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Posts posted by tdm

  1. If you don't see any boot logo or anything, that is surely a hardware issue. I'm afraid it's time to talk to support. 😞


    It is possible... I'd say likely... that it's just a loose connector. But you and support need to decide whether you should disassemble the device or let them do it.


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  2. 2 hours ago, v6ak said:

    Hello, I have few questions. Note that I don't have they phone yet.

    1. Does it use hardware-based key store? It should be available in Settings, probably under Security & location » Encryption & credentials » Storage type.


    2 hours ago, v6ak said:

    2. Does it wipe after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the PIN?

    It does whatever lineage usually does. I'm not going to wait for the timeout 5 times to try. 😉

    2 hours ago, v6ak said:

    3. When I switch the selinux mode to enforcing, how much am I going to break?

    You, as a user, do not switch to enforcing. It is my job to fix all the enforcing issues and then enable enforcing mode.


    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Craig said:

    Just a re-ping on the fingerprint stuff too.  It's not important or critical cuz I dont really care if fingerprint works or not, and if its just me, then I guess no worries.  But, I have nothing related in persist but can't save a fingerprint on lineage as mentioned earlier.

    Pretty sure it works for everyone else. Send me a PM and we can try to figure it out.


  4. 33 minutes ago, Craig said:

    You obviously don't play any games or you'd have noticed it by now!

    I was referring to the audio crackle that is present in pretty much every game.  This is a stock problem too

    No I don't really play games on my phones... or anywhere really. That's what happens when you have kids and an android hobby. 😉


    Interesting to know that it's also in stock, thanks. That will surely help.

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    Audio crackling can easily be reproduced by running an application using OpenSL ES. As for examples, VLC can be set to use in the settings, mpv for Android uses it by default.
    AAudio also crackles iirc, but I can't name an example app from the top of my head right now.

    Supposedly related to Snapdragon audio power saving stuff. And apparently plugging something into USB does remove the crackle somehow, but I haven't had the chance to confirm this on my own unit yet.

    Question is if this is worth getting into since the last OTA (the "next" before pulled one) was supposed to have this fixed on stock... which kind of didn't happen, admittedly.

    I guess you don't do much with audio on your test device? I find it hard to believe to not come across this at least in one app sooner or later. It's pretty much the biggest remaining gripe I have left with the Pro1, personally.


    Perfect, thanks.  Installed VLC and set it to OpenSL ES.  mp3 playback is crackling.  Will investigate.


    I haven't used my device much yet.  Still need to get my carrier to figure out the voice call issue.


    • Thanks 6
  6. Okay I've spent several hours trying to get TWRP to decrypt userdata and still no joy.  I am going to put that aside for now and focus on other things.


    So as I recall, the top 3 things people wanted were display margin, fingerprint mitigations, and TWRP.  What's next on the list?  I believe the only things blocking official builds are FM radio and selinux.  And I could probably fudge on FM radio if nobody cares about it.  Though I really should get it working soon.


    • Thanks 2
    • Sad 1
  7. The boot loader is qcom code. The OEM modifies it for the device: display initialization, button access, things like that. I don't know offhand if the unlocked warning is defaulted to on or not, but they certainly could have disabled it in any case.


    All devices have Secure Boot off and always have. This is not really related to the boot loader lock.


    • Thanks 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, MickH said:

    Just got the update but I seem to be stuck on the "Installing Update" screen.

    It says the install is 100% but there's nothing much happening now. Should I just restart, see what happens?

    Seems to be a bug in AdUps.  I rebooted after waiting a bit to make sure it was done.  The update was successful.


    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    A tiny thing that cause some reboots:

    When in inverse landscape, the Power-menu is in the same order as in landscape. So when you press the one close to power as usual to do a screen shot - you get a shut down!?!?

    The icons should be at fixed positions at the fixed bar rotating the icons only, like they already do correctly between portrait and landscape.


