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  1. My hardware solution to having a totally flat battery has succeeded! It requires dismantling the phone, but it works and I have photos to illustrate. As soon as I get time I'll get them up on this forum NB I was spurred to this course of action by the Lineageos release which went straight on the pro1x without issue. If I can, anyone can recover from a dead battery
  2. Is there really no way to get any charge into a flat battery? Since my repaired Pro1-X was returned, I've been waiting for updated ubports or lineageos, and thinking of maybe selling the phone altogether. So imagine my dismay when I come to turn it on and find it won't turn on OR charge! Tried the long power presses, and all key combinations suggested or listed elsewhere. No change. So my choice now is to try and un-expertly dismatle a brand new phone to charge the battery, or return it to fxtec AGAIN. Really? Oh dear oh dear oh dear. (I do try to be positive, but thi
  3. I've just received my Pro1X back from fxtec to repair the camera - turns out it was a loose cable. Now the storage reports 8GB. Guess I'll have to reflash stock - even though it was done by Fxtec - and reformat Will this help...?
  4. Thanks @mosen Reflashed (edl on linux) stock android, edl reset, and used edl to flash stock persist. I now have landscape rotation, keyboard backlight, but still no main camera. I guess my backup persist partition has become useless somehow. I'll investigate by mounting it on loopback when I have time.
  5. Brilliant - I'll try that now, thank you 😁@sspiff Although I have seen several people recommend using fastboot to reflash persist..?
  6. Response 1: Unfortunately my prawn is not allowing flash to the persist partition. After the full restore using edl on Linux, fastboot will not flash persist (my backup or from stock image), reporting 'cannot find partition'. I am guessing but somehow (or originally) the partition table must have been / become corrupted. I had presumed that the edl restore would correct this since it appears to write directly to the device. Is there any way to check the gpt and verify (and correct) it? Response 2: I tried the windows route, but Windows 11 will not install the driver, e
  7. @mosen@CaseyThanks for the guides, I am using edl from Linux as above. After flashing, I still have the problem of no landscape and no backlight, also the main camera does not work - the camera app crashes (but selfie camera works). I noticed a few errors in the output of the first command of the edl process: firehose - [LIB]: INFO: Calling handler for read firehose firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: Failed to open the UFS Device slot 0 partition 6 firehose firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: Failed to open the device:3 slot:0 partition:6 error:0 firehose firehose - [LIB]: ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and
  8. Latest try of UBports So I've followed @esialb instructions and those on the UBports gitlab... working with https://gitlab.com/ubports/porting/community-ports/android11/fxtec-pro1x/fxtec-pro1x/-/jobs/2807435728 userdata.img & boot.img which other .img files go to which partitions?
  9. Yup - recognised on Linux after udev rules amended. Leaving this thread...
  10. Thanks @ducksoup . I'm going through the torture of updating windows fastboot drivers, as I discovered the generic google driver is not working with the Pro1X. Presume I'm looking for a qualcomm usb driver of some sort...
  11. Booting - can get adb, but no fastboot! Pro1X arrived Wednesday. Today I got around to investigating the options for UBPorts - since that 's what I ordered even though it came with Android - and Fastboot Mode does not seem to connect. I'm using the supplied lead, and a windows 11 machine, with the latest platform-tools from google, at the command line. ADB works when booted into android, and when in the recovery mode. Either direct from power on, or using 'adb reboot bootloader', I get no fastboot connection. Anyone else experiencing this?
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