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Warranty Service Slow and Poor Communication

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2021-07-06: Phone stops powering on and won't charge. I contact fxtec.

2021-07-07: Reply from support telling me phone is still under warranty, and suggests some troubleshooting steps (try other charges, hold power button, etc).

2021-07-07: I advise that I've tried several chargers, and holding the button makes no difference. Inform them that the device did experience a drop several months beforehand which was severe enough to break the screen, and that I replaced the screen myself. The phone worked fine for about six months after that.

2021-07-09: Fxtec suggests possible internal disconnection. They can repair themselves, or I can attempt repair myself, they send a video showing the process.

2021-07-10: I ask if I will have to cover shipping myself, and where it would be sent. Suggest I might try the self-repair if shipping is expensive.

2021-07-12: Informed I do have to cover shipping.

2021-07-26: Finally decide I don't actually want to open up the phone. Ask for the address for the repair.

2021-08-13: After almost three weeks of silence fxtec provides the address.

2021-10-14: Two months later I finally get off my ass and ship the phone. This delay is on me, that's fine.

2021-10-21: Get delivery notification.

2021-11-03: Send email to fxtec asking for an update.

2021-11-03: Nothing-burger reply saying they will "inform me of the status of the repair as it happens."

2021-11-04: Confirmation from fxtec that they have my device.

2021-12-15: After six weeks of silence I send an email requesting an update.

2022-01-05: Three weeks after that I get a reply apologising for the delay, offering the holiday and covid as justification, and promising an update "as soon as possible".

<Two months of silence>

2022-03-07: I send an email asking for an update, and remind them that my device has been in their hands now for four months with no visible progress.


What can I do to speed this along, just send emails more often? Maybe some of this is on me becuase I haven't been pestering them as much as I could, but I shouldn't have to.

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Pestering them won't do much.  In general, I rarely have to wait longer than two weeks for a reply, except this last time because I emailed them just before  CNY.  An occasional reminder is fine and does sometimes help. Whether this is a fair excuse or not, this is a very small group of people wearing many hats.  Are you using the original answer to your trouble ticket with the "please reply above this line" indication?  That is the most effective means of getting updates.

I have my Pro1 in for repair, sent in much more recently (Jan), but I suspect I won't see the repair until the Pro1x is ready to go because that is when they will finally have parts to do repairs with (this is my guess, I haven't been told this). 




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To put it into perspective, Jabras´ "premium" support took over one month (and a lot of mails) to replace my headphones. (Initial contact to me using the replacements)

Edited by Benni
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Coming up on 5 months without the device repaired. I would be annoyed too. Insert any excuse you want but this isn't tenable. And if they need to keep spare parts on hand for repairs, they should delay out the new orders further. Existing customers should get priority.

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On 3/8/2022 at 2:55 PM, archseraphim said:

[...] the device did experience a drop several months beforehand which was severe enough to break the screen, and that I replaced the screen myself. [...]

I'm not downplaying the known bad communication skills of F(x)tec, but this fact alone would have led other manufacturers to say: "Well you broke it, and, after that, you probably made things worse by exchanging parts yourself. Our <shiny-new-successor-product> is superior to your broken phone anyway, consider buying that as a replacement. Otherwise, please don't bother us anymore."

Edited by claude0001
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Really sorry that this is happening for you, and appreciate you posting a timeline for others to see.

My Pro1 also experienced a similar fate (went black one day, wouldn't turn on, wouldn't charge, etc). I opted not to send it in because I worried I'd never see it again.

I gotta hand it to Fxtec, though. Before this phone, I was a die-hard hardware keyboard user, and the merely okay experience of the Pro1 followed by its early demise cured my need for that. Turns out a basic keyboardless smart phone is juuuuuuuuust fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Complete radio silence since my last email. They've had my device for more than six months now.


On 3/9/2022 at 4:37 PM, claude0001 said:

I'm not downplaying the known bad communication skills of F(x)tec, but this fact alone would have led other manufacturers to say: "Well you broke it, and, after that, you probably made things worse by exchanging parts yourself. Our <shiny-new-successor-product> is superior to your broken phone anyway, consider buying that as a replacement. Otherwise, please don't bother us anymore."

