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Posts posted by tdm

  1. Just now, david said:

    Are the system properties for stock not available to copy, or is this a case of replacement open source code that has different properties than the stock code it replaces?


    Yes, they are available to copy.  It's pretty trivial to do this.  Oh, and I forgot to mention config files.  Those can affect behavior also.  But I think I've got all the relevant config files in place and up to date.


    Also note that Lineage is free to take changes to improve performance that aren't in stock.  Particularly with WiFi and GPS.  For example, on a previous device I owned, stock only enabled 2.4ghz on WiFi but 5ghz worked perfectly fine.  So I enabled it.


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  2. 2 minutes ago, david said:

    Question about LOS code for the Pro1...

    With my old phone, when I went to Cyanogenmod from Samsung code, the Camera took poorer images and the GPS didn't work as well as it did before the switch.  I believe the camera issues were due to the way things were architected in the past, where too much relied on vendor specific code, and an equivalent open source version of that code didn't exist.  Is that true -- should a photo taken with the Pro1 in stock mode end up identical to a photo taken with LOS, assuming the same camera app is used in both cases?  Or is there some library in between the app and the hardware that could cause differences?

    Same question regarding GPS, or even wifi and cellular.


    In theory Lineage should provide equal performance as stock for all components.  If it does not, let me know and I will look into it.


    Some of the sub-systems that you mention (gps, wifi) have partial open-source components and partial closed-source components.  If for some reason the open source components do not work as well as stock, I can look into it.  But I am not aware of any such issues at the moment.


    Some of the sub-systems are pretty much completely closed source (camera, cell radio).  These should certainly perform identical to stock.


    With that said, some behavior is determined at runtime via system properties.  It is possible that I may need to tweak some of the system properties to get the components to behave properly.  But again, I am not aware of any such issues at the moment.


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  3. 38 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

    @tdm Just an update on the fingerprint changes: It's mostly not working for me since the most recent changes last week.  I cannot figure out what the pattern is as to when ot works or doesn't, but usually nothing happens at all; no vibrate, no notification...just nothing.  I find I have to use the screen unlock pattern 70% of the time.  Were you aware of these issues and seeing the same thing or should I start gathering some logs files?

    I haven't heard any complaints. Logs would be a good first step.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Zamasu said:

    It was always known that default LineageOS wouldn't pass safetynet. Only "new" information is that the stock software is perhaps subpar, but I wouldn't say that's news either and I expected that, and it's also subjective. I don't think this is even a problem with the phone, more so with proprietary apps being stupid.


    I will not comment on whether stock is subpar or not.  That is a subjective call.  But I will say that stock is pretty much just a basic BSP build with a few changes tossed in here and there (like landscape mode).  This is something that a developer team at any other company would use as a starting point for their stock software.  It is not a finished product that was meant to be used by consumers.


    There are reasons for this, as I have mentioned -- IdeaLTE is a hardware company and FxTec cannot afford a software team.  But folks who choose to use stock should know about this situation so that their expectations are not set too high.


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  5. 1 hour ago, acoppens said:

    @tdm: Thanks for all the hard work :).

    As I've said before somewhere I want to try and go googlefree, with microg. From what I gather signature-spoofing is required for some things and I know @Loader009 did a one-off build with support for this. 

    I have no idea how much work this would be and if it's something you're up for, but would it be possible to get a micro-g ready build together with the regular build?


    I can certainly do a build for you.  But be aware once the device is submitted for official Lineage builds, I will stop doing my builds and you will need to find someone to do the patched build.  (Or just stick with my last build, as 16.0 is in maintenance mode).


    Where can I find the microg patch for Lineage 16.0?



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  6. Just now, EskeRahn said:

    If I enter settings in the android market and scrolls down, it says "Device is not certified" on lineage Test11

    Yes, correct.  But certified is not the same as registered/authorized.  When the device is not registered/authorized, you are completely blocked from the Play Store.  Certified is probably related to SafetyNet stuff.



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  7. 19 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:


    Does "in the near future" mean, though, that it still might with LineageOS 16 and 17?

    My understanding is that in R (which will surely be LineageOS 18), Google has implemented some sort of cryptographic authenticator using the TEE for safetynet attestation.  In layman's terms, this means the validation is happening in a place that cannot be easily seen or modified, and thus cannot be easily faked as it is now.  But keep in mind I am not an expert on SafetyNet -- I don't use it and generally don't care about it.  I only read a short post by John Wu on the subject.


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  8. 22 minutes ago, anonim001 said:

    Can someone explain, cause I can't find the answer anywhere... Is the device with LineageOS flashed but unrooted still SafetyNet approved? I'm using the banking app very often and I remember reading somewhere that flashing LineageOS can cause problems with some apps.

    No, LineageOS does not pass SafetyNet as shipped.  It passes everything else though (eg. Play Store / Play Services will see the device as registered and authorized).


