it possible to increase the delay before OS triggers longpress action?  Like increase from 300ms to 500ms or higher... perhaps that could avoid the issue, at least in lineage...   when I was stock, usually when I got the repeating letter quick it was about 8 or 9 of the same letter iirc, so however long it it takes do repeat that many letters add it to the delay or something....  I'd be happy to test with an overley high delay (like 1 or 2 seconds) to see if it keeps happening to me, cuz for me its a daily issue.


    I've not really dived into the keyboard code in Android, but it seems the answer is yes... I think.  The setting Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT seems to be what controls the initial repeat delay, but I can't seem to make it work here.  So perhaps that's not the proper setting.  You can test it:


    settings get secure long_press_timeout
    settings put secure long_press_timeout <value>


    ... where <value> is an integer representing the timeout in milliseconds.


    Unfortunately the rest of the timing values related to the keyboard seem to be hard coded.  So they can only be changed by building a custom ROM.


    PS... I did some poking around the keyboard driver in the kernel and nothing indicates the kernel handles repeat.  I also ran "getevent -l" in an adb session and that verified it.


  5. To answer your question directly, Android has its own unique init system (not based on sysvinit or upstart or anything else).  The init "language" declares various things, including services (eg. daemons).  Services by default are restarted when they crash/exit, infinitely many times.  They can be marked "critical", in which case the device reboots when they crash too often (5 per minute, I believe), or "oneshot", in which case they are not restarted at all.


    Your symptoms could be either software or hardware.  Software issues might be a service that continually crashes or even maybe malware.  Hardware issues might be a device that is misbehaving, causing the kernel to spend most of its time trying to reach it.  The first (and really only) thing you can do is generate an Android bugreport (see here for details) and maybe a logcat for good measure.  After that, I'm afraid stock software doesn't allow you to access much of anything else useful for diagnosing such an issue.


    If I were attempting to diagnose the issue, I would start by doing a factory reset to ensure that software is behaving properly.  Android does have rudimentary methods to backup and restore your files, but they are indeed rudimentary.  Your files are in two different places: (1) apps, and (2) internal storage.  You can backup your apps by using "adb backup", and you can backup your internal storage with MTP.


    Oh, and I would also use this opportunity to install Lineage so that I could have better access to diagnose issues and do backup/restore in the future.  🙂


    And of course, you should contact FxTec support to see what they recommend.


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  6. 3 hours ago, Craig said:

    FYI, I did report this on your issue tracker in April; you marked it as upstream bug.


    I was unsure if netmans keyboard driver (pushed to stock early march) fixed it or not since I've been on lineage (which now results in accent chooser instead of bunch of repeated characters) but sounds like still an issue there too...


    If it is happening to multiple people (sounds like it is) and arbitrary keys (again, sounds like it is) then it's almost surely a software issue.  I'll have to double check, but I believe that userspace (Android) does the key repeat, not the kernel.  This is the reasoning for marking it upstream.  If that is true, then the issue is most likely related to timing under high workload.


    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Craig said:

    You've probably answered this in the past but I've forgotten... when it does go official, will we be able to dirty flash official, or should we wipe & start over then?

    You should be able to dirty flash. I think you need to delete the app signature database first so the lineage key check doesn't fail. But that should be all.


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  8. 1 hour ago, marmistrz said:


    I noticed that sometimes while typing on the Pro1 a key gets "stuck" and produces input for ~1s after it's been released. This happens on both stock and LineageOS.

    In such a situation, I'd get many repetitions of a letter on stock (for instance: rubbbbbbbbbbbbbbb when typing rubbish or lauggggggggggggggg when typing laugh). On LineageOS, this is registered as a long key press, which triggers the diacritic selection dialog.

    It's a total bummer when trying to get decent writing speeds.

    Is this some driver issue F(x)tec is aware of or is it a hardware issue?


    I've never seen or heard of such an issue.  Does this happen for just a couple particular keys or for all keys?


    If it happens for only a few keys, it is most likely a hardware issue.


    If it happens for all keys, it's more likely to be a software issue.  But tracking it down may be a challenge.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Slion said:

    Is that an option for them? Can they call it Android then? Does it have Google services?


    No and yes.  Lineage itself does not have GMS (aka. gapps).  FxTec could take Lineage as a base and add GMS, but that has some big pitfalls.  The biggest is trying to get certified, because nobody really knows if Lineage passes CTS (certification tests).  These can be a real pain to get working.


