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If I order today, when will I approximately receive the device?

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It's a great device and I am happy there is a modern phone with a keyboard and pretty open in terms of software (compared to e.g. the PRIV) - which is why I really am interested in ordering it ASAP.


However: from what I see the device is still not released (and I cannot find any e.g. backup ROMs or instructions thereof).


If I order today, when will I be receiving the phone? Somewhere on the website I read the release is scheduled for mid-October?


When am I billed if I order today? Do I have any advantages if I order today instead of when it's officially released? While I have seen a few reviews, I haven't seen the phone scheduled for sale on Amazon or anywhere else.

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It’s a great device and I am happy there is a modern phone with a keyboard and pretty open in terms of software (compared to e.g. the PRIV) – which is why I really am interested in ordering it ASAP.


However: from what I see the device is still not released (and I cannot find any e.g. backup ROMs or instructions thereof).


If I order today, when will I be receiving the phone? Somewhere on the website I read the release is scheduled for mid-October?


When am I billed if I order today? Do I have any advantages if I order today instead of when it’s officially released? While I have seen a few reviews, I haven’t seen the phone scheduled for sale on Amazon or anywhere else.


Your best answer to these kind of questions is going to come by contact F(x) Tec directly, either via the support form or [email protected]. At least for now, while they are caught up in getting ready for shipping and aren't responding here a lot. From most of us here, you will get guesses. Some may be very good ones, but guesses nonetheless. :-)

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For now it looks like they’ve progressed past pre-order, and into order territory. Your device could ship as soon as November, but it could be later. FX mentioned that demand is high and that they probably can’t give everyone that has pre-ordered their handsets in mid-October; you might have to wait a little while…


Just curious, what are you basing this on? Regular orders have always been estimated to ship in October, your post is the first time I've heard mention of a delay to November. The pre-orders are delayed for a software licensing issue, but they've estimated to have that resolved in October too, so shouldn't delay regular orders into November...

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Your best answer to these kind of questions is going to come by contact F(x) Tec directly, either via the support form or [email protected]. At least for now, while they are caught up in getting ready for shipping and aren’t responding here a lot. From most of us here, you will get guesses. Some may be very good ones, but guesses nonetheless. :-)


This just seems silly, but I believe it's true. If they answered peoples questions in their official forum, then they'd get less repeat questions in email as others could benefit from the answer.



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Just curious, what are you basing this on? Regular orders have always been estimated to ship in October, your post is the first time I’ve heard mention of a delay to November. The pre-orders are delayed for a software licensing issue, but they’ve estimated to have that resolved in October too, so shouldn’t delay regular orders into November…


If pre-orders are going to be delayed, and with said pre-orders no guerantee you'd be getting your device in the first batch, taking into consideration it is a software thing, then first the indiegogo orders, then pre-orders will be delivered, then the pre-orders who weren't fast enough with paying (first come first serve) and after all that is finished the regular orders. So I'd say a delay to November isn't too much out of the realm of possibilities...

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The way they've ramped up Facebook posts this week, you'd be forgiven for thinking they had product ready to ship. They just reply to hopeful enquiries - sometimes - with directions to the website to place an order. But they still won't commit to an actual first shipping date for those who have already ordered, some many, many months ago. It's just NOT good business to keep genuine, paying customers in the dark ?

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The way they’ve ramped up Facebook posts this week, you’d be forgiven for thinking they had product ready to ship. They just reply to hopeful enquiries – sometimes – with directions to the website to place an order. But they still won’t commit to an actual first shipping date for those who have already ordered, some many, many months ago. It’s just NOT good business to keep genuine, paying customers in the dark ?


I need the phone NOW not on November. I probably will purchase a blackberry key 2 instead of this.


Do not have Lineage Os support yet, I don't know if I can root this device, definitely they should have do the things better, there is one thing called ANTICIPATION !!!! they should have anticipate the orders demands....


Good luck

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The way they’ve ramped up Facebook posts this week, you’d be forgiven for thinking they had product ready to ship. They just reply to hopeful enquiries – sometimes – with directions to the website to place an order. But they still won’t commit to an actual first shipping date for those who have already ordered, some many, many months ago. It’s just NOT good business to keep genuine, paying customers in the dark ?

I need the phone NOW not on November. I probably will purchase a blackberry key 2 instead of this.


Do not have Lineage Os support yet, I don’t know if I can root this device, definitely they should have do the things better, there is one thing called ANTICIPATION !!!! they should have anticipate the orders demands….


Good luck


Pro 1 is coming with unlocked bootloader and will most likely be rootable for non techie types in no time thanks to the awesome peolple at XDA I would imagine. There's no way I'd settle for a key 2 as that is not even close to what I want in a phone and will never be rooted but if you can't wait a month then do what you have to for you but come on, a month isn't that long... patience grasshopper.

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The thing is, it's another quarter of the year of delay from first planned release date in July. And, as already mentioned many many times in another threads, the phone's spec isn't getting any younger. If I wanted a phone with outdated specs just to have a keyboard, I would have ordered a Photon Q or something like that. There's ton of things I could have bought for the 650€+ which I have paid in August - by the way, that's another broken promise, since they promised us that they won't take from us any money until 2-3 weeks before shipping. Very, very not cool. If I don't get the device, a track number for my package or at least a real, binding delivery date by 10. October I'll most probably demand my money back and come back when the device is available on the used phones market for cheaper or wait for the Pro2.