I would actually completely agree, if they had not set the expectation themselves in our communication that I was eligible for warranty service.

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I have no doubt they will honor their agreement that it is a warranty repair (as they did for  my Pro1).  What will be interesting to see is if any problem turns out to be a problem with the motherboard.  I am sure they have no replacement motherboards for the SD835 Pro1.  So, does that mean replacing the Pro1 with a Pro1x?

My last communication, March 1st, was that they would  contact me when they had an update on my repair.  As I said above, I'm  pretty sure there will be no update until the Pro1x is being produced and shipped because they would order everything all at the same time to save money.

I'm happy (well, not happy, but I accept it) to wait.  God bless them, I just hope everyone in the UK and China shops are taking care of themselves and they can get through all the lockdowns.  They are really trying here, with everything stacked against them, when most would have just chucked it in by now.

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15 hours ago, Hook said:

I am sure they have no replacement motherboards for the SD835 Pro1

I'm waiting for a screen since october/november. It's the same part for the X. Not even a response to my last re-re-reminder email. 

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2 minutes ago, Val said:

I'm waiting for a screen since october/november. It's the same part for the X. Not even a response to my last re-re-reminder email. 

I doubt they have had any replacement screens (or any other parts) since at least October, probably earlier.  When everything gets sorted out (having parts delivered to factory, inventory, identifying parts for Pro1x manufacture, and separating out  spare parts for parts pledges on IGG and repairs), they will finally get to the repair tickets.  Since everything is ordered in bulk and sent to the factory, I don't think there is a way to tend to repairs first as ordering those parts separately and having them shipped to the UK might allow,

They don't like giving updates when there is nothing to update (look at the rhythm of their IGG updates—long pauses when things are in flux and milestone can't be determined, weekly when things are really happening.

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2 hours ago, Hook said:

They don't like giving updates when there is nothing to update

"While we do offer display replacements, unfortunately, our Pro1 displays are currently out of stock and we expect them to be back in November this year." Their response, November 4th 2021, when they initially refused to repair it under 2 yr warranty. After they've admitted that it's still under warranty, no more november displays. It's MAY 2022 and the display is probably one of the most prone to failure part and, as I've mentioned it, the same as for Pro1X.

Production has started so they have ALL the parts, right? 



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I can't even get a reply from FxTec.  Waiting months, sending the occasional reminder email, and even sending a whole new support request gets me nowhere.  It's not even a warranty claim, I'm literally asking if I can purchase a replacement display.  The last response they sent to me completely missed what I was asking; I wanted to know if I could buy a replacement display and organise for it to be shipped together with my Pro1x, and the response was basically "not to worry, the Pro1x will be manufactured soon". 😕

It's funny to me that so many people are complaining about their lack of IGG updates, because from my perspective it's improved dramatically compared to the Pro1. 👍  But their actual support responsiveness have taken a dive.  I also get the feeling that rather than replying to requests on a first-in, first-out basis they're being selective on who/what to respond to, which is pretty poor form.

Edited by Noob
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12 hours ago, Noob said:

I can't even get a reply from FxTec.  Waiting months, sending the occasional reminder email, and even sending a whole new support request gets me nowhere.  It's not even a warranty claim, I'm literally asking if I can purchase a replacement display.  The last response they sent to me completely missed what I was asking; I wanted to know if I could buy a replacement display and organise for it to be shipped together with my Pro1x, and the response was basically "not to worry, the Pro1x will be manufactured soon". 😕

It's funny to me that so many people are complaining about their lack of IGG updates, because from my perspective it's improved dramatically compared to the Pro1. 👍  But their actual support responsiveness have taken a dive.  I also get the feeling that rather than replying to requests on a first-in, first-out basis they're being selective on who/what to respond to, which is pretty poor form.

Honestly, your best shot is to pay for the tech bundle on IGG (an extra battery can't hurt) as they are unlikely to have any to sell as spare parts before those go out.  They originally said their intent was to send all perks for the same person at the same time.  Not sure if they'll keep to that if the orders are made far apart in time.

That's of course the display in the whole frame assembly.  If you just want the display you probably have to go the AlieExpress route as I don't think FxTec has ever made just the display available.

