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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. Seems one early promise that related to my September 2019 order might finally come true – I might actually get my device before Christmas!
  2. You might get lucky and still get that replacement, if they still have a small volume of replacement devices stacked...
  3. You're not up to date there. More megapixels tend to mean worse image quality per pixel, but not necessarily per image. Also, phone cameras using such sensors usually operate in a special pixel-binning mode that combines four physical pixels to one, resulting in very good (for smartphone standards) 12 MP images, and so does Sony's IMX586. This chip is definitely better than the one Fxtec previously used. I can tell; it's the same camera that's available as a DIY upgrade for the Fairphone 3 (which originally had something more like the Pro1's former camera) of which there is one in my household
  4. From Update 12 on IndieGogo: A similar note went out to those who are still waiting on their Pro1 (non-X) phones. Their orders, so it says, will all be changed to a Pro1-X and be prioritised before the IndieGogo Pro1 X orders.
  5. I don't even have the Pro1 yet, but I'm quite sure that the image of that cereals shelf is proof enough that it's not a focus problem, it's that the camera's lens is decentered, internally slanted. There's no way a correctly adjusted lens on such a small sensor (with such a large depth of field) could see the left part of the shelf (halfway) in focus and the right part, which is only marginally further away, already totally out of focus. I'm sorry to say this has to be a defective camera.
  6. Maybe it is no mistake. If they'd give less optimistic forecasts, like "we don't know when you'll get your device, maybe in a few weeks, but more likely in nine or even fifteen months" instead of "7-10 weeks" or whatever they have on their homepage, nobody would be ordering anymore, and you know what that would mean in the end, not just for Fxtec, but also for those who are waiting on their already paid-for phones, and for those who are looking forward to buy further improved keyboard phones in the future. Also, in individual forecasts, being optimistic will keep more customers from giving up
  7. Well, that's of course a reasonable decision. Me, on the other hand, I'm not dependent on getting an ordered device at a specific point in time. Until I'll get it, I can do without a physical keyboard. I will be happy to get a Pro1 (ordered Sept 2019) if and when I get it – instead of having to see a brave new startup with a brilliant new smartphone design fold without me getting either my device or my money back. And instead of probably never getting a such a phone again. While I'm still positive that my device is actually coming within reach now...
  8. Yeah, but in which company isn't some such stuff? Now the difference between this company and others is that this this one is new and tiny and has everything to lose, one mistake can mean its very existence*, whereas others would only have a dent in their next financial statement. With the imponderables of what seems to be a rather fragile structure of them as a company, a contract manufacturer, several suppliers and other entities like the warehouse management contractor, a company like Fxtec simply has to be as careful as possible in what they publicly say – in which less always te
  9. It's for a reason that I said "over-optimistic", not just "optimistic". And in an earlier post I also said, yes, over the 1Β½ years I've been following this forum, there's no denying that there seems to be a pattern. Yes – still neither you nor I have proof that it wasn't the factory where that promise originated in the first place, with Fxtec just repeating it publicly, and then something didn't work out in the factory, with one of the suppliers, whatever. Without real proof, Fxtec still should have the benefit of doubt, as every accused should πŸ˜‰
  10. I had jumped on the Moto Z too early – just when availablity of the Keyboard Mod seemed to come around the corner, because my BlackBerry PRIV had just officially stopped getting security updates after only a few months of usage (and, as the most secure Android device ever invented, couldn't get a newer, up-to-date free ROM). So I stayed with the Motorola, hoping that the Q-Device would materialise one day...