    Folks that use custom ROMs and need SafetyNet compliance usually use magisk.  I can't say much else on the subject, as I don't need SafetyNet and never installed magisk.


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  9. 3 minutes ago, spam71 said:

    I tested both official and LOS for quite a long time. Right now LOS is much better, has great support, has less issues, is fast and at least as stable, as official build. 

    Good job tdm! Thanks to your work this phone gets almost perfect. Because what would be a great hardware with poor software? The answer is stock Pro1. 

    Thank you very much. If there is a way to repay you for your work somehow (ie paypal account), please let us know, because at least me, I'd be glad to offer some money as donation for your effort. 

    Thank you.  🙂


    For paypal please see here:

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  10. Quick update:


    @EskeRahn I'll add LiveDisplay back for the next build.


    @auvo.salmi something happened with my DNS and it lost all the IPv6 entries.  I have restored them and it should be working again.


    I asked about gapps persistence in Lineage Slack and the answer was that gapps persistence only works for OTA on A/B devices, not with sideload.  This is because nobody has been able to figure out get it working with sideload.  So, as you are surely aware by now, gapps needs to be flashed after updating.  I'll try to fix this soon.  But this won't be a problem after it goes official because updates will be via OTA.


    I'm currently working on selinux rules.  Hopefully it won't take too long to get enforcing mode working.  After that is done, there isn't much standing in the way of official builds.


    Finally, Seattle is in full coronoavirus mode.  Kids are out of school for at least two weeks starting today and most people are working remote.  I'm not sure how much time I'll have for working on the Pro1 over the next few weeks, so expect my work to slow down for a while.


    • Thanks 7
  11. 1 hour ago, Polaris said:

    A better way to solve this problem (for now) is to just factory load LineageOS prior to shipping (or at least give the option to customers for receiving a device with Lineage. @tdm has been fixing the bugs one by one, and LOS is much more stable than the stock ROM.  Additionally, he has implemented, and is continuing to implement, very worthwhile enhancements.

    Lineage does not have gapps, so an official Lineage build could not be used for stock.  It would be technically possible to build Lineage with the approved gapps for a stock replacement, but this would violate the contract with Google.


    Unfortunately, IdeaLTE is a hardware manufacturer and FxTec is too small to have a software team.  So the current situation where stock is a basic no-frills system while Lineage is a much nicer alternative will surely persist for quite some time.


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  12. 1 minute ago, wilhelmfitzpatrick said:

    Does the "register your device with Google" thing have any impact on SafetyNet, or is that something different? https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/?pli=1

    That is for when play services detects that your device is not registered, eg. the build fingerprint does not match any registered/approved devices. Basically when Google didn't get their money from certification. Lineage will be registered, as it uses the stock fingerprint. So that is not needed.


  13. 31 minutes ago, 3zet said:

    Hi, there is any chance and if, when ROM will be able to run apps which are looking for safetycheck option? I don't know too much about Android and it's forks so sorry for stupid questions. 

    Lineage by default will not.  Folks typically use magisk for this.

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  14. Got the FM radio fixed (listening to it now).  Will push that up and do a new build soon.


    If anyone is interested in details...


    The first problem is that the AOSP "FMRadio" package is broken and not used, there is a QCOM "FM2" package that is used instead.  I've noted this before.  Second, there are some libraries that must be specified to be built which I was missing.  Thirdly, there is a library that seems to be in the open source code but explicitly set to not build without the BSP for some reason so that needs to go into the proprietary blob list.  Fourthly, was missing a required property, "vendor.bluetooth.soc=cherokee" (I had mistakenly set vendor.qcom.bluetooth.soc).


    EDIT: both vendor.bluetooth.soc and vendor.qcom.bluetooth.soc appear to be used in various places, so I guess both need to be set.  Yay consistency...

    • Thanks 9
  15. @oliviersenn6 I am not sure what could be happening.  The EDL package should replace most everything related to booting the device into Android.  There are some exceptions (such as the Factory Reset Protection flag).  But I don't see how flashing a Lineage boot image followed by another EDL flash should fix things.


    In any event, it looks like your device is working again.  I will keep watch for this issue in the future.  Thanks for the report.


  16. 16 minutes ago, paul said:

    Hello tdm, greeting from Italy!


    Greetings!   I hope you are doing well.


    16 minutes ago, paul said:

    1. The hotspot does not start if the Wi-Fi is on. When I try to power on it it self power offs and it does not start, it concludes a generic "error";


    This is definitely a bug.  I have filed an issue for it.


    16 minutes ago, paul said:

    2. Is there someone that succeeded to install correctly substratum theme layers on the device? I tried several, but it does not work at all. No overlay is applied. I don't know if it is ROM-related or if the cause is the Android system version itself. I am coming from a Motorola Photon Q with 7.1.2 and the overlays worked like a charm.


