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Posts posted by tdm

  1. 11 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    Test21 seems to be a little TOO aggressive on the power save, When left idle it decouples the WiFi so check for mail and the like is not performed.

    When unlocking you can see that the WiFi icon is not there, and only appears after a short while.

    If you immediately after unlock open something that uses the net (say Android Market) it reports "No internet", but clicking retry and it will work once it has reconnected.

    This aggressive option can be very nice for special use cases, like when the battery is close to depletion, or when you need an extra long stamina for say a trip. But I think it will be a nuisance for most users in daily use, so it should not be default ON.

    Thanks I'll take a look shortly.


    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    Already started that by the time you replied as I had a feeling it had to be something with that with all the changes from last night.  Forced another sync just in case, rebuilt and installed, now it hangs on the linage boot animation, adb not connecting at this point either.  Grrr...


    I haven't seen it hang on bootanim in months.  Nolen did commit a couple of changes since test21 was cut, maybe those are causing it?


    I noticed the adb thing also.  Ethan's init stuff must have caused it.  Very frustrating for tracking down issues.  I'll have to fix it soon.


    • Thanks 3
  3. 24 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    I did a repo sync --force-sync before building today.  In my roomservice.xml:

      <project name="tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1" path="device/fxtec/pro1" remote="github" />
      <project name="tdm/proprietary_vendor_fxtec" path="vendor/fxtec" remote="github" />
      <project name="tdm/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998" path="kernel/fxtec/msm8998" remote="github" />

    Maybe it's possible that the rebuild didn't clean old framework_manifest.xml out and deleting the system and vendor folder in out before rebuilding again would resolve?


    I am pretty sure that building does not automatically clean files.  So you should probably delete your out/target/product/pro1/{root,system,vendor} first.  Then sync up again .. I think I neglected to update my lineage-16.0 branch yesterday.  But it's definitely up to date now.


    • Thanks 2
  4. 51 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    @tdm Synced, rebuilt and installed again.  However, after the first sleep/screen off it would not come back on.  After another reboot, I'm now stuck at "Phone is starting....".  I've attached a logcat from the second boot.  I'm currently reinstalling the build from yesterday for now....or so I thought.  Apparently, I cannot downgrade as Lineage Recovery sees it has an older timestamp and wont let me.  I'm going to manually flash the system and vendor images from bootloader now.

    Update: that's not working either, I can't get a good looking vendor.img extracted from the payload.bin.  Reverting commits and rebuilding a newer zip so the stupid recovery doesn't bitch at me again.

    failed.log 985.78 kB · 0 downloads

    Sounds like the livedisplay manifest issue.  Make sure you sync to test21 and you don't have a framework_manifest.xml file in your device tree.


    EDIT: Yup, looking through your log...


    07-14 11:07:49.126   601   601 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IAdaptiveBacklight/default in either framework or device manifest.
    07-14 11:07:49.126   601   601 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IColorEnhancement/default in either framework or device manifest.
    07-14 11:07:49.127   601   601 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IAutoContrast/default in either framework or device manifest.
    07-14 11:07:49.127   601   601 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IDisplayColorCalibration/default in either framework or device manifest.



    ... and later ...


    07-14 11:07:51.118  5206  5206 W init    : type=1400 audit(0.0:108): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/hw/[email protected]_msm8998" dev="sda7" ino=1868 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0


    EDIT2: Also, if you want to test the code going into the official trees, @npjohnson is doing all the work of integrating/merging my stuff and Ethan's stuff.  He is keeping a branch named lineage-16.0-merge for all three trees that is probably going to be the one copied into Lineage.  His github username is (surprise!) npjohnson.


    • Thanks 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, bmccrary said:

    I've been off of here forever, mainly due to the fact it was depressing seeing all of the cool Lineage stuff and knowing I never could use it.  However, I really wanted my keyboard fixed, and decided to upgrade from the January firmware which required a complete wipe in my case, and was amazed to see Verizon was working!!  🤩 So I flashed the test21 last night to try it out.  I'm sorry to say my results haven't been as good.  While it did work the first boot, as it always did in the past, it seems after a good full power off it doesn't work anymore.  I did install the addonsu and used Titanium to install some user apps but did not restore any system apps or settings.  I still have data but for voice it's "Emergency calls only" and the IMS status shows unregistered and everything is "unavailable."  What's kind of weird is the Wifi and mobile radios go off about every 30 secs and then turn back on and the Radio power (forget the exact name off hand) toggle switch even goes to off and then back on when this happens.  If there's any ideas I can try I'm up for it! 

    A good first start would be to get a normal logcat (adb logcat > log.txt) and a radio logcat (adb logcat -b radio > radiolog.txt).


    Anyone else on VZW with experiences to share?


  6. 2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    ...Forgot to say that Test21 installed smoothly both with and without root here too.

    (I did noticed that it in both cases after boot was somewhat slower redrawing the home screen, especially the clock widget. We are talking perhaps ½-1 second or something equally ignorable. Just reporting it as a noticed difference, Later redraws works just fine)

    Interesting.  Please watch performance.  It should not be noticeably worse than before but it should be slightly better on battery usage.


  7. 2 hours ago, Wheeljack said:

    test21 installed fine. Had to readjust display size down two notches since the "default" is now bigger. Trebuchet was also now 4x4 instead of 5x5. Now that everything is back looking like before, I can start looking for not so obvious differences 😉

    The display size change would be from this commit.  See, I told you Ethan was good.  😄


    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    The mic placement is clearly intended for noise-reduction.

    And I have no idea if the mics are handled as individual mics and the noise-reduction are done software-wise, OR if it is some chipset function using two physical mics, but only giving one mono stream of input to the system. I would not be surprised if the second was the case. Anyone knows? @tdm ?

