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Milky_Pimms last won the day on January 5 2023

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  1. @Ivaylo Hubanov Worked one time UBports #747420433 devel-flashable and updated. Using Waydroid installer; Ubports with read wright privileges, its buggy (run twice). F-droid installed, and Fennec_fox installed and worked. After reboot broken.
  2. @Zahkc I have booted https://gitlab.com/ubports/porting/community-ports/android11/fxtec-pro1x/fxtec-pro1x/-/jobs/3604374950/artifacts/download?file_type=archive The install script runs but unfortunately no backlit keyboard. I hope you can find some time to fix. Thanks for your hard work. (M_P)
  3. @zstas I did but no WiFi and less apps, so went back for now. The system update is working now as well.
  4. Job #747420433 devel-flashable Works; 3G LTE, WiFi, Video captcha for camera, VM's, SMS texts, Ubuntu touch System updates. Waydroid; worked first time use with wayland installer via app store (buggy) Able to install F-droid and Fennec fox and use's 🤩 . Broken; backlit keyboard, camera button on the phone, MMS text messages more than likely APN settings.
  5. Please add what works and what does not, as well the pipe/job On this the Dev is incredible... very active.... Thank You... I can fine have a phone that's not a spy brick that I can daily drive... (M_P)
  6. Fastboot work great on a X570 board on Fedora. Once I put the one device on the hub bus USB 3.0 As well a Ubuntu VM with the same hub. I'll try the seira flashback, using firehose one time flash to OEM. (M_P)
  7. All good on this now. Use UT Tweak app. (M_P)
  8. Pocket VMs work on one the many new GitLab Release's. What I don't understand is the: (guest not initialized display yet) error message. A arm ISO of Debian wiil boot to the installer but will not install. (Display not active) error message. Bar that I can daily drive UBport thanks to the whole team. Please help.. (M_P)
  9. @Zahkc I manually install the kb-slider.conf and slider.py moved slider.py to .local/share moved kb-slider.conf to .config/upstart ran initctl reload-configuration and initctl start kb-slider No backlit keyboard.
  10. Android Support untested Set password for dev mode needed for sudo Turn on 3-party installs once installed https://repo.sailfishos.org/obs/sailfishos:/chum// Open CHUM install Waydroid Open Terminal use devel-su for root run waydroid init https://together.jolla.com/question/184233/solved-auth-failed-for-root-user-or-devel-su-in-terminal-app/ https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/announcing-sailfishos-chum-gui-0-3/9839 https://chumrpm.netlify.app/ (M_P)
  11. Can confirmed Libertine works after making image writable (UT Tweak Tool). Libertine allows you to use standard desktop applications in Ubuntu Touch.To install applications you can use the Settings interface on your Ubuntu Touch device, or the command-line. https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html (M_P)
  12. FX Pro1x No support for Waydroid and anbox is no longer maintained at this stage, (adb, anbox-tool come pre-installed and are in UBport repo.) On #2985035565 devel-flashable 16.04 I can not use adb, anbox, waydroid. https://forums.ubports.com/category/102/waydroid (M_P)
  13. Can some one tell me please tell why update fails. Is this related to adb failing to find itself?. ADB and Anbox are pre installed with #2985035565 devel-flashable but can not use out of the gate. Does prox1 with UBports need to be rooted? https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html#run-anbox-installer
  14. @VaZso Fastboot worked with changing USB config Thank you. Labtop's can be a issue (eg; ROG zephyrus) with shared USB hubs so listing hardware keeps it easy @EskeRahnI have a J.burrows usb hub 2.0 and did not work. Whats your USB 2.0 hub brand?
  15. @Zahkc I would like to-do the keyboard fix. I've move the file's to .local/share and ran script phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.local/share$ InstallSliderDaemon.sh -bash: InstallSliderDaemon.sh: command not found phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.local/share$ ./InstallSliderDaemon.sh -bash: ./InstallSliderDaemon.sh: Permission denied phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.local/share$ sudo ./InstallSliderDaemon.sh sudo: ./InstallSliderDaemon.sh: command not found Sorry I'm a noob.. Do I need to install python and how.. I've tried apt and apt-get 🥴 Thanks for your time (M_P)
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