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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2020 in Posts

  1. I was ok with moving the arrows before and played witht hat, doesnt matter if quesiton mark is to the right. I suggested it the previous time matf expressed concern about the shift+ctrl combination (if we used existing ctrl key placement for right_alt). There seems to be tradeoffs. But it does seperate left and right control. I think yer onto something there. It's the most functional (64-keys, separate controls), and easy Ctrl+Shift (on right). #1. Right & Left Control #2. Dedicated Delete #3. Pretty (Two Left Controls) So. Now in my opinion there
    3 points
  2. I reckon FxTec should send all of us on this thread a free Pro1 keyboard upgrade kit when this is all over 🤣
    3 points
  3. So... I'm quite decent at typing at my PC: However, at my phone, my typing speed is abismal: But I was told that typing using swipe is faster! I didn't want to believe, so I tried again... And I got 14WPM (65 CPM) but 66% accurancy. Then I used the small separate clumsy BT keyboard I was given as a present last year, that from time to time disconnects at will (doesn't register a key press when disconnected). I had my PC desktop in front of me, so I had somewhere to place the phone while typing: Way better. Much more accurate. Somewhere in betwee
    2 points
  4. I can answer the AT&T question. Yes, it will operate fine on the AT&T network (I have used it on the Pro 1 with stock Android and Lineage).
    2 points
  5. @matfYou forgot Ctrls are hardwired. Also I rather have Shift, Ctrl and Fn in the left corner as that's how it is on most keyboards these days. Except ThinkPads 🤣
    2 points
  6. If possible on all OS I would prefer it secondary on BS too. But remember Del have other delete functions than deleting a character in a text-editor. It is generally used to delete a selected object in many situations. E.g. deleting a file in a file manager. So would be missed in some contexts if omitted,
    2 points
  7. We're getting close. Merged the one you posted earlier and the one I submitted a few days ago: - Fn next to the right of all modifers because Fn almost never combines with other modifiers on full keyboards - On Pro1, however, Fn could allow F1-12, and therefore would actually combine with Alt for Alt+F4 for instance. Alt and Fn are next to each other, so that works with one thumb. Ctrl+Alt+Del even doable with some acrobatics (Ctrl+Alt+Fn+Backspace) maybe? Fn+Space also doable with one thumb to bring up the language popup on Android. - Sym next to left Ctrl because I paired Sym a
    2 points
  8. F(x)tec is using the Pro¹X as a way to introduce new keyboard layouts, but I noticed the latest proposal on IGG doesn't address the biggest issue with the original Pro¹ shifted qwerty layout (missing slash/question-mark key and the problems that causes and workarounds it necessitates), so I hope Fxtec uses this opportunity to not only un-shift but to also improve functionality, especially as alternate OS's like Linux are targeted. I would like to propose two minor changes that will make it much better and more functional: Function is key, right? Put /? and \| in standard US QW
    1 point
  9. As a sort of tip: I set "Smallest width" to 550 dp in Developer Options and everything looks stunning, if you want your apps to display more info. Also, I have a DELL 1080p monitor with USB-c and USB 3 ports and the phone works great with it, with just one cable you get: Video out Charging Any device plugged into monitor's USB ports is seen by the phone Also, with the 550 dp smallest width, apps look way better on the monitor. I tried various desktop layout apps but they are all pretty buggy. This seems like the cleanest compromise.
    1 point
  10. So as promised, an update... I flashed the uninstall root and still have problems only with this app... looking at the reviews supposedly unrooted phones are having false detections... so not sure and while annoying, not the end of the world I guess.
    1 point
  11. Can't do CTRL+Shift+Arrow on that one... So, not my "walk in the part"
    1 point
  12. I think one of the reasons for going ANSI is also because while ISO is the norm in more countries, it comes in a huge variety of different flavors. There's no easy way to make something that works internationally with ISO without going into too many custom adjustments that may create new problems (like those we're trying to fix). @EskeRahn I understand the goal of this layout but to me the cost of moving arrows is high and the sorting of the left modifiers comes with significant drawbacks while drifting away from something more standard we know can be achieved. It is just my opinion, noth
    1 point
  13. Depends on how the keycodes are configured. In my PC, CTRL+AltGr doesn't default to CTRL+Alt when nothing is configured for it (running linux 5.4). However, that may be configurable. I will need to check
    1 point
  14. I agree. However, CCP virus came, we got a pandemic of world proportions and we are stuck with that...
    1 point
  15. Changing the shape of the Return key implies hardware changes. @Craig suggested we shouldn't go that far if we want F(x)tec to consider our suggestions. He's probably right. In addition, a tall Return would mimic an ISO keyboard, whereas the rest of the layout is closer to ANSI.
