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How to control notification light?

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We really need stickies in this forum for info like this.  I only really learned this here myself.  Now, if I'm going to charge overnight, I use an older slow charger (or from a PC i leave on overnigh

It was controllable early on, but they changed that, as the placement of the individual RGB had the effect that in some angles one were more or less blocked, giving a wrong resulting colour. So what i

Or put it face down while sleeping 😁

4 hours ago, Craig said:

Does the LED work when charging?   For me it's always on when I'm plugged in, even when unlocked (which is annoying in dim light cuz its so bright).

I haven't paid attention to it for notifications, as I'm pretty much always plugged in unless its in my pocket.

Yes, works perfectly when charging (changes colors appropriately, etc.)  Also works perfectly with the factory test, all three RGB colors are perfect.  Just doesn't work with notifications.  With the stock ROM it would work after a factory reset, then stop at random times afterward.  With Lineage I don't have any notification LED activity (even with a 3rd party app, nothing at all), and I also lost the vibration notifications as well (which worked fine with the stock ROM).

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  • 7 months later...

I noticed the notification LED colour differs depending of the kind of notifications or from which app they are coming from.

For instance:

  • Usually from SMS and FB Messenger: green
  • LiveScore: blue
  • Microsoft Teams: white

Can we influence the notification LED colour somehow?

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There have been other threads mentioning this subject I will try and find those rather than repeat the story.

ADD: I have been whining on the search in here before, but as you can not search for anything less than four characters, it is really hard to guess how to find a thread on the LED...

Anyway "LED Colour Tester" works on Lineage, but has not worked on Stock since very early on. Long story on the whys, but the short story is the lack of a diffuser....

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On Lineage this seems to be build in. Under Settings -> Apps & notifications -> Notifications -> Notification light. Then you can apps you want to control the light for with the plus on the upper right if you enable "Use custom values". 

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