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Is this a real picture, or is it possible?

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I saw this image on the main site of the pro1 and wanted to know how realistic of a mockup it is: https://www.fxtec.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/SplitScreen-800.png


It seems unbelievable. The desktop web version of gmail? And a right-click menu? Not sure what I’m looking at, maybe!


I’ve also attached the image to this post.


I just tried on my phone and if I login to the web gmail in the browser I can scroll down and click "Desktop" to get to the desktop version, however I couldn't get a right-click menu. Maybe with a bluetooth mouse?

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I think it can be achieved as already described by others, but I'm pretty sure this is a render though, as I (with this angle) would have expected slight distortions at the curved top edge.

And I do not think you can make the splitter bar that thin either.

Here is an example (outside, a nice sunny day today), this is a preproduction unit, but doubt that it matters in this context.

Here with the Android font size set to "Large" and "Small" (Both with "Display size" set to "Small") - browsers at default.

And yes you guessed who that bald guy disturbing the image is...

[attachment file=IMG_20190824_142806_HDR~01.jpg]

[attachment file=IMG_20190824_143946_HDR~01.jpg]

(The residues seen in the corners of the keyboard are from an experiment I did, where I forgot to clean up the adhesive, sorry)

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I think it can be achieved as already described by others, but I’m pretty sure this is a render though, as I (with this angle) would have expected slight distortions at the curved top edge.


And I do not think you can make the splitter bar that thin either.


Here is an example (outside, a nice sunny day today), this is a preproduction unit, but doubt that it matters in this context.


Here with the Android font size set to “Large” and “Small” (Both with “Display size” set to “Small”) – browsers at default.


<span class="gdbbx-bbcode-font-color" style="color: #DDDDDD">And yes you guessed who that bald guy disturbing the image is…</span>


IMG_20190824_142806_HDR01<span class="image-overlay overlay-type-image" style="left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 537px; width: 809px;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span>


IMG_20190824_143946_HDR01<span class="image-overlay overlay-type-image" style="left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 556px; width: 809px;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span>


<span class="gdbbx-bbcode-font-color" style="color: #DDDDDD">(The residues seen in the corners of the keyboard are from an experiment I did, where I forgot to clean up the adhesive, sorry)</span>


I see those screen protectors fit nicely :).

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I see those screen protectors fit nicely :).


Yes, And could have been better if I had applied with more care, as you can see with the speaker and camera holes.


For other readers: Some cheap elastic ones from aliexpress discussed over here,

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It's clearly a graphic pasted over the render of the phone above it (under the heading "Best of Both Keyboards) which you can tell because it has the say weird gray lines poking out. I think the gray limes in the previous graphic were supposed to represent screen curvature, but they are too opaque and end up making the phone look like it has a gray border. They get it right in the later graphics as you scroll down.


I'm convinced you can do great split screen on a landscape screen of this size and quality with no on-screen keyboard. I'm not convinced those screenshots are from a smartphone, but the phone I'm stuck using after my Nexus 6p died (I'm using a Moto G6 until my Pro 1 arrives) isn't good enough to test this.

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I can do that on my oreo phone, almost the same. Not sure how to get that action menu tho, often long press on the screen is right-click equivilent. Tapping or dragging is regular click. (I've used android with a mouse on pq w/lapdock). I suspect it's his browser or browser setup. For example I know you can get the desktop looking version of firefox - with tabs and full action bar with back/forward/refresh, etc - by using xposed modules.


Max filesize 512kb so I didn't wanna attach, just left it same as my Moto Z2 Force screenshot took it, other than some scribbles to protect my identity.







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Come to think of it, Pro1 is 2:1 Ratio. My screenshot was on Moto Z2 Force, with 16:9 (1.87:1) ratio. So Pro1 is wider, so probably fits that other stuff on the right on that bbc webpage, thus maybe it could be done with Pro1 exactly. (Also if you want, with root/xposed you can change dpi or control an apps perceived resolution and make stuff smaller - I do this myself when I'm mirroring my PQ onto bigger screen).


I did use two different browsers, didnt' bother to check if I could open two tabs in one browser splitscreen or something, but that might be a way to decrease the gap if a browser supports that built in. This isn't something I normally do as z2f has no keyboard so don't use landscape much, and my PQ screen is small so never considered it, although should be doable with nougat (los14.1).