    1 point
  16. I'm convinced those are big regressions @Craig. No Ctrl on the right is a shock. How can you guys not need the right Ctrl key? I use Ctrl+C Ctrl+A Ctrl+V Ctrl+X Ctrl+D Ctrl+F Ctrl+S Ctrl+W Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Z Ctrl+R (Ctrl+Shift+R conveniently replaces Ctrl+F5 in browsers @EskeRahn) every single day on my Pro¹. Those are among the most frequently used combinations in daily use (not just nerd use) and all corresponding alpha keys are on the left so we need the right Ctrl key. Easy Shift+AltGr, however, is not a argument strong enough to justify the trade-offs that it implies. I am an us-intl use
    1 point
  17. I agree with EskeRahn and discussed that on Discord too. Del key is used not only for text, but also software keybindings, which won't be rare in Mobian/Arm/Manjaro/LXC containers. I took the example of Gimp but file managers is a much better example. thanks. If Fn+Backspace can work in all OSes, then it should be acceptable. Ctrl + Alt + Del is not so commonly used, it's more something you use when there's an issue so maybe it's acceptable even if hard to type with Ctrl + Alt + Fn + Backspace? Actually on my proposal where Alt and Fn are next to each other, it's not much harder than with
    1 point
  18. I can't make up my mind about not having a dedicated key for Del. It's very tempting. However, won't some OS miss having it for Ctrl + Alt + Del? I guess that should still work but with four fingers instead of three.
    1 point
  19. So another idea. After justifying moving del and removing slant arrow etc, more than one person told me they'd rather have Del has an additional function of backspace than a dedicated key to the left of spacebar. Of course, this would have to be handled by customized layouts for each OS, but not having a delete key is perfectly fine (can use right arrow then backspace for same thing) but not having a slash key is very very very annoying. So with that in mind, and Slion's earlier suggestion that a menu key isn't all that useful and I know he liked Fn keys... and I like the way lineag
    1 point
  20. Yes as I understand it they are experimenting with "dual boot", allowing us to have more than one system on the device at a time. And with 256GB, splitting it should not be a problem for the majority. I personally hope for the ability to have a primary Lineage partition, and then a small one with Stock Android for any picky apps, that will not run on Lineage. (And for debugging if something do not run as expected under Lineage)
    1 point
  21. So, a few things here: 1. There is a difference between certification and rooting. SafetyNet is supposed to determine if the device is certified. This means not just rooted, but running stock software that has been certified through Google. 2. There is no single way to detect a rooted device. Each app is coded differently because there is no API for this in Android. Some apps may just look for the presence of /system/xbin/su. Others have more extensive checks. 3. Apps are not limited to just detecting root. Some apps are known to look for things that m
    1 point
  22. I really hope they find a way to get dual boot working with the Pro1X software. Then I would be using Lineage as the daily driver, And have a clean stock android for the few apps I rarely use, that has special requirements.
    1 point
  23. I can answer 3): The answers are yes and yes.
    1 point
  24. I can only answer 4), and that is Yes. I do believe that the two first is a No, but let more knowing people answer that.
    1 point
  25. I've had the screen unlocking during phone calls just a couple times. Then again I don't do traditional phone calls so much. It's been mostly working fine for me. However the sensor is indeed slow to respond and I'm pretty sure that's a software issue. Maybe you need to get close to the sensor without touching the screen for a few seconds before resting your face on it. Pro1 indeed needs much improvement when it comes to call quality. Well let's face it call quality is shit compared to most big brand Android these days. Tricky proximity sensor, mic issues in speakerphone mode and in call
    1 point
  26. I wonder if we could get retrofit kits for the original Pro1, it would be great.
    1 point
  27. Just a thought more, We could move the whole arrow block one key to the left, this will allow for a modifier close to Shift on the right.... (obviously this will push the "/" key right of the Up-Key)
    0 points
  28. I'm in the same boat here @Erik, ordered the phone Feb 20 of this year (#53356), requested a refund on Oct 1st, was told it would be issued within a week on the 12th, and today 3 weeks later I'm still waiting.
    0 points
  29. Finally got around to making an account for this forum because my Pro1 (part of the first batch that made it through US customs, I got it in December 2019,) had the digitizer issues, ghost touches and dead spots, I got a replacement display from FxTec and installed it in July, and the new screen has just started to show the same broken behavior. Seems like I'm going to need a box of fresh displays to keep this thing working.
    0 points
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