    The better option is to actually develop the current stock software.  Lineage (and many other Android custom ROM projects) are open source and various bug fixes and features can be picked from them.  It doesn't take much to make a huge difference in usability.  As others have mentioned, my Lineage Pro1 device tree has a handful of super simple fixes that would be trivial to incorporate into stock.


    Unfortunately, my understanding is that IdeaLTE does all of the software and FxTec does not even have a software team.  Being a hardware company, IdeaLTE is pretty terrible at software and undoubtedly invests as little as possible into their software team because that eats into profits.  And given the current situation, I don't expect FxTec is making enough money to hire software developers.  Even without covid19, I don't think they were making much.


    • Thanks 2
  10. 2 hours ago, ToniCipriani said:

    One other thing I noticed is that launching the app via the hardware button causes the majority of my issues with it. Whole thing felt like it was just a demo app provided by Qualcomm and not meant for end-user use.


    That's because ... well ... it is.  The stock software is not much more than the QCOM BSP (a reference for OEMs to start with) plus a custom launcher and updater.


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  11. 11 hours ago, ToniCipriani said:

    Is the security proper on that? I keep getting suggestions to use Lineage (which I'm OK with, my TouchPad runs Cyanogenmod anyways), but I do use my phone for work as BYOD so I can't really tamper with the security settings and boot loaders.


    As stated earlier, Secure Boot is disabled.  So no, security can never be "proper" on the Pro1.


    But stock software and a locked bootloader should be able to pass corp checks since Android cannot "see" the Secure Boot setting.  Android does see the bootloader lock state and pretty much any security type software will flag that as unacceptable.  So no, you most likely cannot run Lineage with your corp stuff.  And then there's selinux which is not fully working in Lineage yet, so that's another issue for corp use.  There are workarounds (such as magisk and xposed), but I would never run them myself nor recommend them.


    As for using a personal device on a corp net in general, I refuse to do it myself and I recommend against anyone else doing it.  Keep in mind that most any corp software is going to require admin access to the device.  This means that your corporate IT department can remotely wipe your device.  That includes not only all your apps, but all your local media storage (pictures, etc.)  All it takes is one guy clicking the wrong thing to ruin your day (or more likely your week).  I refuse to give that power to anyone.


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  12. 5 hours ago, Hook said:

    Bingo. 👍


    Yes, exactly this. Not only is it not my job to support their business model, but (1) their business model costs me money by burning through my limited mobile bandwidth and (2) they let malicious ads that carry malware through, putting my device, my personal reputation, and my financial well being at risk.


    If the ad ecosystem had stuck with a reasonable number of modestly sized ads and vetted the content appropriately, I would not feel the need to block them.


    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Hook said:

    For what it's worth, the shutting down which had been happening nearly daily, has not happened since I installed the new Lineage build.  Thanks, tdm.  🙂  (Hoping this isn't famous last words 😄 ).


    Thank you for the confirmation that it is fixed.  This means the actual DT2W configuration change fixed the issue and the I2C changes were not necessary.


    I'm mildly interested in the I2C changes, but I have no idea what is wired to i2c_7.  I guess as long as it works, I'll just leave it.


    • Thanks 2
  14. Secure Boot is a Qualcomm-specific mechanism that enforces the phone must run signed (trusted) code from power-on to the bootloader.  This setting cannot be changed by the user, it is a very low level setting that can only be enabled at the factory (and, once enabled, can never be disabled -- it's a hardware fuse).  The "device state" (locked or unlocked) is a bootloader setting that may be toggled by the user with the fastboot tool.


    As far as I know, the Secure Boot flag is not visible to Android in any way at all.  I don't do corporate stuff on my personal device, so I can't say why your device can't play on your corpnet.  But it's almost surely not due to Secure Boot.


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  15. 58 minutes ago, _DW_ said:

    No idea why they did it never bought a phone with the IMEI number stuck on the phone.


    It is rather common in my experience.  For example, ZTE also does this.


    It is probably not a huge deal to have the sticker showing, as your identity is attached to your SIM card not your phone.  But no reason to take any chances that someone could do something nefarious.


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  16. 1 hour ago, ToniCipriani said:

    If only the Pro 1 had a proper desktop mode. I just plugged my phone into my work MacBook's dock and it looks ridiculously large...

    I believe Android supports a "free form window mode" that could be workable. I'm too lazy to look up how to enable it right now but I'm sure you can find it. I recall it requires putting a permission file into system.



  17. 7 hours ago, acrux said:

    Yes please, guide me - i'm ready to help if I can 😉


    Mount /system r/w with "adb remount".  Then edit the file /system/etc/prop.default.  Change the following properties:




    Reboot and hopefully logcat will work from early in the boot process.


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