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4 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

You're not up to date there. More megapixels tend to mean worse image quality per pixel, but not necessarily per image. Also, phones using sensors like Sony's IMX586 usually operate in a special pixel-binning mode that combines four physical pixels to one, resulting in very good (for smartphone standards) 12 MP images. This chip is definitely better than the one Fxtec previously used. I can tell; it's the same camera that's available as a DIY upgrade for the Fairphone 3 of which there is one in my household, and I've seen the images. For a single-camera phone, they're really good, and I really look forward to getting that camera in my Pro1.  Whenever that may be! 😉 

It's a higher end sensor that the one before, it doesn't mean it's the best that could be for this value. But as everyone accept and buy smartphones considering the more pixels the better, all the high end smartphones sensors end up having a lot of pixels... 10 years ago it was the same trend on dedicated cameras but now everyone went back from that.

On APS-C and 24*36 cameras you have a lot of excellent ones that stays at 24mpx for better sensitivity and pure quality. (Yes there are also a lot of 24*36 that went to 48mpx to handle big prints.)


And I have looked to a lot of photos from the last high end big smartphones of the market, and even when taken in perfect conditions on a static subject under a bright sun, it looks very good on instagram but that's it. On anything bigger you see quickly all the details missing, the fake background blur added, the cartoonish light...

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Fact is, no-one can guarantee you anything, and your observation regarding their not meeting their own deadlines is correct, too. Still that doesn't mean they're crooks, it just means they can't

Well, you are entitled to your opinion, and, no doubt, your frustration, but Fxtec are neither crooks nor "horrible people," as their history has proved.  Not great at communicating, yes.  But the pho

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2 minutes ago, flx said:

It's a higher end sensor that the one before, it doesn't mean it's the best that could be for this value. But as everyone accept and buy smartphones considering the more pixels the better, all the high end smartphones sensors end up having a lot of pixels... 10 years ago it was the same trend on dedicated cameras but now everyone went back from that.

Not really true; cameras are still increasing pixel count, with currently 60 MP being the maximum for full-frame system cameras...

3 minutes ago, flx said:

On APS-C and 24*36 cameras you have a lot of excellent ones that stays at 24mpx for better sensitivity and pure quality. (Yes there are also a lot of 24*36 that went to 48mpx to handle big prints.)

And even 60 MP. And for equally sized prints, they're not worse than those 24 MP cameras. Just like 48 MP smartphones are no worse than 10 or 12 MP smartphones when looking at the results at same sizes, whether on a smartphone display, a computer screen or indeed even a print.

6 minutes ago, flx said:

And I have looked to a lot of photos from the last high end big smartphones of the market, and even when taken in perfect conditions on a static subject under a bright sun, it looks very good on instagram but that's it. On anything bigger you see quickly all the details missing, the fake background blur added, the cartoonish light...

Indeed, that's totally true. But the main reason for that is the small sensor size, not the number of pixels... 

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i gues indeed i have to be carefull what i wish for 
This to me in unexcepteble u get a downgrade in cpu when the 835 was not the best to begin with
But i gues i cant do nothing but wait .
This newwer cpu performs across the board  25% to 50% less . They could have seen this problem comming that a outdated cpu wil no longer be manufactured , but choose to ignore it in the hopes it would solve itself 
now at this point FX tech is just playing with everyones money

This problem was already there when this indiegogo campaign started 
They say in the email its going to take a while 6-9 months
To redesign a new phone putting them further behind
Gues from what i read and even with my previous order FXtec is always behind on everything
Heck i still need to recieve my original order witch i payed for and now more or less u telling me i need to wait on that device a aditional 6 months ( we all know its going to be much more since fx tec structurely lies about it )
When this campaign started they knew we where not going to recieve this phone in march
The production takes a little while ( long while ) and they have not even put the cpu's on the boards 
this means they are not like 3 -6 months behind but more likey closer to 6 to 9 months if not more 

How about i ask for some honnesty because at this point i feel LIED to constantly 
Ordering a phone should be a nice experience . not a horror story of what can all go wrong 
Think about it CEO of FX tec . with this set back u still have to pay all the staff u have hired 
and in those 9 months or longer u wil have no revenue comming in
while u stil have to give support
youre money problem is getting bigger not smaller , and in the meanwhile u scamming people out of money and play around with it and their trust like its worth nothing 

I would not be suprised if we see another indiegogo campaign start up 😞

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