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Everything posted by ermghoti

  1. Sounds reasonable, I've never looked into it, as I've never heard of anyone using prepaid phones for legal activity. 😆
  2. Massachusetts. So, it's pay-as-you-go? That does make sense.
  3. My first choice. Couldn't gain purchase, but I could sharpen one and try again. I'm definitely concerned about the durability of the hardware. I may have been vague, I'm using the Pro1 90%, and using the tough phone for fishing/boating/kayaking etc. I'm trying to avoid getting another line, but if the choices are trashing the phone or paying $40/month or whatever, then I'll have to eat it or not take a phone anywhere with challenging conditions.
  4. I am going to be swapping my sim card back and forth between my Pro1 for daily use, and a jobsite phone all but impervious to water and impact for when I don't want to risk it. My fingernail will not grip the tray notch. I used a bit of music wire, but it looks like that will damage the door. Anybody have a better solution?
  5. Welp, I bit the bullet, and now have a replacement device. So far it's working on Verizon. I'll probably go for one of the wallet cases until a made-to-order case is available. In the interim, I had gotten a Kyocera Duroforce Pro 2, which isn't much of a performer, but is nearly literally indestructible. I'll swap the sim card back and forth depending on the needs of the day.
  6. I don't know if goodman is coming back, but I'm in for a case, I'd gladly cover the materials and time put into it.
  7. No, there was a need for a screwdriver and a prying tool for what I did. The keyboard is glued, but I didn't feel the need to go into it.
  8. It went together fairly well, the hinges are the worst of it. The spheroid is still a bit of a mystery to me.
  9. I sent the email out seeking a service replacement, and F(x)tec advised me to contact them again in a couple weeks, when they will have started to ramp up production of QWERTY phones. I was impressed that they didn't just want to accept payment then wait and see.
  10. That's outstanding. I assume you utilize an app to limit the touchscreen functional area?
  11. Given what an aggravation it is to get the hinge detached, I'd be happy to lose a sticker or two if it came to that.
  12. https://imgur.com/gallery/fYWqIsG So, another two cents' worth: As mentioned, get the card tray out first. I realized that the one screw that gave both gelraen and myself trouble is under tension, which is probably the issue. I unfortunately happened to leave that one for last, it should probably be done first, while the screen support is being held by the other two screws. Also as mentioned, the F(x)tec .pdf describes the required screwdriver as PH0. That will not work, they are either PH00 or PH0000. I was able to reuse the little black stickers. Just peel them carefu
  13. Nice. I had trouble with the same screw, and I figured out the card tray issue just in time. I had little trouble prying, as I simply sharpened a guitar pick. You can readily wedge in the thin part you create, then rotate it to the full thickness for prying.Available everywhere for under a dollar, I'd recommend a Tortex in at least 0.88 mm, Delrin might work, but won't flex as much. I had an Ultex on hand, which tore during the prying, but was good enough to get through it once. The battery comes out easily at that point, the metal bars alongside it need removing, some wires need re-routi
  14. I'll do it when I get home. I did not un-glue the keyboard though, and based on how the rest of it went, I wouldn't feel good about trying it.
  15. Actually, it's late for me, so I've safely stored the thing in a cat inaccessible area, and I'll rebuild it tomorrow night.
  16. If there's anything of interest that isn't clear, let me know and I'll try to get a shot. I don't know how much more apart I get it without a lot of glue melting, and I need to be able to reassemble it to start the replacement process.
  17. I took a series of photos in an effort to troubleshoot my drowned Pro1, hope they are of use. https://imgur.com/gallery/17bo7bI
  18. Well, managed to pull it apart somewhat. There was a bit of corrosion on the body under the screen, but it doesn't seem to be bothering any connections. One of the three screws holding together the hinges was an absolute nightmare to remove, it stopped dead with maybe a half turn to go. I stripped the head almost completely with a screwdriver, and just barely got it out by jamming a needle file into the wounded slots. The threaded portion felt jagged, I think the screw was defective to begin with. Note: take out the damn card tray before you start, it interferes taking the keyboard suppor
  19. My local phone guy wouldn't touch it because he had no idea what it was. Fair. I let it dry, been checking once a week or so, I've accepted it's not coming back to life. I contacted f(x)tec, who responded very promptly given the current state of the world, and offered a very generous discount under their service replacement policy. I was not expecting that at all, as they really have no responsibility for this mishap beyond releasing a phone that they transparently stated had no waterproofing. I asked if trying to service it would void that offer, and they replied as long as I can put it
  20. Thanks, I'll review the pdf, and if I feel confident I'll break out my little tools, if not, I'll show the pdf to the mall phone fixer.
  21. Lucky me. I was adding water to my fish tanks, and when I lifted the 5 gallon bucket of dechlorinated water, it caught my phone holster, dropping it directly inside. I swiped it onto the couch before it even sank, then ripped it out of the holster. Of course, this caused me to hit the wake button; I saw the screen flash. Gripping the phone by the corners at the charge port end, I snapped it like a whip until the droplets stopped. To no avail, it is unresponsive. I've put it in a baggie of rice, in my oven heated to about 110F. I have little hope to see it work again. It was good while it laste
  22. That's fair, I was just throwing out a possible work-around until a patch comes through.
  23. I've been using this guy: https://www.hedocell.com/Motorola-Moto-Z-Play-Droid-Leather-Case-Pouch-Vertical-Wallet-Black.html It's not compact, but it's secure, and provides decent impact protection. It doesn't look so terrible, so I generally don't tuck over it.
  24. Need a "I tried, but botched it" option. First unsuccessful attempt ever; contaminated by two tiny hairs on the adhesive side of the film.
  25. Well, yes, but if you register the part of your hand that causes inadvertent reads, the reads would be successful, and there'd be no lockouts, correct?
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