    In Inverse portrait, it fails completely, placing the bar identical to portrait, and thus at the wrong side and in the wrong order... 🙃


    This goes for both Lineage and Stock, so tag @Waxberry hoping he sees it too.


    Sure, please file an issue on my tracker (and also on the new community tracker).


    This seems like an AOSP bug, so I will probably look to see if it has been fixed in AOSP master.  If not, I will try to send a patch to them.


  10. 7 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    Would it be possible to not count the 2secs from last registered attempt but from last sensor-touch?

    That is if I repeatedly press (or even hold) a wrong finger/hand-part at the sensor, it should be ignored, until I leave it free for at least 2s, and then activate it again.

    Sure that sounds like a good change.


  11. 11 hours ago, FlyingAntero said:

    I would like to help. In my opinion, we should make QWERTZ keyboard act like the print. Then we should be able to remap QWERTZ for Scandic etc. with different layout option. QWERTZ is really close to Scandic so there is very little changes (basicly Y<->Z, Ü->Å in Finnish). Where I can find the instructions? 

    Finnish mapping is working only for QWERTY units. If you select Finnish on QWERTZ then the keys doesn't match at all with the prints. So we would still need FinQWERTY or similar for QWERTZ units.

    Here is the post where I described how to change the keymap:



    Also, I realized that I may need to make a third keyboard layout "qwerty-intl" to support multi-lingual keyboards using the QWERTY keyboard, as @auvo.salmi is doing.  I don't know how many others are doing this.  Anyone?


    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, KingOfTerrible said:

    I'm really hesitant to do this since I'm worrying about bricking the unit or losing my data and app config that took me a long time.  I'd imagine the the fxtec logo is the splash.img file.  What would you think about just doing the splash one only?  Have you ever tried flashing a single file and not the whole script from @Waxberry / not doing the erase userdata part?

    Yes you can certainly try just splash first.


    • Thanks 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Craig said:

    So I decided to test the fingerprint sensor.  I've had it disabled since the middle of December cuz it wasn't working well, but with fixes in place, felt like the time to test again.

    I spent my time recording three fingerprints, imagining all the digits I might use to unlock it.   Locked, then tried, none would work.  Okay, let's reboot, maybe it needs that.  Nope, now it doesn't have my fingerprints saved anymore.  Try again with just one fingerprint.  Same deal; doesn't work, reboot it disappears.

    You most likely have a full fingerprint set in /persist. Delete everything under /persist/data/fingerprint and reboot. That should fix it.

    • Like 2
  14. 31 minutes ago, Craig said:

    After reading I'm not the only one having issues with gapps after update, and seeing instructions about slots, and then the statement I quoted, it makes me want to try opengapps instead of mindthegapps.... am I headed for disaster?

    I had issues with slots and it has also had issues with lineage recovery in the past, but that may have been fixed.


    I always used to use opengapps just out of habit, but never liked it because their installer script is insanely complicated. After having issues with A/B devices I switched to MtG and I'm not going back.


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  15. 2 minutes ago, auvo.salmi said:

    Thanks! One more: Is there a way to check which partition you are using atm? In flashing guide the partition was set to a or b few times to be sure to have the particular one in use. I have done the flashing only once and did it just as in the guide, so I guess I should have the system running from slot b. But after a while, when flashing test build 20, should I just remember which partition I flashed previous time? 😄

    Recovery shows the current slot on the screen. It can also be found in Android by "getprop | grep slot", and there is even a fastboot variable "fastboot getvar current-slot".

    • Like 2
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  16. 3 minutes ago, auvo.salmi said:

    Another stupid question: So should the new version be flashed to the other a/b partition than the older one? So as your guide says to flash the lineage to slot a, should the new version be also flashed to a or be instead? Bonus question: Is it needed to reflash gapps also?

    You can choose to install to either slot after the initial Lineage install. Just be aware that recovery will install to the opposite slot as the running one.


    gapps is supposed to persist if you have it installed. But people have reported issues with that, and I have not yet investigated. But it is always safe to flash gapps ... it will just over-write itself harmlessly. Again, be aware of the slots and remember to reboot recovery prior to flashing gapps.


