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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2020 in all areas

  1. Sorry guys, I'm a bit busy with work lately, plus just had a couple kids birthdays. But I'll get the kernel with stock keyboard driver as soon as I can.
    6 points
  2. @acrux a lot of us in here are not fluent in English, and that is fine. Please bear with us. I do hope you see the irony in that you fail using the quoting functionality correctly in your pointing out someone's error... 🙄
    5 points
  3. This will be the last batch I'll be waiting for. i Hope we get some information soon about this batch, becouse the early September ist over. Sorry for my bad English and thanks eske for your support
    2 points
  4. I meant on the router, so we can rule that out then. Poor signals are always problematic as the phone needs to send with high power for the other end to see it.
    1 point
  5. Take your time and enjoy life. I'm guessing it will be months before I have my phone back 😪😇
    1 point
  6. Try forcing it to 2.4GHz, that made a HUGE difference with my old router. But also use the statistics tab to see what is actually using the battery. It COULD be rogue programs, that are doing something in the background when you think it is idle. (The graph is from my PreProduction unit with no phone functionality, so use it for various tests only - currently installing latest LOS)
    1 point
  7. On the silence sms app,, when i click on the info button for a particular message, it shows me time sent, time received, and type of message.
    1 point
  8. This is a more general Android thing, than a specific Pro1 question. The delivery receipt is something the sending phone can request, but we have no guarantee that the recipient-system will actually send a receipt back. I've been using "Textra" for years, that also exposes this, and on most SMS I get it. But on MMS it seems less stable. And if people are roaming on another net than their home net (e.g. during holidays) don't expect the receipt to be transported. For the messages you already sent, you can only get the confirmation if it was requested at send.
    1 point
  9. Well, my only intention was to help to make his/her posting understandable unequivocal 🙂 Thanks for pointing out the quotation mistake - corrected for now.
    1 point
  10. Sorry, couldn't resist 😄 I guess you wanted to say: "But I cancel my order within 9 days if I don't have an email from Fx that my order is ready to ship."
    1 point
  11. I got trough the support instructions, i'm not new to the ADB, root, flashing and custom things but those instruction wasn't an easy one BUT! it all ended with a complete working touch screen without replacing it again so i'm pretty happy with all this thanks
    1 point
  12. Here are the files again: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vydlyn2obudlv5x/AAAEa3yOoUxzSIg5INjXqv5ma?dl=0 As I don't like to use cases myself I lost interest:P But happy if it helps someone make a good case 🙂
    1 point
  13. Could you email your order ID to [email protected]? I don't see one linking to this community account.
    1 point
  14. Hello, I must say, wifi and data connectivity feel better since I disabled NFC in my parameters. The phone was always lost when switching data/wifi networks. I saw always a problem with NFC (using #sudo dmesg), and I never used NFC. If it can help anyone...and thanks for the good work with LOS, there are some issues with ghostering keys who suddenly appears when typing, and keyboard who is lost sometimes when typing message (when I use Alt or Sym) but for my normal daily use it's ok.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, they told me it was a driver issue and said that I could send it to them to get it fixed, or they could send instructions so I could fix it myself (with a warning that it would take about 2 hours to perform the fix). I asked them to send instructions (which they did) but never got around to following them, and after the latest OTA update the issue magically was gone. So either write to support, or try to just reflash the stock image I guess.
    1 point
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