Let's do a short calculation for those not believing that it could not be a hoax. Beside the few devices showed on the meetings, MWC and IFA nobody has seen more of them. How much could cost building those few devices? 100.000$? 200.000$? It could be even 500.000$ or a million, as You will see in a moment it doesn't really matter. Now, the device costed 650$ + shipping costs in the cheapest possible way to buy it. Let's say that 5.000 people have already paid for their device. How much does it give us in total? 3.250.000$. 5k devices is not much, in reality I think it's probably many, many more payments, but even by that number the benefit is clear here. I'm not saying it is a scam, but also not saying that it is not. New company, never heard of before, people who have already one fail on their account - this is already suspicious, but I trusted them by giving 2/3 of my one monthly income and they are abusing this trust by not telling us ANY real details - instead we keep hearing those sharades with "maybe", "estimated", "planned" etc. I "planned" and "estimated" to be a president of the world when I was a kid, and guess what - I'm not.

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SO helpful and informative...NOT!


I wrote this:


20 Sep, 16:07 BST

Hi. I am wondering if October is for real. First July, then September, now October.You have taken all our money, what assurance do I have that this isn't some giant scam and that you are going to keep saying "next month" forever?


I got this in response:


Support Team (FX Technology Limited)

23 Sep, 10:43 BST


Thanks for your message.

I can see that your order has only been paid on the 1st of August. While our policies should be enough to reassure you, from your aspect, you can always dispute a transaction with your bank until the 1st of November.


As we are a startup trying to launch our product for the first time, several things delayed our launch such as the Google certification, Chinese holidays and delays to perfect the Pro1 before launch. The other option for startups is, of course, crowdfunding platforms such as Indiegogo, but those would typically come with a 1 year shipping time which should be pre-paid and zero guarantees.


In our scenario, you can request a refund any minute, and for 14 days after delivery, for any reason. And if this is not assuring enough, please give your bank a call to confirm you have until around the 1st of November to charge the amount back for the transaction you have with us.


Feel free to let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.


Kind regards,

F(x)tec Support


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I really doubt that the company was financed 100% by people working there until the first payments, I think they have some big investor behind and I guess anyone knowing how business works thinks the same. That means that those speeches about being better than Indiegogo where You can order, wait a year and get nothing is in my opinion not a good explanation.

And to the mods: stop pushing the thread down so that nobody can see our scepticism, that's not gonna make the situation better, everybody knows about the bugs in the forum software...

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stop pushing the thread down


No function for that in the forum (*) ... Though we do got a delete function, but I have not killed any of this paranoid stuff, as I do understand the paranoia following the lack of staff activity.

I do not understand why they prefer support directly, and to have this primarily a user-to-user forum. Especially before people got the devices, as it will be more questions than answers.


(*) Though a thread is unfortunately no longer 'promoted' automatically by new activity, see e.g. this

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The thing is, it’s another quarter of the year of delay from first planned release date in July. And, as already mentioned many many times in another threads, the phone’s spec isn’t getting any younger. If I wanted a phone with outdated specs just to have a keyboard, I would have ordered a Photon Q or something like that. There’s ton of things I could have bought for the 650€+ which I have paid in August – by the way, that’s another broken promise, since they promised us that they won’t take from us any money until 2-3 weeks before shipping. Very, very not cool. If I don’t get the device, a track number for my package or at least a real, binding delivery date by 10. October I’ll most probably demand my money back and come back when the device is available on the used phones market for cheaper or wait for the Pro2.


Don't forget that there are Chinese holidays beginning from 1st October for entire week so I guess that factories won't work during that time. There are two working days left(because 29th is also a working day before holidays). For this moment it should be clear if there will be delay another or not. They should give us information that devices left factory and they will prepare for shipping them. I expect an announcement no later than Monday. If we don't get an announcement then probably another "silent delay" is on the way because if devices won't leave factory before the holidays then early October is just impossible.


My personal opinion is that there is a delay already that they didn't announce yet and we should expect pre-orders to arrive not earlier than late October. Orders even later. I won't ask for my money back only because there are no alternatives, also "order" price of Pro1 is over 20%(with current currency rates 23%) higher than it was during pre-order in my country. Key2 is an overpriced "always there" portrait keyboard phone that is just laughable in landscape mode so it's not an option for me. Key2 LE is just a joke for that hardware. Unihertz Titan is also a "always there" portrait keyboard phone, the price seems quite good until you see that it runs on MediaTek. So, I will have to wait for the Pro1.

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To be honest I did not even expect these replies here. All I wanted to know is when the phone would most likely be shipped to me, because I'd really like to buy and use it, but at the same time have become more cautious of things offered via IndieGoGo.

So I guess November or the likes it'll be. Thanks.

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To be honest I did not even expect these replies here. All I wanted to know is when the phone would most likely be shipped to me, because I’d really like to buy and use it, but at the same time have become more cautious of things offered via IndieGoGo.


So I guess November or the likes it’ll be. Thanks.


Unfortunately we are left at guessing as they are definitely better of producing a great device, than at communicating. I too feel really frustrated about the info (or lack of it).

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Eske, no hard feelings to You here, I know You know how the forum system works and do a good job keeping the new answers "up" at the forum. I guess it's about other mods here. It's hard for me to believe that the "good" posts are always on the top of the forum homepage and those bad ones are at the bottom marked as no new posts there.

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Eske, no hard feelings to You here, I know You know how the forum system works and do a good job keeping the new answers “up” at the forum. I guess it’s about other mods here. It’s hard for me to believe that the “good” posts are always on the top of the forum homepage and those bad ones are at the bottom marked as no new posts there.


I do not think that there are any other ones actively moderating in here...


EDIT Moved content to separate thread


Or in short: it is lacking promotion, not demotion that is going on...

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