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  17. test9 is up.  Changes:

    * Fix notification light.

    * Fix WiFi signal strength indicator.

    * Add fingerprint mitigations.



    The vibrator seems to work but I am seeing errors in the log.  Please let me know if it works or not.  Either way I will be looking into fixing the errors.


    The fingerprint backoff defaults to 2 seconds per attempt.  This can be controlled via these properties:

    persist.vendor.fingerprint.auth_delay: the auth delay in seconds, defaults to 2.

    persist.vendor.fingerprint.auth_backoff: whether to backoff between attempts, defaults to 0 (off).  When backoff is enabled, delay is multiplied by the number of failed attempts.  eg. 2 seconds for first fail, 4 for second, 6 for third, etc.

    I'll add these into the settings app for next build.


    • Thanks 8
  18. I'm trying to push a release out today, but it may slip to tomorrow morning (Seattle time, naturally).  The current fixes include fixed notification lights, fixed wifi signal strength, and a delay for failed fingerprint authentication.


    COVID-19 affects development because I am in Seattle which is currently in full freak-out mode over the virus.  Fortunately it hasn't hampered me that much (yet).


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    • Haha 1
  19. 44 minutes ago, Slion said:

    Can you do that?

    Well, sort of.  I have the BSP minus GMS (aka. gapps), but it is missing the device signing key.  It's not hard to add a minimal GMS.  So I could make an "almost" stock that is signed with a different key.  Obviously my version would not get OTA updates, I would have to provide updates myself.


    • Thanks 2
  20. So I'm talking to the Lineage folks and discovered that there is a setting to only accept fingerprint touches when the screen is not off.  But it is a build-time setting.  That is, you cannot toggle it.  So I'm not sure if it would be appropriate because one of the cool things I like about fingerprint sensors is the ability to unlock the device without touching any other keys.


    Aside from that, I did discover a way to control the fingerprint behavior without doing anything too hacky.  It just involves copying the AOSP fingerprint service to the pro1 device tree and modifying it.  So my thoughts for changes are (1) do not accept touches less than two seconds apart, and (2) allow a configurable option for ignoring touches when screen is off.  Any other ideas?



    • Thanks 4
  21. 10 minutes ago, Laska said:

    How can I mount /vendor partition r/w?

    If you are on stock ... well ... that is a bit tricky.  Do you have a root solution?  If so, you simply run "mount -o remount,rw /vendor".  If not, perhaps find the copy of TWRP that someone built and use it?


    • Thanks 1
  22. 9 minutes ago, Craig said:

    It doesn't mean someone cannot write custom kcm's for use on our device under linage.  It just means they cannot use slant arrow keys in the kcm as before, those combinations are in a different keymap file.      You could make it behave exactly the same as any stock finqwerty layout if you really want.   

    But did you try any built in scandic layouts?   Danish, Finnish, Norwegian etc all there.  You may not even need customization.

    (And for that matter, with the next OTA, I expect stock will be doing some changes to keyboard, so finqwerty layouts for stock will need to be updated then anyway).


    ... but keep in mind, the slant arrows will be configurable at some point.  It's on my to-do list.


    • Thanks 4
  23. 1 hour ago, br0die said:

    I am also getting stuck in boot loops now, also WiFi related, but nothing to do with 2.4ghz vs 5ghz. I have two different 5ghz SSIDs and if I connect to one of them, bootloop. The other one seems fine. The only difference is the channel they are on. The one that works is on a regular channel, 48, but the one that crashes is on a DFS one, 100.

    Dunno if that's related.

    I would think that using a DFS channel is the likely cause.  Note that the 1+5/5t has the same WiFi chip but somewhat different configuration for the DFS features.  So you can play around with the WiFi configuration file to see if that helps.  The configuration file is at /vendor/etc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini.  You can find the 1+5/5t configuration file used in Lineage here.


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