    I have not used themes in quite some time, so I cannot say.  In any case, I doubt this would be specific to the Pro1.  It is most likely lacking in LineageOS.


    16 minutes ago, paul said:

    3. The position of the touch bottons is not customizable. If you go to the keys menu and then to keys and disposition you can't move the keys as one could do in LOS 14 (I personally prefer to swap the home and apps button). Further, the "left handed" option is gone. I am left handed and I really loved, while in landscape mode, to have the touch keys at the left of the screen and not at the right.


    Did you try "System -> Buttons -> Buttons and Layout"?  There are several options in that menu, including "left leaning" and "invert layout".


    16 minutes ago, paul said:

    These are only very low problematic issues. You can obviously skip them, I only would like to report my remarks to you.

    Have a nice week and Thank you for you great and hard work!



    Thank you. :)


  17. 58 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    Just curious, why are the options in LiveDisplay reduced with Test10 compared to Test8?

    (do not recall how it was on Test9)


    Possibly this commit?  I got it from another device while I was trying to get things working, and then I deleted it when I saw that 1+5/5t does not have it.  I am not sure if it should be present or not.



    • Thanks 1
  18. 19 minutes ago, david said:

    What does official Lineage support mean?  Does that mean more developers will be adding things, or does it mean new features will come in from the official Lineage code base?

    I'm only vaguely familiar with that being another 3rd party ROM.  I just googled and it seems it is back on Oreo??  What would the advantage be of that firmware?

    The advantage of official lineage is that you get automated nightly builds with the current code. That's not such a big deal for 16.0 since it's in de-facto maintenance mode, but it will be really nice for 17.1. It also means that more people will see it and use it, since not everyone reads this forum.


    The big advantage to AOKP has always been more options over Lineage. And there's also unicorns and swagger, naturally. 🙂 Yes, AOKP is probably past its prime, but I've a particular fondness for it.  I've been using it for about 8 years and developing it for about 6. I worked with its creator, Roman Birg, at Cyanogen, and I'm currently the main AOKP admin. And yes it was on Oreo for far too long but Pie is stable and running fine (using it on my 1+6t actually).

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  19. I'm going to be pushing for official Lineage support over the next few days. That means fixing all the known bugs (not necessarily enhancement requests, but of course I'll get to those also). So if anybody is experiencing any issues that aren't in the github tracker, please add them ASAP. Otherwise, I'm going to assume FM radio and selinux rules are the last release blocking issues.


    Also FYI... as soon as Lineage 16.0 goes official, I'll start working on 17.1. That should be a breeze compared to initial bringup.


    Oh and I'll probably be making an AOKP build this week. 😄



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  20. I've gotten VLC with OpenSL ES initially working by taking audio_policy_configuration.xml from 1+5/5t.  There are quite a few diffs, so I'm narrowing it down now.


    If you want to try this out yourself and report back, do the following:

    1. Remove or rename the directory /vendor/etc/audio.  This contains the currently used audio_policy_configuration.xml file.

    2. Update /vendor/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml with this one.


    I am particularly interested to see if this fixes audio issues in other apps.


    Note: audio_policy_configuration.xml is search for in /vendor/etc/audio first, then in /vendor/etc.  The BSP puts it into /vendor/etc/audio but Lineage (and the Lineage 1+5/5t trees) have it in /vendor/etc.  I started by copying the Lineage 1+5/5t and then tossing in the BSP files for the pro1, which is why there are two copies.  And this is why it took me forever to figure out a2dp -- I was looking at the wrong file for a couple days.


    I'll be doing the audio configuration the Lineage way for the next build, hence the instructions above to remove the BSP version.  You could also just replace the BSP version instead of deleting it if you wish.  But I don't like having two copies of the same file lying around because it's confusing.  You know, the old adage about a man with two watches and all.


    EDIT: The fix is on line 67, removing AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_RAW.  This is the only line that needs to change.



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  21. 37 minutes ago, Laska said:

    Sorry to bother you.

    Please be so kind and share information: is there any way to manualy instal keyboard fix? I've modified my /system partition and so now can't install OTA. I can live with it very well and I don't care about gapps (honestly, I've removed them all), safetynet or even security updates but I would love get this keyboard fix.

    Thank you for your time.


    The keyboard fix is in the kernel (at least the parts you likely want -- I don't know yet what else they have changed).  So you need to update your kernel.  I doubt much has changed in the ramdisk, if anything, so you can probably use the boot image directly from the update.  The only caveat is that is the kernel modules (including wifi driver) are located in /vendor and may not load with the newer kernel.  So you may need to update those also.  And that would further prevent you from taking any OTA updates.


    I don't have an updated boot image or kernel modules handy, as I haven't installed this update.  Perhaps someone else can provide them?


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