  11. Fact is, no-one can guarantee you anything, and your observation regarding their not meeting their own deadlines is correct, too. Still that doesn't mean they're crooks, it just means they can't do as good as we'd all wish and they themselves very probably too, while there's reason to believe that very much of it is in the hands of their suppliers. Except their over-optimistic promises. But whatever it is, in the end you need to accept reality – in which you can either wait for another undefined period of time (while much is hinting at a strong possibility that in March many customer
  12. Some of us here came to Fxtec after having shown an interest earlier for a product of a former venture of the Fxtec entrepreneurs – the "Livermorium Keyboard Mod" that was supposed to come out for Lenovo/Motorola's Moto Z series of smartphones, an attachable slider keyboard specifically designed for those phones. (Due to several problems some of which were caused by Motorola themselves – it was exactly during that time when Lenovo had decided to shrink Motorola, laying off many employees and causing quite some friction specifically in the Moto Mods area – the release was stopped just before ma
  13. I'd just use the Code button (between the Quote button and the Smiley button) with the "no syntax highlighting" option πŸ˜‰
  14. Obviously a charge limit option then is not for you... My usage is completely different; my phone is within reach of some charging device most of the time every day, and usually stays connected to one as long as I'm in the office (whether it's the real office or, like most of these days, home office...). When I need or want to go out for an unclear amount of time, I can make an exception and up the charge from 75% or 80% (and I wouldn't set the charge limit below that) to 100% within no more than five minutes or so when quick charging (which I normally never do), potentially even in
  15. Indeed I'm right now testing AccuBattery on my not-rooted Motorola phone and indeed it looks good, for all a not-rooted device allows it to do. That said, I already have too many things I need to watch or somehow keep in mind, so I really don't need more of it and that's why I'll gladly pay a bit for anything that prevents the addition of another one to all those things πŸ˜‰
  16. 😁 From their measurements, it seems that simply charging up to 80% instead of 100% would prolong the usable battery life by more than 50%. Like 3 years instead of 2. That's already quite nice...
  17. The Pro1 X is actually a Pro1, with a blue finish instead of black and an option to include more memory. So both are similarly "obsolete" – which is, as far as I can see, hardly. From what I've read, real-world performance is not too noticeably worse than with current phones, even though sheer benchmarks figures would categorize it as "midrange", not "high end". Especially the graphics performance has been reported to still be competitive today...
  18. I've also noted that, unfortunately, the way "F(x)tec" is spelled (and potentially also the superscript 1 in "ProΒΉ" if a seller would type it that way) makes it difficult for a potential buyer to even find existing offers in an ebay search. The problem most probably is that brackets have a special function in the search box (enabling an "or" conjunction), and it seems to me they aren't even honored as just being bracket characters if set in quotes, like "F(x)tec".
  19. Has anyone already tried "Manual Cam (DSLR Camera Professional)"? Beside its name, it does have an automatic mode, too. It's been my personal favourite for some time now, on several phones. There are two versions, I think one needs payment... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lensesdev.manual.camera.professional https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lensesdev.manual.camera.pro
  20. I haven't found much with regard to independent reviews on the net and the company seems to be quite new, but from what I see there (including the feedback on Play Store for the accompanying app), it looks very, very promising. It's basically kind of a USB stick that sits between the charger and the phone, talking to a dedicated app on the phone, stopping the charge at a user-defined limit like 80%. I've just ordered three, and while I can't test it with a ProΒΉ because I haven't got mine yet, I'll be giving it a thorough try. Wish I would have had something like that for the last couple o
  21. Good thing the local electronics retailers, although the shops are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, are still running an order online & collect local service, with a pickup notification coming in per e-mail really quick as long as something's already in stock locally. Managed to buy the cheapest 4GB/64GB phone (at least, so that I can simply restore everything without having to either select stuff or fear storage shortage) that I could find, the discounted Motorola (again) Moto G8 for 139€ (reduced from 199€). It's amazing how much smartphone you can get for such a small price. It even
  22. That hope has not been justified... My Z3 Play was dead this morning after the charging level still had been at 70% when I went to bed last night. Quick-Charged back from what seemed to be zero to 100% within a few minutes, it booted up, but dropped dead again shortly after disconnecting, only showing the charging symbol again. Now, with my mixed experience with the local repair shops around here, it very much looks like I need to buy a second substitute phone to bridge the time between my first-ever non-keyboard phone (the original Moto Z that I bought in early 2019, for the Livermorium
  23. To the best of my knowledge, there was never any confirmation of any specific layout shipping at any specific point...
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