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How will you use the Pro1?

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I may even use it like this :).

Having been using nothing but keyboard phones since I've used a smartphone, it won't change my usage at all. My current phone is a Droid 4, before that a Droid 3, before that a Droid 1, before that a

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On 11/3/2019 at 5:22 PM, silversolver said:

Having been using nothing but keyboard phones since I've used a smartphone, it won't change my usage at all. My current phone is a Droid 4, before that a Droid 3, before that a Droid 1, before that a Treo 700p, before that a Treo 650p, before that a flip phone lol. I basically use the Droid like a pocket laptop. I use K9 mail, Brave browser in Desktop Mode, and VLC player, and little else. I do not have the GApps installed at all, and hope that they can be removed from the Pro1, either with a custom ROM or just root access. I don't use "apps" for much; I use the desktop web sites. Essentially, I use it like a laptop except when making phone calls. I use landscape for everything, nearly 100% of the time, except phone calls. That is very demanding on a 7-year-old phone with 1GB RAM running Android 7.1.2 (LineageOS) and as a result it's a little slow. Essentially this will get me a faster processor, more RAM, and a slightly bigger screen, but it's not going to change my usage at all. This is exactly my goal, and the Pro1 is the only device I could take as an upgrade that accomplishes that. I tried a Priv briefly before I discovered Pro1, but hated doing everything in portrait. The Pro1 is exactly what I needed. Thanks for making it happen guys!

Sounds pretty much identical to my daily use.  I too have used only smartphones with physical (landscape) keyboards, prior to that I used non-smartphones with physical (landscape) keyboards beginning as soon as they were introduced (early 2000s if I remember correctly).  I think the only time I messed around (for any length of time) with a phone w/out a keyboard (after they became available) was when Nextel launched.

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On 10/2/2019 at 5:22 PM, Raksura said:

I'd like the Pro1 to replace my bulky laptop in addition to upgrading my phone.

I would love to see if it is possible to install Gentoo Prefix on a phone OS that uses the Linux kernel. I expect this to let me rely on the phone OS for anything related to my usual phone usage (GPS, SMS/MMS, camera, phone), yet have a very large native UNIX userland (web browser, vim, latex, emulators, etc... without the performance cost of remote display). I am going to give Sailfish OS a go, just to see if that fits the bill.

Some update on that: someone has already managed to get Gentoo Prefix running on Sailfish OS, so I am guessing it is indeed doable. They've even been so kind as to provide instructions and files to let others replicate the process: https://together.jolla.com/question/210626/has-anyone-tried-installing-gentoo-prefix/?answer=219122#post-id-219122. 🙂

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