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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. Is this in-call volume thing really a general issue in all shipped devices? I ask because I saw only a few complaints so far. And because it would totally prohibit me from using the phone as a daily driver, perhaps make me carry a second device just for phone calls, requiring a monthly payment for a second SIM card if I want to keep my phone number...
  2. I guess the problem is, while it would work perfectly with screens that contain only icons and square-sized widgets, it couldn't rotate widgets which aren't square-sized... Which of course wouldn't be a problem for users who don't use non-square-sized widgets or don't mind rotated non-square-sized widgets, but I guess a launcher developer would expect these to be a small minority, meaning there would be complaints from everyone else to be expected...
  3. I've so far found Nova (on the Moto Z series of phones) to be ok if: I don't try to squeeze too many lines and columns on a screen, so that there's enough space between icons regardless of orientation, even though that means wasting some space I add more screens instead of letting a screen become too crowded I'm very selective in what widgets I add – there are some which work well enough for both orientations, too, like a weather app I use or my preferred calendar app (DigiCal) I'd prefer a "better" solution, too, but every other launcher I've tested so far has some other
  4. Only if not even having the hardware counts as a hardware problem!
  5. Not necessarily for everyone. As I said, it depends. Until a few days ago, one of my regularly used devices was a tablet running Android 4, and I only replaced it after my Nextcloud kicked it out because of the outdated encryption schemes it tried while connecting. I agree, though, that Android 6 for a 'daily driver' smartphone is not acceptable. Neither was BlackBerry's stopping security updates just a couple of weeks after I bought the device. A device that was marketed as the world's most secure Android phone for some time.. And that was once big BlackBerry. Now, as far as i
  6. That is something that can hardly be specified objectively. It depends on 1. how much someone cares for always getting the latest stuff (instead of asking which real-life advantages that latest stuff actually brings over the less recent stuff and how much or how little that objectively affects whatever they're doing with the respective gear) – and 2. how much someone cares for the keyboard. Me, when I ordered the phone half a year ago, I looked at RAM and flash memory (just to make sure they exceeded my minimum requirements as they did and as I already expected) and whether there's a
  7. Interesting! Where do you get it? It doesn't show up in my Play Store, although Play Store search suggest several versions of it while typing.
  8. Noone ever said otherwise. My "estimation" was not about what they might want to do, it was about what I expect they can do.
  9. That doesn't mean anything. Because we neither know when exactly it will be "not difficult to get one" (it's obvious now that it wll be many weeks before even last year's orders will be completely shipped), nor how long it will be in production after that, even if we don't want to talk about the possibility of a company going out of business. So good luck with trying to get one cheap. Of course that will be possible at some point, but personally I would hazard no bet naming a date.
  10. If you get it, you will probably be able to sell it for significantly more than what you originally payed, so not all is lost even if you consider a near-high-end smartphone that was announced a bit more than a year ago, with a flagship CPU from two years ago "uselessly out of date", which of course is a position you're totally entitled to.
  11. And, most notably, with a substantial margin of error, too. Although they seem to have been trying hard to be as just as possible with the shipping order, it sometimes didn't work out in the previous shippings, either, and there are many possibly reasons which can thwart such plans...
  12. Seems it depends on locale. In English, I see 'Fulguris', in German, I see 'Lightning'.
  13. Just for the record, on my Moto Z3 Play it seems Fulguris registers itself as 'Lightning' (so it may be you have to choose 'Lightning' to open something with)!
  14. It isn't pocket money for me, either, even though it didn't tear as big a hole in my budget as in yours. And for me, seven months later, the money isn't missing much anymore, but I would still like to get that phone. But in our case, your second paragraph really is what matters – if a company that goes bankrupt has no assets, which tends to be the reason for going bankrupt in the first place, noone gets their money back. So it is in every orderer's immediate interest to help the company stay alive. Public rants against the company are no such help – being directed against the company's r
  15. Because "then" a lot happened. In December, this was a different world. I understand everyone's disappointment including mine, but why are some people so unwilling to give a company like Fxtec the benefit of doubt, even in a situation like this? In this situation, we can only hope that they will survive, since they're NOT Apple, or Samsung, for that matter, which, beside their electronics division, even has a weapons of war division that can hardly fail in this day and age. Whether I get my expensive toy two weeks later or earlier is really the least of my problems now.