    The msm8998 is definitely capable of stereo recording.  But I don't know how the Pro1 has it wired up.  You would probably have to ask @Waxberry.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Wasmachineman_NL said:

    So I guess there's no fix for this and the Pro1 is just a broken POS software wise? Good thing I never retired my N900 because even that thing is far less buggy than the Pro1.

    I can't say much about stereo recording, because I'm not really into that.  But I can say the software is .. well .. let's just say rather unpolished and leave it at that.  But the hardware is generally very good.  I highly recommend giving Lineage a try.  It makes the software experience much better, in my (biased) opinion.


    • Like 3
  10. Okay so FYI ... I have sent off my spare Pro1 to Nolen.  I had been keeping it on stock software for the purposes of downloading new stock updates and doing side-by-side testing.


    So now that it's gone, I'm going to rely on someone to tell me when there's a new stock release.  And, unless someone wants to volunteer [hi @EskeRahn! 😀], I'll "get" to backup, wipe, reinstall, copy off the bits, and restore for each update.


    • Thanks 3
  11. test21 is up.  Changes:

    * Update blobs and string to stock 2020-07-07.

    * Switch back to custom livedisplay implementation.

    * Import changes from Ethan Chen (thanks to Nolen for doing this).


    Note the changes from Ethan are too extensive to enumerate in a few lines.  There are some cool performance improvements along with lots of under-the-covers cleanup.


    • Thanks 8
  12. 1 minute ago, Jordi said:

    Even if I'am coming from an older version?


    Not sure exactly what you are asking.  All updates within the same major version (16.0, 17.1) will keep all add-ons.  But when you update major versions (say, 16.0 to 17.1) then you will need new gapps.  The su add-on isn't available for 17.1, yet anyway, but you would also need an updated su if/when it is.


    When you switch from my test builds to official Lineage, you will need to do a manual install of the official zip just like you install/update my builds.  After that, the OTA system is engaged.


    • Thanks 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, patrykgrzesiak said:

    I have a question about updating from test19 to test20 - do I have to sideload Lineage zip, Lineage zip+gapps, or Lineage zip+boot img+gapps?

    Same update procedure as always.  Once you have Lineage, you don't need to bother with the boot img.


    Reboot into recovery.

    Sideload the update.

    Reboot recovery (to switch slots).

    Sideload gapps, su, etc.

    Reboot to Lineage.


    And as soon as this goes official (later this week?) the OTA system will do the updates for you, just like stock.  And it keeps all your addons (gapps, su) through the updates.


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  14. 18 minutes ago, Slion said:

    @Erik @Waxberry any chance to get a fix for this at some point?

    @tdm was that fixed on LOS?

    Now that the audio crackling has been fixed surely this should be your number one priority. We are talking about a qwerty phone without a functional spellchecker.


    Don't think I've seen that bug reported for lineage. But then again, if the issue is not specific to the pro1, some lineage developer probably saw and fixed this in lineage before the first pro1 ever rolled off the assembly line.


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  15. Apparently Ethan Chen[*] has a Pro1 and he's been hacking on it lately.  So Nolen and I are going to be massaging the device code to incorporate his changes.  Nolen says that Ethan has incorporated a lot of cool stuff to make the device perform better.


    [*] Who is Ethan Chen?  He is arguably the best active Lineage device maintainer out there.  I worked with him at Cyanogen, and he is truly a whiz at doing device stuff.


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  16. 1 minute ago, EskeRahn said:

    It still got the bug that holding the LiveDisplay icon in notifications fail to launch it. Sure it is a trifle....


    This is a Lineage bug, not specific to pro1.  You can file a bug in either my device project so I can track it myself or the official Lineage bug reporting system.


  17. 34 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    @tdm built and installed.  I'll let you know if I see anything amiss and get some avc logs over.

    Thanks.  Given the timing of your message, I don't think you got the latest device tree change (the livedisplay switch).  You might want to re-sync and make sure you are up to date with the test20 tag on all three projects.


    • Thanks 1
  18. test20 is up.  This is pretty much the final code that will be imported into the official Lineage trees unless any issues are found.


    Changes from test19:

    * Update kernel to latest code from Qualcomm and IdeaLTE.
    * Update device blobs and strings to latest stock (2020-06-20).
    * Switch to standard livedisplay implementation.
    * Add WiFi MAC address setting from stock.


    • Thanks 3
  19. 2 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    [[device/fxtec/pro1/lineage_pro1.mk]]: "vendor/fxtec/pro1/pro1-vendor.mk" does not exist. I'm going to update my roomservice to move the vendor three to that location.  It's currently pointing to vendor/idealte/pro1/

    Vendor is not part of roomservice, you need to update that manually.


    • Thanks 1
  20. 33 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    @tdm Are you finished rebasing?  If so, do I need to update my roomservice?  Right now, it's completely broken for me.


    All the renaming is complete for sure.  How is roomservice broken?


    I may be rebasing the device tree again, but that should not break your roomservice.  Likewise with the vendor blobs, though that is less likely.  I just finished rebasing the kernel and updating it to the latest code, so that should not change again unless I broke something.


  21. test19 is up.  Changes:

     * Code cleanup for official submit to Lineage.

     * Add VoLTE props to fix VZW.


    Please verify everything works properly.


    FYI, this is my remaining TODO list before submission:

     * Verify WiFi and BT MAC addrs are set as in stock.
     * Regenerate vendor blobs from latest stock.
     * Fix poor kernel commits (fix stuff, fix more stuff).
     * Verify WiFi works on clean install.
     * Go over remaining oneplus specific stuff in rc-files, sepolicy, etc.


    Additionally, here is the updated proposal for the wiki pages:


    Please review for accuracy and completeness.


    My goal is to get this wrapped up on Monday.


    • Thanks 6
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