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Forum software rather limited

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It's great to see you have deployed a forum but I'm not crazy about it. It's rather a pain to navigate and has a rather poor mobile phone layout. It also lacks ratings which is a must for any forum these days. Consider moving to something like XenForo at some point.

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Well shani I think that Likes can be pretty useful in forum, rather than a lot of people writing 'me too' in a bunch of different ways. A simple Like can help others see that several share the view-point. (I assume that is what is meant by the suggested "ratings")

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This forum certainly has some issues to be honest. I had trouble registering since instead of actual error messages you get a generic Word Press error page stating "Invalid Nonce" when your password doesn't comform the required format, which you aren't told before any of it pops up, when using Pale Moon. Possibly also on Firefox, not sure since I tried with Opera afterwards.


Apart from that, social media logins are a nice idea and I would've used that instead if you had anything that wasn't Facebook maybe.

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…and the function: *unread* + *files upload*




At first "Thanks" can feel a little awkward when not talking an answered question. But I for one plan to use it also as "Thanks for posting this", that is sort of like a "+1" or "Agree", (as on your post)

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At the risk of stating something already known... For me the biggest issue with the forum is that I don't get emails for messages in threads I'm subscribed to, don't know whether everyone has that issue. Really like the unread thing added :). When there is time polls would be a great feature for some of the questions that where posed already.

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