  16. Perhaps because shipping is the more expensive the fewer devices are shipped in a batch. And while they actually did send out some devices piece by piece when a significantly longer delay had been the alternative, if I remember that correctly, I'm perfectly good with two more weeks if things are really on their way to become normal now. It's not that the 2½ months since the Chinese lockdown could have improved Fxtec's budget.
  17. I'm (not yet on Pro¹...) checking out some browsers again and for the time being I've decided to make Opera my standard browser, as it indeed checks all of my boxes – proper text reflow; allow zoom also when prohibited by the page; adblock; compatibility with the Bitwarden (potentially self-hosted) password storage app. Very nice.
  18. So you use your fingers – but then you always have to have some kind of support to put the device on? Me, I often need to type with the device in my hands, and I wouldn't know how to do it other than with my thumbs, or maybe with one hand holding it and the other typing, which is even less comfortable than by thumb...
  19. In Germany there was an interesting report [heise.de, German] following the 2007 LÜKEX exercise ("Länderübergreifende Krisenmanagement Exercise"), a staff framework exercise in which supply chain communication was tested with different scenarios. LÜKEX is repeated every few years with changing settings. The 2007 setting was "influenza pandemic". Roughly 3000 people took part in the tabletop exercise. "In the most aggressive of three possible scenarios that the Robert Koch Institute set at the time, 21 million people were expected to be ill and the total lethality to exceed 170,000 deaths.
  20. So you never heard about the Samsung Galaxy Fold? And that's just the first example that comes to mind. And advertising never, ever, was honest. In the best case, advertising is about presenting and exaggerating advantages over the competiton while hiding disadvantages. And I cannot see what your marital/family status has anything to do with this, either. This is simply a question of how we deal with mistakes people make. And whether we want to apply even stricter standards of judgement to a small British company than to the largest South-Korean business conglomerate, a small British
  21. From all we've seen here, "cannot get a personal response" is not the rule – although communication errors did happen and probably continue to happen. At least some of them could be solved here in the forums. In your specific case, though, I would have suggested to try and establish something more like a B2B contact very early, instead of just ordering a device as any old consumer. I have no insight in the inner workings of F(x)Tec myself, but I think things might have gone different then... And who was it that "ordered in February 2020 and received it 2 weeks later"? if it happened, it d
  22. ...That's even larger than the Pro1! Indeed, but to be honest, those one or two millimeters more probably wouldn't make it a hard exclusion criterion for me, either 😉
  23. @david: Some sellers, say, in the US, only sell in the US, only ship within the US. Those items won't turn up in an ebay search in another country's ebay. If you have the item number, though, and construct a link with it like @EskeRahn did, they'll appear in that other country's ebay, too. You still won't be able to buy the item, though, if the seller doesn't want you to. (I wanted to buy excactly such an item a few weeks ago, the only sample that I found in all the world's ebays, but the seller, who wasn't publishing any contact details, didn't even accept messages from other countries t
  24. Many small goods deliveries for consumers are being delayed here in Germany now, by the way. Amazon Germany gives estimates of one or two weeks now for non-essential stuff which is in stock and would normally take just one day – even things like their own Fire Tablets. (I try to avoid Amazon myself as good as I can, but one of my tablets needed replacing – and then I ordered a Fire 8 HD Tablet because it was unbeatably cheap and a quick research showed there actually is a Lineage OS ROM for it...)
  25. On 03-04-20 21:16 FX Technology Limited wrote: > Hey guys! > > Quick follow up from last week's email. > > Firstly, as Chinese travel restrictions are still in place, the keyboard > delivery we were expecting on Saturday (28th March) was delayed again, > and ended up arriving on Wednesday. We have also since discovered that > certain parts of the keyboards structure failed our quality control > process. This means that we need a replacement batch before we can > continue production. > > Unfortunately things are taking slightly longer than we anticipate
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