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Pro1, Ghost touches and other digitizer and display issues

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On 10/19/2020 at 12:34 AM, Wheeljack said:

Yeah, finally got around to send a mail regarding my device their way, video included. That was last wednesday. Aside from the automated Zendesk response I haven't heard from support yet.

Alright. Let's hope a new batch of screens will be sent out soon. I have been circumventing the problem with @Slion's tool for 6 weeks now.

/edit 20 Oct: OK, I just got a message from F(x)tec. They're sending my screen today. Should arrive in a couple of days. 

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Finally got around to making an account for this forum because my Pro1 (part of the first batch that made it through US customs, I got it in December 2019,) had the digitizer issues, ghost touches and dead spots, I got a replacement display from FxTec and installed it in July, and the new screen has just started to show the same broken behavior. Seems like I'm going to need a box of fresh displays to keep this thing working.

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On 10/28/2020 at 7:48 AM, internationaltraitor said:

haven't skimmed through this post, but am wondering if anyone else has this issue?

it takes me two taps to open an application, or if i need to tap the address bar , and everything else...

its not every time, but it is enough where i wanted to make my own thread about it at one point, but not enough to where i am royally pissed off.

Someone on discord brought up a bug with Lineage I didn't even notice, but I'm wondering if this might be the problem.  Apparently if you touch the edge when edge protection for accidental touches is on, it will stop registering any touches.  Easy to reproduce.  As I say I don't run into it much, but I mostly use it with the keyboard out.


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On 10/21/2020 at 8:34 PM, Wheeljack said:

Got an answer from support today asking for a couple more pictures of my phone.

No new answer from support yet. I'm starting to wonder if my pictures even arrived. Can't even ask or else I'll move at the end of the queue again.

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This has been happening to me occasionally, but not so often yet that I'm ready to ask for a replacement.  I went through a week where I got it every other day, but then it seemed to go away.  However I just discovered (and I didn't read back through this whole thread to see if it had been discovered previously) that I can make it happen predictably.

If I pinch down on the screen just above the camera button (portrait) or just to the left of the camera button (landscape) it fires off the row of phantom touches.  It's very reliable and predictable.  It is only that spot, and only that side of the screen.  I something located there that might be doing this?

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14 hours ago, Hook said:

If I pinch down on the screen just above the camera button (portrait) or just to the left of the camera button (landscape) it fires off the row of phantom touches.  It's very reliable and predictable.  It is only that spot, and only that side of the screen.  I something located there that might be doing this?

Have you contacted support to ask for a replacement screen? It sounds like it is roughly on the same line than mine was.

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4 minutes ago, OKSun said:

Did fx tec order sufficient stock of replacement screen to ensure a rapid replacement?

One would hope so. They are even selling that Pro1 X perks bundled with a replacement screen. I'm thinking screen assembly are much easier to produce than the whole phone.

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6 hours ago, Slion said:

Have you contacted support to ask for a replacement screen? It sounds like it is roughly on the same line than mine was.

I had been holding off because after a maddening couple of weeks it died down.  But now that I can reliably produce it, I'll get some video and send to them.

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30 minutes ago, Hook said:

I made a video, not that I'm all that good at it.  This is a converted version to be able to be emailed.  I sent it to FxTec along with a link to a higher quality version.

Specific pinch spot produces phantom touches

It looks like it is right about the magnet & hal-detector pair. Does it do the same if you squeeze the  top display part opened? If not what about the bottom part?
My GUESS would be that the hall sensor somehow interferes with the display...

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36 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

It looks like it is right about the magnet & hal-detector pair. Does it do the same if you squeeze the  top display part opened? If not what about the bottom part?
My GUESS would be that the hall sensor somehow interferes with the display...

In the video, I squeeze the top part in landscape, again the part of the screen that would be next to and just above the camera button.  It is just that spot on the screen.  No other does it. 

Yow, it just went crazy again on it's own,  When I set it off it's over quickly.  When it does it spontaneously, lasts longer.

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1 hour ago, Hook said:

In the video, I squeeze the top part in landscape,

Ah silly me, I just heard you said landscape did not really look at the images, should have spotted that you opened it. A guess could be lacking insulation so the HAL-sensor somehow can interfere with the digitizer. I tried it here, and was unable to provoke it, so (at the least) it is not a general issue, but a specimen specific bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has started getting pretty bad, coming more and more often spontaneously and lasting longer when it does,  I made another compressed video and sent it to them (although that probably backed up my place in the queue even though I used their acknowledgement email that said provide any further information above the line).

Ghost touches launching apps and menus

I didn't have the touch indicators turned on or it would have been even clearer, bt it lasted long enough that I could catch it.  Usually, by the time I have fumbled for my other phone it is over.

Curiously, the pinch spot I talked about in my posts above, where pinching triggers phantom touches, has moved. It is no longer just above the camera button, but over the finger-print reader which is the row or column where the phantom touches appear.

I know with all the Indiegogo stuff going on it is probably going to take a while to get a replacement.  I manage with it for now, but it is very frustrating when I am trying to get work done,

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3 hours ago, Hook said:

it is very frustrating when I am trying to get work done,

You do know you can disable the touch screen using Fx Service? I'm sorry you are having that issue yourself. I had it too after 6 months of use.

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On 11/14/2020 at 1:47 AM, Slion said:

You do know you can disable the touch screen using Fx Service? I'm sorry you are having that issue yourself. I had it too after 6 months of use.

Can you explain. I don't see this listed in the app features or screen shots. Are you saying the touch screen can be turned off and just the physical keyboard can be used? 

EDIT:  Nevermind.  Downloaded and figured it out.  😉   Interesting.  Will need to do some testing, but this may save me!

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6 hours ago, Slion said:

Yes that can keep you going until you get your touch panel fixed.

The problem is, in AICP the Fx logo key doesn't send you home. I tried using keymapper to assign it-- it recognizes the keypress, but I couldn't get it to work  I'm not sure I understand keymapper so I'm sure I could have been doing something wrong. 

Guess I just have to be patient.

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4 hours ago, Hook said:

The problem is, in AICP the Fx logo key doesn't send you home. I tried using keymapper to assign it-- it recognizes the keypress, but I couldn't get it to work  I'm not sure I understand keymapper so I'm sure I could have been doing something wrong. 

Guess I just have to be patient.

Is there no other shortcut to go Home on your OS or layout.

I'm using my Fx Qwerty layout which uses Fx+D much like on Windows.

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5 minutes ago, Slion said:

Is there no other shortcut to go Home on your OS or layout.

I'm using my Fx Qwerty layout which uses Fx+D much like on Windows.

At least I haven't found it yet.  And I'm assuming FxQwerty also would have problems with another OS's keyboard mapping, as FinQwerty does. 

While it's possible the screen gremlins might not kick up in fastboot, I'm not going to take the risk of trying to flash stock and getting everything set up again.

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