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6 hours ago, Hook said:

That's of course the display in the whole frame assembly.  If you just want the display you probably have to go the AlieExpress route as I don't think FxTec has ever made just the display available.

Yup. I guess the reasson is that it require more skills to change only the display, than the whole frame. So better to sell the more expensive option than having people destroy the phone. And it could also be that the wholesale price difference is outweighed by the price of a technician, so it might also be cheaper for their warranty to change the larger part.

..obviously an argumentation that only make sense if they are able to source the parts

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11 hours ago, Hook said:

Honestly, your best shot is to pay for the tech bundle on IGG (an extra battery can't hurt) as they are unlikely to have any to sell as spare parts before those go out.  They originally said their intent was to send all perks for the same person at the same time.  Not sure if they'll keep to that if the orders are made far apart in time.

That's of course the display in the whole frame assembly.  If you just want the display you probably have to go the AlieExpress route as I don't think FxTec has ever made just the display available.

Yeah, I've actually done both of those things (ordered a tech bundle and a spare screen from AliExpress).  But I wanted the complete display assembly as a spare, and while I'm getting one in the tech bundle, it's blue and I don't know if it's the components are exactly the same between the Pro1 and Pro1X .  Do they use the same front camera, or did that change along with the rear camera?

But those are alternative actions on my end (though I do appreciate your suggestions).  The root problem here is that they've never responded.  Even a negative response if they didn't have the parts available would have been better.  What makes it even more bewildering to me is that this isn't even a complaint, or warranty claim, or hassling them about a completion date.  I'm literally making an enquiry about buying something to earn them revenue.

Edited by Noob
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  • 4 weeks later...

Some good news! I just received an email saying that they now have parts for repair, as well as Pro1X mass production which will be shipping next month.

They've confirmed that they will repair my device, including the display, and will be sending it back to me soon.

So a very long delay, but I feel that they went the extra mile now to make up for it (repairing damage outside of what was strictly covered by the warranty).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I received a FedEx tracking number and tracked it moving around London, but now the FedEx site keeps saying it is having a problem and "try again later"-- which must mean "try again on Monday".  😄

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Wow! Now FedEx says it is on the truck in my city and is being delivered today!  Considering I was sent the tracking number Friday morning and last I saw it was hopping around London, that's dang fast. 🙂

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So I just received 'my phone' a couple of minutes ago. This is my response to support:

You have got to be F-ing kidding me... First of all, the phone I received is not mine. My phone was as brand new, mint condition, and... QWERTY. This phone has a few scratches, but even worse, is QWERTZ.
But, the biggest problem is that the fingerprint reader becomes RED HOT during and after boot. So, I have turned it off. I tried booting it two times afterwards. The fingerprint reader gets so hot that it feels like you are being shocked. Please arrange for return of this phone to you and my phone to me. There is truly something dangerously wrong with this phone!


Edited by DieBruine
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Sorry for your experience.  Mine arrived yesterday and it is indeed mine and works flawlessly. Have Lineage 19 flashed and rooted and restoring everything. 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, 8 days later, I have 'my phone'. Mine had the sticker on it and no scratches. This one has a partially scratched sim slot. the -_ key didn't work and the power button is kinda off. Apart from that, just flashed LoS 19.1 and getting ready to be happy. 

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13 hours ago, toast said:

Wait, did you mean you are stuck with the wrong one you wrote about the other day, or did you recieve another phone thats not yours?

Another one that is not mine. But I'm not sending it back. Apart from the sim slot it's like new. And of course the -_-key and the power button which are kind of mweh. After 12 months of Unihertz Jelly 2, it is kinda hard to get used to the size. Keyboard took me about 10 minutes to get used to again. Memory muscle, the right kind 🙂 .

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31 minutes ago, toast said:

@F(x)tec, please step up your game and atleast keep track of phones sent in for service, dont just throw them all into one and the same drawer and pick one up at random when time comes to return it...

It does indeed sound odd. But guessing here it just MIGHT be that they have combined parts of multiple devices deemed dead-beyond-repair to create a replacement unit. But it certainly does not sound good that it then comes back with keys not working correctly.

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