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Ok so it's not a real picture, but I really like the idea it conveys, and it hadn't occurred to me before. I've used split screen on Android, but only portrait, which is - let's be frank - a bit rubbish. The best reason setup use it is when you want to refer to one app and type into another. But of course as soon as you start typing the virtual keyboard takes up almost all of one side. The idea of a side-by-side split with no virtual keyboard seems incredibly useful

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And what is the gray oval shaped thing on the right side of the screen (bottom if you are holding it vertical)? I just noticed that for the first time. All the pictures on the f(x)tec website are fake images, but by looking at other, true photographs of the phone, I see that same oval, so it isn't just something in the apps. I'm wonder about the screen protector covering up whatever it is.

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I'm also wondering about it being there when viewing pictures or watching videos. Hmm... I just looked at a video online and saw someone opening and closing the phone without the screen on and that oval isn't there. I then got to thinking that maybe with Android Pie, that is the home screen virtual button? Is that what it is? If so, then I'm assuming a photo viewing app or video playing app can not display that? It certainly isn't as bad as the "chin" debacle on other phones, but we also don't need something getting in the way of our full screen viewing experience. :-)

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@eskerahn: What is the stuff that looks like sticky material or tape in the lower left and lower right, to the sides of the keyboard in your pictures?


As I wrote earlier, adhesive remains from a (failed) experiment I did.


And what is the gray oval shaped thing on the right side of the screen (bottom if you are holding it vertical)? I just noticed that for the first time. All the pictures on the f(x)tec website are fake images, but by looking at other, true photographs of the phone, I see that same oval, so it isn’t just something in the apps. I’m wonder about the screen protector covering up whatever it is.

I’m also wondering about it being there when viewing pictures or watching videos. Hmm… I just looked at a video online and saw someone opening and closing the phone without the screen on and that oval isn’t there. I then got to thinking that maybe with Android Pie, that is the home screen virtual button? Is that what it is? If so, then I’m assuming a photo viewing app or video playing app can not display that? It certainly isn’t as bad as the “chin” debacle on other phones, but we also don’t need something getting in the way of our full screen viewing experience. :-)


It is pure Android. Just the soft-key, so if the app used are not in full screen mode, you got one (or more) softkeys in the bar




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: What is the stuff that looks like sticky material or tape in the lower left and lower right, to the sides of the keyboard in your pictures?

As I wrote earlier, adhesive remains from a (failed) experiment I did.


Ooo...do you have a link to the post where you discuss the experiment? :-)

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: What is the stuff that looks like sticky material or tape in the lower left and lower right, to the sides of the keyboard in your pictures?


As I wrote earlier, adhesive remains from a (failed) experiment I did.


Ooo…do you have a link to the post where you discuss the experiment? :-)


Well it was with 'thinned' colour as unimportant, in this

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: What is the stuff that looks like sticky material or tape in the lower left and lower right, to the sides of the keyboard in your pictures?


As I wrote earlier, adhesive remains from a (failed) experiment I did.


Ooo…do you have a link to the post where you discuss the experiment? :-)

Well it was with ‘thinned’ colour as unimportant, in this


I almost replied back again that I didn't see any mention of it in the post and then I just happened to see that there was *something* at the very end of the post and was able to read the pale font color after I highlighted it. For anyone else, it says, "(The residues seen in the corners of the keyboard are from an experiment I did, where I forgot to clean up the adhesive, sorry)". But what was the failed experiment where you used some adhesive on the keyboard?

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Is this "split screen" meant to be just two separate windows/tabs or can you configure them to follow each other. Meaning, that if you scroll on one side the other one is the continuation, and follows the other. This would be awesome and weighs up for shortage of screen space when scrolling/viewing for instance "news" in landscape.

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Is this “split screen” meant to be just two separate windows/tabs or can you configure them to follow each other. Meaning, that if you scroll on one side the other one is the continuation, and follows the other. This would be awesome and weighs up for shortage of screen space when scrolling/viewing for instance “news” in landscape.


AFAIK they are independent.

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Is this “split screen” meant to be just two separate windows/tabs or can you configure them to follow each other. Meaning, that if you scroll on one side the other one is the continuation, and follows the other. This would be awesome and weighs up for shortage of screen space when scrolling/viewing for instance “news” in landscape.


It's a standard Android feature and you can test on any recent phone. They do not follow eachother and afaik you can not have the same app twice alas.

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Just a hint to everyone:


Please remember that Alt+Tab task-switching is supported by Android too. This is most often much more efficient than screen-splitting on a phablet.


Yeah when you use a keyboard and mouse a lot of things work as you expect on a desktop I've not done it in ages.

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